***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for this morning's sunrise. It was amazing, so many colours! Best of all, I got to cycle to the top of a ridge and take in a view of the sunrise over the South Pacific. Awesome!

    2. I'm grateful for that piece of salmon I had tonight. It was absolutely beautiful. Funny, I thought I'd had a bad day today, until I thought of the things that made it great.

    3. I'm grateful for hard, driving rock n roll. I was close to a relapse today, but I was saved by a combination of housework, push-ups and this:
    WalkingForward and sandz2016 like this.
  2. sandz2016

    sandz2016 Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for technology

    I always winder just how easy things are with all the stuff we have and how much more convenient it makes my life. To brush my teeth I have a electric brush (which also helps keep them more clean) to work I have a laptop, I have a phone which I can use to facetime my mum, even though I haven't been able to go back home for ages etc. the list goes on. Technology is a blessing if used correctly.

    2. I am grateful for my upperclassmen being so cool

    Seriously I have like the coolest bunch of upperclassmen. They are so helpful, chill to hang out with and they even organized mock exams for us to practice, and handed down their notes to us. You don't really get a better bunch :)

    3. I am grateful for lasagna

    Gosh I sound like Garfield. Yeah nothing is nicer than coming home after a long day, starving and finding you have lasagna in the fridge and all the ingredients to make a nice salad when you are hungry. Its hard to beat.
    WalkingForward likes this.
    1. I'm grateful for the nice warm weather we have at the moment which made my walk to the pharmacy for vitamins rather pleasant.
    2. I'm grateful to Tool for making such awesome music to rock out to.
    3. I'm grateful to my girlfriend for the crazy adorable shit we got up to last night and all the smiles it left me with.
    WalkingForward likes this.
  3. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    * We had a meeting at work today and a colleague offered us candy. It was organic, fruity and not super sweet. It tasted very good and was probably not as unhealthy as regular candy. I'm grateful for that candy, and I'm very grateful to my colleague for buying candy to us.

    * I'm very grateful for that colleague. She's a very kind and generous person, and since I've started there she's been very supportive.

    * I'm very grateful for my boss. She's very friendly, supportive and respects us.
  4. oooo

    oooo Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for having some confidence today.
    2. I am grateful for a compliment.
    3. I am grateful for a full belly.
    WalkingForward likes this.
  5. SLIPZ19

    SLIPZ19 Fapstronaut

    And it just keeps coming and coming, here we gooooo....:

    1. I am grateful that my sister could drop me at the train station this morning, the walk is quite far...

    2. I am grateful that my AP reached 1 week in his reboot after a relapse. Can only get better from here...

    3. I am grateful that despite the fact that I was not able to put in lunch today I can still afford to purchase lunch. Many people go hungry every day and it is important that we recognise how blessed we are when we are able to have food on the table.
    WalkingForward likes this.
  6. sandz2016

    sandz2016 Fapstronaut

    1. People genuinely going out to their way to just help

    Today I was extremely stressed about tomorrows exams. And one of my friends literally went out of his way and spent 7 hours to teach me. It was amazing and I am genuinely thankful.

    2. Feeling really alive

    When you go through crazy exam periods you fell alive and when I say alive I mean really alive :)

    3. being busy

    Its nice to be busy the whole day, its good to not be bored.
    WalkingForward likes this.
  7. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    * I'm grateful that I don't live in Syria.

    * I'm grateful that I don't live in Central African Republic, the poorest country in the world.

    * I'm grateful that I live in a country that is relatively wealthy with good things like free university education and almost free healthcare.
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
  8. elpamfael

    elpamfael Fapstronaut

    1) I am greatfull to have found nofap
    2) I am greatfull that I finally found the strength to start succeeding in the nofap challenge
    3) I am greatfull that I'm starting to connect to real life girl
    fuck i'm sooo greatfull, i really am!
    WalkingForward likes this.
  9. Going to make two posts in one today, because I forgot to post here/in my journal yesterday:

    Part 1 (yesterday):
    1. I'm grateful for the day I got to spend with my girlfriend, and how awesome it was.
    2. I'm grateful to my mum for the really nice meal I had yesterday.
    3. I'm grateful for all of the happiness I've been having lately.
    Part 2 (today):
    1. I'm grateful to be less than 2 weeks away from completing my 90 day challenge - never thought I'd get this far, and yet now the finish line is in sight and completing it will be easy.
    2. I'm grateful that my financial situation is continually improving, day by day.
    3. I'm grateful for the abundance that I am feeling right now.
    Winston and WalkingForward like this.
  10. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    * I'm grateful for Queen. Such an amazing band and Freddie Mercury was so wonderful.

    * I'm grateful that I've, today, reached a very important understanding of myself. If you want to read what that understanding is I've put it in a spoiler, since it's a bit of a read.

    I was a rebellious asshole as a teenager. Now I have social anxiety, probably intertwined with OCD.

