No Porn 2021 Challenge [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by master3, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Its better to MO than to PMO. Majority of us are here on this website because of Porn abuse and not MO abuse so continue with your journey and keep going strong.
    ELITE2BE, Chakra_Serpent and AJ777 like this.
  2. Well someone had to be the first, I watched porn. I didn’t want to admit it but I know the only way I can improve is through absolute honesty. We have to take this seriously guys, porn is no joke. I felt super motivated and disciplined one moment and the very next I was sliding down the rabbit hole. You cannot allow yourself to see ANYTHING that is even remotely triggering, your life is too precious to waste like this!

    Thanks for running this challenge!
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
  3. ^^And not the last. OOF.

    I'll rejoin before EOY. Goodluck till then to you all.
    Chakra_Serpent and ELITE2BE like this.
  4. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Thats sad to hear man. Good that you remembered to be honest with yourself because in the end the only one you would be fooling is yourself. I encourage you to continue fighting to not watch Porn until the next Tier start in 1st January which will make you prepared to beat this for 2021.
  5. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Sad to see you gone already. I encourage you to keep on fighting this until the next Tier in 1st January and be ready.
    Chakra_Serpent and ELITE2BE like this.
  6. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Update: Been busy the last 2 days with studies and will try to keep myself occupied with going forward as i have a lot of things to do. Days go fast when you are occupied, and we are already on day 3. Good Job to everyone who have made it this far.
  7. Definitely will be back! Good luck @master3 see you soon!
  8. That rabbit hole got me too. I was in the hospital, waiting to get some labs done. A couple of ladies came by to check in as well, there were 2 in particular, same type. It was too much. I thought about it all day. Last night I took it too far. Game over.....

    I'm out @master3
  9. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Damn man, yeah that can be hard. Yesterday while i was in the store i passed by a girl and after that it was all i could think about. Went home and tried to find her on tinder, basically letting my emotions control me. But it passed. Hopefully you join next Tier and try to fight this until then.
  10. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Chakra_Serpent and ELITE2BE like this.
  11. Day 3: it’s the first three days that are the hardest, so they say.
    To the fellas that relapsed, start over now.

  12. I'm out @master3 :D:D

    What a shame, though... really..

    See you in January friends! I'll redeem myself I promise
    Chakra_Serpent, ELITE2BE and master3 like this.
  13. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Alright men, keep on fighting and come back stronger in January.
  14. AJ777

    AJ777 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    So far so good over here. I'm sad to see so many out of the challenge already and I hope you don't lose hope and keep fighting this battle!!!
    I am approaching the point where I usually relapse (around 3-4 weeks) so I'm going to be careful and keep my guard up. But so far I haven't even been tempted except for M/O.
  15. ELITE2BE

    ELITE2BE Fapstronaut

  16. Checking in here. Still clean.
    Sad to see so many dropping out already, we only just started!
  17. I'm surprised you're using Tinder to be honest. To the brain it's just like soft porn. It plays out fantasies in your head. Very dangerous! :eek: I would delete it til you get your porn addiction in check.
    Our best way to move forward is to not think about sex and I don't think anyone with a porn addiction can do that while using Tinder.

    I have blockers on my smart phone but not on my MacBook (which I'm using now). I use my MacBook more than my phone and I still manage to stay clean. I encourage that everyone sets up a trigger action plan for when something arises so that you don't give in so easily. Blockers do work depending on the user. Early on you will bypass or turn off the blocker but there comes a time when you will have the why-power not to act out. I chose to be a person who doesn't use porn and that's how I stay clean.
    ShockTheSystem likes this.
  18. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    I dont use tinder, havent used it in years, but my urges at that moment got a hold of me and i downloaded it just so i could see if that girl was on tinder. Deleted it again afterwards.

    For the blockers, i also have them on my phone and i also have K9 downloaded in my phone. But i can bypass both of them anytime i want, for K9 is just simple change of windows settings and for iphone i have gone as far as reseted my phone because urges were deep enough. What i mean to say is that while they can help you to become consius when you accidently click on porn, etc. If the urges are there and you cant beat them they are useless. When i first started using blockers i would spend hours just trying to bypass them which is what usually happen to many. Now I know all the bypass methods so that they are not the barriers between me and porn anymore.
    Chakra_Serpent likes this.
  19. Brahmacharya_UK

    Brahmacharya_UK Fapstronaut

    @master3 I appreciate your message and info about blockers, etc.

    I will differ with your opinion about if blockers work, I will say that if you usually view porn on a particular PC - then you block that PC, it is still worth while to do that.

    I've deleted a massive hard drive storehouse of porn that I'd been keeping for a "special occasion" (Like my recent relapse).

    Also there are some fairly sticky blockers, like PluckEye (Installation level 2), which when set with a delay (e.g a day), gives you a chance to back out of the decision to view porn.

    I never view porn on my phone, and am not about to start because I do not wish to create an association between the two. That would be terrible. It's bad enough that I act out when I'm supposed to be at work.

    Anyway will now withdraw from this challenge - I'll get back into the smaller challenges, if you are running any other challenges in the future that I'm eligible for, let me know.
    Chakra_Serpent likes this.
  20. Brahmacharya_UK

    Brahmacharya_UK Fapstronaut

    Hi @master3,

    I kind of draw parallels between blockers and nicotine patches for stopping smoking.

    A blocker will not stop you from using porn, as you say, if you are determined you can override anything. However, in concert with willpower, it can divert you long enough for you to be able to change course.
    Chakra_Serpent likes this.