
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by MrDetermination, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. MrDetermination

    MrDetermination Fapstronaut

    I have heard that when you're in the process of quitting something you're addicted to, that leaves a void that just wants to be filled, which will lead you to replace your old addiction with something else. E.G: a man I know stopped smoking a few years ago, and this coincided with a phase during which he started eating more (including between meals), and his consumption of chewing-gum skyrocketted.
    Now, some of you will ask me: Cool story bro, how is that related to PMO addiction recovery? I'm getting to it, because I also want to ask you people something: When you quit PMO,did you replace it with something else, to fill the void? (Could be anything: watching other types of content on the internet, playing video games, eating ...)
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  2. JensonIknora

    JensonIknora Fapstronaut

    Yes bro, the best is to have a plan about what to do to replace watching porn and fapping. For me the most important thing now is exercise (weight lifting & swimming), these 2 are the best. Will make you feel tired all the time. Have no time and energy to think about fapping. Reading help a lot as well. It will train your brain just like exercise train your body. It will make you feel calm. Sometimes meditation will help, but I don't do it because I find it is plain boring and put a lot of stress on my knee when sitting.

    My advice is don't replace your porn watching habit with playing video games and eating. THese are not good habits.
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  3. muted

    muted Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Certainly not overeating.
    I try to eat high quality and healthy food and certainly not ultra tasty. Don’t snack.
    I have not played computer games for a long time because it attracted me too much. Now
    I'm rarely allowed to play something. I read a books and train calisthenics.
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