My world is crumbling around me...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ethernet, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. ethernet

    ethernet Fapstronaut

    I'll try to keep it short and sweet. My addiction began over 5 years ago. Started out of curiosity and quickly became more. Met the girl of my dreams just over three years ago. As the relationship became closer and deeper I let her in on my deepest and darkest secret. I told her everything. She was accepting and helped me to, what I though at the time was, conquer and overcome the addiction that I had. We were married and I was clean from P and M for over a year. We had a healthy sex life and things were going well. And then it happened; I relapsed.

    Thinking that it was just a one time thing I brushed it off, didn't tell my wife, and continued on with life with the same determination that I had before to continue on and not indulge in P or M. Not sure how long I made it after that relapse, I imagine it was a few months, and then it happened again. These relapses continued to become closer and closer in time until I knew that it was an issue again. All along my wife had no idea what was happening. She had told me before we were married that if I ever did have a problem that she would be there to help. She would ask me every now and again how I was doing. Since I was embarrassed, ashamed, and felt bad for what I had done, I told her that I was doing well and that I hadn't had any issues. I lied to her. I lied to protect her. I didn't want to crush her. I didn't want to ruin the good relationship that we had. There were times along the way as my addiction became worse and worse that I came really close to telling her that I had relapsed and was really starting to struggle again. I just couldn't build up enough courage to do it. 3 months ago that changed.

    One night I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I told my wife that I had been struggling for a few months. At the time I didn't feel like I could tell all. I had already hurt her so much and I didn't want to hurt her any more. I couldn't gather the courage to tell her that it had been almost two years since my first relapse. That night was the longest and most painful night of my life. I spent the next three days at my parents house to give her some space. After returning home things were still rough and rocky. Next, what seemed like years had passed but in all reality was only two month. We fought (verbally) and argued what seemed like all the time. Other things happened during that time that really put added stress and burden on our already fragile relationship. Two months after I broke the ice the day finally came where I decided that I needed to lay it all out. I had to tell her everything that had happened. I was done lying to the one that I cared about the most. And I did it. I told her. I had done it. I had come clean.

    Needless to say it didn't go over very well. She had been there all along for me to help me if I had any issues. But my addiction had turned me into a liar. It made me lie to the one person that meant everything to me. I lied to her for years about my addiction. She thought I was doing just fine and not having any problems and then I dropped this on her. Now our lives are in pieces.

    That was a month and a half ago. Soon after I told her everything she decided that she needed to move back home to be with her family. She needed to get away from me. She needed to get away from the environment that she was in. She needed to remove herself from the situation so that she could reset and get herself well before deciding what we are going to do about us. A week after I told her everything she left.

    And that brings me here. Here I am, 27 years old, living at my parents house, going to church where I grew up, seeing people that I grew up, seeing friends and families that came to my wedding reception and asking me about my wife, who is 900 miles away, and me here along trying to fight this addiction. I've been clean since a few days before I told her everything. It has not been easy. I have come close to relapsing but I am doing everything that I can to remain strong and to fight this terrible terrible thing that is ruining my life and has ruined so many others. My world is crumbling around me...
  2. I feel sorry for you. This type of situation is my main fear and why I stopped you know what. I know you're going through hell but look at it this way. Would you rather have lied about your problem as it destroys you forever or would you rather face the music and beat this addiction? This will be a defining moment in your life. I wish you luck man. I'm new here myself but if you got any questions, ask me, I'm here to help. Also, keep me posted on your journey. Ace out!
  3. ethernet

    ethernet Fapstronaut

    This is what keeps me going. I know that I did the right thing. I could not keep lying to her. She deserved to know. I have to get better regardless of the outcome of our relationship. Being honest is the first step.
  4. Good thinking. I'm glad you and others are waking up to the P menace. Keep us posted and good luck.
  5. ethernet

    ethernet Fapstronaut

    Thanks. I have learned from the addiction recovery group that I am attending that writing is a helpful tool in the recovery process. I will definitely keep updating on here. It has already been therapeutic to me.
    Deleted Account and faithfulfool like this.
  6. faithfulfool

    faithfulfool Fapstronaut

    Kudos to you. You put her before yourself. As a SO of an addict his lies and dishonesty, the inability to put my feelings before his pleasure, have broken me. She's a lucky lady even if she doesn't realize it yet. Good Luck!!!
  7. ethernet

    ethernet Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your support. I told her because I care about her. I wanted to get better. I knew what I was doing was wrong and I needed and wanted to change. I have seen how it has broken her and it kills me. She is extremely broken. I am hoping once she recovers and rebuilds herself that she will realize that I am trying to get better and that I will get better. It would mean so much to me if she was there to support and help me through this. She was in the past and I unknowingly took advantage of it... :/
    Deleted Account and faithfulfool like this.
  8. MrSneed

