NoFap and muscle growth

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Tschoo, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Tschoo

    Tschoo Fapstronaut


    I was just wondering if anyone has information or empirical knowledge about how nofap and working out interact with each other. Does the increased testosterone affect muscle growth and if yes, how much and how anyway?

  2. NotAfraid

    NotAfraid Fapstronaut


    Testosterone is one of the most important hormones to promote muscle growth. That's also one of the reasons why men can gain muscle and lose fat faster than women(another excuse for fat feminist-bitches).

    I have got my testosterone levels checked in the lab and they were very high. It explains a lot of characteristics I have like optimism, strong and big build, deep voice, lot of hair in my body etc.

    Wikipedia is your friend right here.
    MelonLord, KeenEye and therealjocab like this.
  3. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Testosterone does help build muscle, and test does spike in the beginning stages of Nofap, but after a while it normalizes. Now you will have more test then someone who regularly orgasms, as regular sex and fapping will deplete it.
    Leader of ME likes this.
  4. kyle p

    kyle p New Fapstronaut

    I have been lifting weights for about 2 years now and I am a skinny senior in highschool making improvements. I had been struggling to bench 185 (max) anyways I have been struggling with acne and decided to try nofap. I noticed increased confidence, energy, and feeling more comfortable in general. Stress levels didn't go up and anxiety went way down. Now I don't know what that has do do with anything but when it comes to making gains I went to the gym and took my normal supplements I've been taking for a year and I got 185 easily then I took on 195 and got that. It was amazing the progress just 1 week into nofap. So anyways about a week ago I started fappimg once daily and today I lifted and I would get extremely tired after 2 x 5 sets doing only 135 lbs. I still got sleep the same supplements and same diet. So I believe that while doing nofap it helps majorly with gains especially within the first 1-2 weeks
    KeenEye likes this.
  5. Mr. Sir

    Mr. Sir Fapstronaut

    It'll only very slightly cause an increase in strength, but that is due to the neurological effects of test and the increased density and sensitivity of the androgen receptors. It is possible that in the big picture, having a slightly higher test level and healthier androgen receptors will make a slight, but noticeable difference in your total muscular potential versus someone who faps and is unhealthy.

    It we look at steroid users, they generally have to start around 200ml of test weekly to see noticeable muscle development WEEKS down the road. That is essentially 3-4 times a normal man's regular test production, a 300-500% increase. So, a 15% difference is good for the mind, but I think it's more of a placebo.


    I would like to point out though, the study referenced on the NoFap website, where test levels increased by 14% is a mean, from a study, possibly with control factors. So it is likely that a person can experience a 30% increase as long as two others experienced around a 2-6% increase.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
    Leader of ME and Jelarnik like this.
  6. Thanatos

    Thanatos Fapstronaut

    I've noticed a lot of muscle growth, but I do not attribute it to chemical changes I attribute it to the fact that I have more energy to put into a workout when I don't PMO.
    Also I noticed that I don't eat as much anymore. My appetite has gone way down.
    Leader of ME likes this.
  7. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    There is more to it than just testosterone as Thanatos said. Ejaculation forces the body to re manufacture that materiel. Takes a lot of energy to do that. It is said that one drop of semen takes something like 20-40 drops of blood to create. In addition to that, once your semen stores are full the body starts to reabsorb it. That semen absorption does something. Not sure exactly what, but it does something. Anyway, I'm feeling strong as hell.
    Leader of ME and KeenEye like this.
  8. Diesel74

    Diesel74 Fapstronaut

    Ive gone from 178 lbs at 21% body fat to 185 lbs at 13% body fat after 8 months of NoFap. This is mostly because nofap made me want to work out and the testosterone made for fast recovery plus I am constantly craving meat/eggs/nuts. Im not serious about working out but I look a lot better.