Reminder To Why I Do Semen Retention

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by FailingForward, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. FailingForward

    FailingForward Fapstronaut

    This is for the guy who you don’t even remember anymore.

    The guy who never brushed his teeth, cleaned his body properly or even had the energy to clean his room.

    The guy who lost all the fight inside him because little did he know he was the guy that was beating himself and he didn’t even know it.

    I choose semen retention because it gave me purpose, something to fight for again when I knew everything else around me was lost.

    Semen retention/NoFap/ hard mode

    I shot myself in the foot over and over and over again. Man. I was the smartest and I was so smart I outsmarted myself

    i regret it

    That feeling of loneliness always disconnected from the world u reign no longer

    NoFap thank you, as a friend and as a lifelong partner

    u gave me direction and although I’m not where I use to be I am in a much greater place much greater and figuring it out while I go
  2. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Keep going mate, keep figuring it out, you are on the right path! Good luck mate!
  3. Alpha Wanna be

    Alpha Wanna be Fapstronaut

    Semen retention is the goal for me too. Not chasing girls/ money/ pride.
    Semen retention is the new the black!
  4. the_wizard

    the_wizard Fapstronaut

    Just seeing your counter made me shocked, and proud of how much you achieved. You can always reach higher if your limits is the sky.
    FailingForward likes this.
  5. Zeeshaan

    Zeeshaan Fapstronaut

    Orange is the new black....
    Semen retention is the new jack of all trades.and master of our life.
  6. Hi pal,
    great post. Keep up the good work. You are proof that we don't have to be slaves to our urges. In fact better to be celibate than a weak entrapped onanist!
    Leader of ME and FailingForward like this.
  7. cali4sto

    cali4sto Fapstronaut