Is it possible to remove or reduce a foot fetish?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by gainsrs, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. gainsrs

    gainsrs Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone,

    So the main reason im on this site is to remove my foot fetish video habits and somewhat try to
    reduce the fetish urge and turn on in my brain and be turned on to more normal parts. Although
    is it possible to somewhat completely remove it? This is not a porn induced fetish btw..
  2. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

  3. gainsrs

    gainsrs Fapstronaut

    Wait wait .. so would you consider that I have low testosterone.. i mean my fetish considers feet of all sizes?
  4. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    No man, lol. Sorry for the confusion.

    I mean low testosterone in women causes them to have smaller feet on average.

    I talk from an absolute ignorance because I was never interested in feet, but as far as I know most men with foot interest are aroused by small, delicate feet rather than big, "manly" ones.

    Maybe if you've been way too conditioned by the foot fetish your taste has broaden toward less feminine feet or something, just like many men escalate to gay P, etc.

    Just an idea, as I say. I only can talk about this topic from logic, not that much feeling. I sure prefer delicate feminine feet anyway, if I were to choose.

    But to wrap this up, no I don't say you have low testosterone :)
    Adria likes this.
  5. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    I've had a hankering for women's feet ever since I could crawl (I'm not joking). I can vividly recall memories of being a toddler and playing with ladies feet. I'm sure the excitement of touching a beautiful woman's foot made these memories stick. One memory I recall crawling on the ground in someone's backyard, it was like a cook out/pool party, and there were these 2 girls, they must have been teenagers, but they didn't have any shoes on and I crawled right up and started fondling their feet as I was infatuated and enamored with these girls, and the fact that I was a toddler made it completely acceptable to go up and start caressing their feet! HAHAHA! I think after I started elementary school, first or second grade, I stopped fondling women's feet as I can't recall any more memories of it.

    But my love of women's feet is still there, do I call it a fetish? No, and I know it will never go away, nor do I want it to. I hope to give my future wife wonderful foot massages, and I will stop there or else I would get into trigger territory lol. The only reason I would abandon my love of women's feet is if I abandon my desire to be with women all together, because I am not stuck on one body part, I simply admire that which is female completely. If for some reason I choose to be celibate and transcend sexual desire, then I would no longer have an infatuation with women's feet, just as I am infatuated with a woman's entire being, let alone physical body.

    I suppose we need to look at what exactly a fetish is to get rid of it, as it doesn't really matter what the subject is, it's possible to have a 'fetish' to anything. Someone could have a non-sexual fetish to let's say grass.

    Here's some definitions out of the Merriam-Webster:

    a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence

    b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion

    c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression

    I think meditation or some kind of exercise that gives you more control over your own mind and desires would help control or eliminate a fetish. Basically you need to get a hold of yourself!

    Or perhaps just contemplating it and coming to peace with it will allow you to let it go if cultivating self-discipline doesn't appeal to you or doesn't feel like the answer for you personally. Maybe you need to be gentle and compassionate with yourself, accept that you have a fetish, and let it go.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  6. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    Yeah I agree, Equalizer.

    I mean, being completely obsessed is one thing. That's what we have to get rid of.

    However if you have a strong preference for something, that's not bad at all...

    I mean I have a clear preference for big boobs and beautiful faces... So what is that a fetish I have to eliminate?

    I disagree. Obviously if I meet the most amazing woman ever I'm not going to reject her for having smaller breasts...

    I just look for women with a certain body type, just as I look for women with a certain personality.
  7. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    Nice posts man. And lol, I just realized something after glancing at my post above. The 3 definitions of fetish all begin with the same word: OBJECT

    STOP OBJECTIFYING WOMEN. OR MEN for that matter lol. Try to see there is so much more to a person than individual body parts!
  8. KrmGrn

    KrmGrn Fapstronaut

    I lightly snap the rubber band on my wrist anytime I objectify a woman. It makes me aware of how often I do it throughout the day, how much time I've spent doing it, and it helps prevent me from going any further into a sexual fantasy or relapse. I've definitely conditioned myself over many years to objectify women. Time to change.
  9. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    Me too man, I really need to get a rubber band because once my libido starts growing women in public will be catching my attention left and right. I always follow the 3-second rule and never have sexual fantasies of women other than pixels but those are real women still and that shit really needs to stop.

    I need a rubber band, a real tight and thick one that will hurt when I snap it lol to snap my mind off a woman's backside. I may not have sexual fantasies, but sometimes I admire a woman who is in shape too much. Actually before my last relapse, I had over a month streak going, and I was tested with a couple bombshells in public. I didn't have a rubber band but I had mindfulness, and was able to divert my eyes to something else. It was wierd though, I felt a charge of energy building just standing by a woman like that, it unsettled my mind. I think it's because I really want to be in a relationship, and won't allow myself to pursue one until after 90 days. I need to channel that energy! And not let urges overtake me when I'm alone.

    It also made me realize that it is really shallow to approach a woman in public just based on looks or what kind of shape she is in. I'm not after just sex.

    It's time to get a rubber band. But more importantly to change from deep within myself.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  10. Poblano

    Poblano Fapstronaut

    In regards to the original post about the foot fetish. Everything I am about to say is my own opinion and I cannot back it up with any science or facts.
    I wouldn't worry to much about what fetishes you have or what turns you on in regards to porn.
    For me I try to stay focused on the fact that I am trying to get out of computer porn fantasy land in my head and have real relationships with real women. Sexually in my case it's one woman my wife because I am married.

    I definitely agree with the other posters about not objectifying women and treating them each as real people that are individual with individual tastes feelings perceptions likes and dislikes strengths weaknesses etc..

    If you have particular sexual fantasies or desires it's appropriate to share them with someone that you trust enough that you trust enough to want to have sex with them. They may be into it or not. It might be a good conversation to have before you start having sex. You might find the woman also has her own fantasies or fetishes that she might want to try with you too.
    So really I think the best way to expand yourself sexually beyond the fetish you think you may be stuck in is to go out and try different things with different women. You might find there are some other things you like to do as well.

    But bottom line to me the point is to be living and acting in reality and not computer pixel fantasy.
    just my 2 cents
  11. CommittedtothePath

    CommittedtothePath Fapstronaut

    Reposting comments ive written from other threads:

  12. gainsrs

    gainsrs Fapstronaut

    I really enjoyed the posts!

    So im 16 as of 2 days ago and my fetish is something I seem to lust over, if I let myself that is.
    This isnt a deep fetish that requires myself to objectify it. I would just glance at them and then
    look at the overall woman and have a hard on for her. Therefore I think perhaps my brain responds when
    its feet and the rest of the girl. So i guess I can let my fetish settle.. BUT I feel that if i were to let it settle it would nourish like a porn addiction and then require more attention to feet. Is that possible?
  13. dinydiny

    dinydiny Fapstronaut

    i had one like 3 years ago and tbh it will never completly go away, however if you stop watching it online your fetish will weaken a few months should do it i just to think bout it all the time and your thread is my first though of feet in ages
  14. gainsrs

    gainsrs Fapstronaut

    But that's the problem. Thinking about it causes you to have sexual fantasies and then relapse. But you personally.. do you think about it when with a girl?
  15. Elite_Mafia

    Elite_Mafia New Fapstronaut

    I tested how long I can go without watching a video about it and not touching the specific spot but that only lasted 10 days because I didn't choose to refuse it by my own self control, So I can control it but its hard, Because the fetish I have is so strong, Its stronger then almost all sicknesses or diseases i've caught. Luckily for me I get over any sickness or disease in ranging from minutes to a few hours but never more then 2 days.
  16. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Do you realize this thread is from 2014.