    MrSneed Fapstronaut

    Hang in there! The pain and loneliness you feel right now is worth being able to face her in the future with integrity. You can do it!
  9. cenaclelove

    cenaclelove Fapstronaut

    I'm so proud of you, man. You did the right thing, at, seemingly, great cost to yourself. Now beat this addiction and prove your love for your wife. It's painful to think that she feels hurt and lied to, and it can be scary to wonder how this distance is going to be healed, but I believe that the best could be ahead of you. Keep going! Through all the difficulties, keep going.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. ethernet

    ethernet Fapstronaut

    I am hoping that is what happens. Things are on the rocks and there may be no future between us but time will tell. Regardless, I have to get better.

    Thanks. Really appreciate that. It has not been an easy thing to do but I know it was right. I am hoping for the best. I live my life by many saying and one rings true in this circumstance with her (I've changed it a bit but the message remains the same); "Expect and hope for the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised." If you are expecting the best but have also planned for the the worst and are prepared for surprises then nothing can get you down. You will be ready for anything life may throw at you. Take it and run with it. Be prepared to fight and keep fighting for the best and for what is right. Never lose hope and one day we will succeed! I am expecting and hoping that best it yet ahead but prepared for the rough journey. I CAN DO THIS!!!
    cenaclelove and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Good thinking. You inspire me. Keep me posted.
    ethernet likes this.
  12. seadoo54

    seadoo54 Fapstronaut

    I'll try to help you out if you want an AP
  13. Bob2132

    Bob2132 Fapstronaut

    I am completely against Porn and Masturbation. I have been P&M free for 13 days.

    That being said, I think that it seems highly excessive for your wife to separate from you because you were viewing porn. Seems like a really extreme reaction.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. ethernet

    ethernet Fapstronaut

    I understand and appreciate your concern. It is rough not having here by my side to help me through this. However, this is only my part of the story. Her side is not portrayed here. I focused this on me and what I have done wrong. She has her reasons and I accept that. We both have things that we need to work on personally and being together made it hard to do that. Regardless of what happens between her and I this addiction has got to go. I can not live burdened down by an addiction like this.
  15. iceman40

    iceman40 Fapstronaut

    your situation is bad for now but you can easily fix it. Your reasoning to stop watching porn is her amazing wife and you can get her back because she still loves you. Remove everything, people, substances, and I mean everything that contributes to your relapse. You have to work at this daily.
    I know you will get your wife back with determination.
    mlang284 likes this.
  16. ethernet

    ethernet Fapstronaut

    I am really starting to wonder guys. I am doing everything that I can and I feel like there is no progress being made in our relationship. Even though I am getting better. It's been over 50 days now. She doesn't believe that it has been that long and I don't blame her because I destroyed all trust. I don't now how that can be rebuilt when we don't really talk. It seems as if she wants nothing to do with me. I know I need to get better regardless but it makes it so much harder when she isn't around and doesn't believe me. It's like she is dragging me down. She still doesn't know if she wants to be married anymore. It's been almost 4 months since I initially told her and almost 2 months since I told here everything yet I feel as no progress has been made. I don't know what to do anymore...
  17. seadoo54

    seadoo54 Fapstronaut

    Being married is a partnership, as long as she's gone your own . Keep doing what you have been doing , Don't get evolved with anyone else. If the porn is gone cool . Masturbation now that's the other thing. You need to reunite and communicate, start dating again ,don't sleep together till mutual attraction starts up , u may even live together but sleep apart . Fall in love again. Take some time off go get her .
  18. ethernet

    ethernet Fapstronaut

    I have been PMO free for 50 something days. It's in my signature. I am doing everything I can to stay good and free. I am continually getting better and better. It's easier and easier to resist temptations. The difficulty is in our situation is that she has left. We are separated by 900 miles and in different states. She told me she wanted space so I am trying to respect that and give her space. 3 weeks ago she told me she didn't want to talk to me for a few weeks so that she could sort things out and figure out what is going on, what she is feeling and thinking. Maybe we will talk again tonight and see what's the latest... Regardless of what happens I am stuck here due to work obligations until at least the end of September. Same with her, she just started a new job where she moved to so she can't come back up here either. I would just like to know whats going on...