i have question to you guys

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by polishguy1993, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. polishguy1993

    polishguy1993 Fapstronaut

    i wonder how i can recognize the diffrence between ordinary sexual need and porn hunger caused by addiction ? At this moment i fell bad. I fell pain of my entire body etc. At this moment i know this is caused by withdrawal syndrome, but not always i can recognize that. Hard to explain what i mean exactly through the language barrier, but i hope you can understand me
  2. RiverBlue

    RiverBlue Fapstronaut

    For me, this is about the subject of my urge. I mean what am I thinking or even fantasizing about when I feel the urge.

    If I am thinking about porn I have watched or porn I want to watch. If I am thinking about things I have seen in porn, but maybe haven't done in real life. If I am thinking about porn stars or models or actresses (or actors) in a sexual way. None of these are real life experiences. They are part of my porn addiction.

    If I am thinking about someone I am in a relationship with or, perhaps, who I want to date for reasons not just centered on sex, then the urge I am feeling is likely more about what you call ordinary sexual need, rather than porn addiction.

    There is a grey area . Say if I see a pretty girl (or boy) in the store or on the street and have sexual thoughts. For some people (who don't suffer from porn addiction), this may be ordinary desire. For others (probably you and me), this may be tied to porn addiction. You may be able to distinguish this based on what you're thinking about this person. Are you imagining them in an unrealistic, porn video kind of scenario? Then that's probably about addiction.
  3. polishguy1993

    polishguy1993 Fapstronaut

    Sometimes i dont fell sexual desire, just very strong need, to masturbate. I dont know how to explain this, but i think this is from my porn addiction
  4. I had a lot of problems when i started nofap the first time, Muscolar stiffness everywhere, depression, i think i take them ALL but heal pretty fast.


    There is some answers on comments.

    And teac h me Polish.
  5. Anywat your sexual desire on porn is just....sexual desire..but you just artifically feed yourself. Just think about our amchestors, they didn 't had Internet and Porn, they just can go to a courtesan, find a girlfriend or masturbate with their own immagination, but autoerotism of your own immagination isn't addicting.
  6. Sexual desire is literally the desire to have sex. It has nothing to do with masturbation or porn. If you see or think about an attractive girl and suddenly want to have sex with her, that's sexual desire.

    If you find yourself wanting to orgasm just for the sake of it, thinking about masturbation or porn... that's your addicted brain speaking.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. polishguy1993

    polishguy1993 Fapstronaut

    Yes that is what im talking about. Often i want orgasm just for having orgasm and for relief. has nothing to do with desire to have sex
    khabastos likes this.
  8. mouton1998

    mouton1998 Fapstronaut

    The difference lies mainly in self-control.
    If you realize that you are not able to control, not even for a few hours, your need to watch porn and/or masturbate and you realize that these needs are interfering with the normal course of your daily life (i.e. they are continuously taking time away from your study/work, social life etc.) then you have a problem.
    There is no "standard" PMO frequency and duration, the same for everyone: people with a healthy sexuality, however, know how to hold back when it is not the case, when they work, when they study or when they have to go out. People with sexual problems (like all of us users of NoFap) unfortunately lack self-control.
    mr.mistakeful and khabastos like this.
  9. how to practice self control? in case of pmo?
  10. RiverBlue

    RiverBlue Fapstronaut

    I agree that sounds like addiction speaking. One thing I've realized about my own situation is that most of the time I end up watching porn, it is not because of some sexual trigger. For me, it is often about avoiding something else. Something that has negative emotions tied to it -- like paying taxes or bills, some social situations, work. While I am masturbating to porn I am avoiding that unpleasant experience and replacing it with a distraction that takes all my attention and also physically feels good. It's a win-win, until after I orgasm and realize I've wasted all sorts of time and still have to do the thing I was avoiding.

    In my attempts to recover, one of the helpful things has been to identify these non-sexual triggers. Recognizing them helps me to stop and make a more rational decision about whether to fap or not. To remind myself that in the long run, I'll feel better if I simply knuckle down and do the thing I want to avoid.

    Sometimes (and this is probably really bad advice), I make fapping a reward -- do the thing I want to avoid and then reward myself after with fapping. Sometimes this works really well -- I not only get the thing I done, but after, when it no longer stresses me out, I no longer want to fap either. Sometimes it works like the reward I intend -- I get the thing done, fap, and go on about my life. Sometimes it fails, I do the thing, fap, and get tied up in porn for hours. But at least I got one thing done, that I otherwise would have avoided.