    I have Stockholm Syndrome for my social anxiety, for my compulsive checking/reassurance-seeking behavior (I'm worried that I will screw up and make people hate me, so I have an urge to check that it isn't so) and for my tip-toe behavior to try to avoid social mistakes (which makes it come across very obviously that I'm anxious). With that I mean that there is a part of me that wants to keep this illness because of a feeling that I need it. Part of the reason for that is that I'm worried about becoming like the rebellious asshole I was as a teenager again.

    But what I've really realized today is that the reason that I was a rebellious asshole as a teenager was because of the core insecurity that I still have today! For a very long time I have had a big, desperate need for the approval of others. The same insecurity that made me act like a rebellious asshole to try to impress my friends, is now causing this anxious behavior.

    Reaching this realization hasn't made my social anxiety go away. But it's of course a big step in recovery to realize that this illness isn't something that I need, it's only causing me harm, it has caused me a lot of harm, nothing good has come out of it.

    Maybe this could also help me have sympathy for myself as a teenager. I did bad things, but I am a good person deep down. It's just that this insecurity has had a lot of power over me, it made me very vulnerable to peer pressure to try to seem cool.

    And I've been thinking that this social insecurity is making me a nice person, far from it. I have real goodness deep inside of me, the niceness that is now brought about because of this insecurity is fake.

    * I'm grateful that my grandfather, who liked photography, took a lot of baby pictures of me. I was happy as a baby and toddler, quite fearless as well. My eyes were full of life on those pictures.

    Those pictures show who I really am, deep inside.

    * I'm grateful for my grandfathers, who have both passed away. They were great role models for me and they gave me lots of love and support.

    Yeah, I just did 4. That's how gangsta I am these days. Deal with it.

  11. sandz2016

    sandz2016 Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for having a fairly easy exam

    Seriously before the exam I had today I was genuinely terrified, but as it turns out if you attend lectures and just do your work, your university doesn't try to throw you off with insanely difficult questions. Which is cool.

    2. I am grateful for the good times

    They keep you going when you are stressed, the hope that the better times are coming round the corner.

    3. I am grateful for online question banks

    Seriously, these things are god's send! My word are they nice.
    WalkingForward likes this.
  12. Let's get back on the bandwagon with this!

    Today I Am Grateful For:

    1.The Internet. A place to connect, inspire and communicate. Without it, we all wouldn't have NoFap.

    2.Wood. Without it, this desk wouldn't exist, and probably most of society wouldn't exist.

    3.That there's always a tomorrow.It's always inspiring to know there's another chance out there!
    WalkingForward, Winston and SLIPZ19 like this.
  13. SLIPZ19

    SLIPZ19 Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that I was able to have a good, productive day today.

    2. I am grateful that I could have a warm shower this evening.

    3. I am grateful that I was able to have a good guitar lesson.

    Hope all the Fapstranauts are doing well and that we keep pushing everyday to do better and be better. I know that everyone here who wants to make a difference will also do their bid in making our world a better place. Good-night folks ;-)
  14. oooo

    oooo Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for meeting a nice girl using tinder, planed a date already :)
    2. I am grateful for the summer
    3. I am grateful for making a trip to Scotland with my brother.
  15. Winston

    Winston Guest

    1/ I'm grateful for being able to work in a domain i liked (IT),
    2/ I'm grateful for having a roof on my head, food on table, a car to go everywhere i need,
    3/ I'm grateful for my loving friends.
    WalkingForward and SLIPZ19 like this.
  16. SLIPZ19

    SLIPZ19 Fapstronaut

    Whoop whoop let's do this;

    1. I am grateful that it's Friday; glad to have made it through the week!!

    2. I am grateful for the people at my work. They are really contributing greatly to my career ambitions.

    3. I am grateful for skinny jeans. Let's admit, skinny jean can really be awesome when adding a different element to your look...
    Winston and WalkingForward like this.
    1. I'm grateful that my supplements have arrived on time before the weekend so I didn't run out.
    2. I'm grateful for restful sleep and more frequent lucid dreams lately.
    3. I'm grateful for the increased energy I have that allows me to work out harder each time.
    sih and WalkingForward like this.
  17. sih

    sih Fapstronaut

    Yes, enjoy it. It goes quicker than you can imagine. Don't waste it either.
  18. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    I got the job! :D

    Oh dude, I had lost almost all hope about getting that job and had planned to go back to studying. So I was surprised by this. I might still go back to studying some more in the future but it suits me better to be working now. My current job is temporary and ends soon.

    * So I'm grateful for this, that I got the job.

    * I'm grateful that it seems like a very fun and interesting job that will suit me.

    * I'm grateful to my references, my former boss and my current boss, since I got the job I guess they said good things about me.

    * I'm grateful to myself because I've worked hard and made an effort at my jobs. So that has paid off.

    * I'm also grateful that I, despite having slept poorly and being very anxious, made a good impression on the job interview.
    BushidoWarrior likes this.