The truth

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Sirkingington, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. Sirkingington

    Sirkingington Fapstronaut

    Hi all,
    First off this is, of course, the truth according to me. Your mileage may vary and I am hardly an expert, but for me these are some truths people need to hear to recover from addiction. I need to say I believe people Say PMO like its 1 thing, its not its 3, P and M and O (on hard mode) are 3 things, each one is a relapse on its own.
    You need to be honest. You need to look around you and be honest with the people who want to help, you need to be honest with your friends, but most importantly you need to be honest with yourself. When you look at a tab are you honestly thinking this is best for me or are you making excuses and lying to yourself to justify what you want to do? Quitting any habit is hard, your body will fight you, your mind will tell you its OK. You need to be able to honestly say to yourself "I want to be here, I want to do this, I control my brain and my urges, they don't control me!"

    This leads me to... Do it for you. do it for the right reasons.
    If you cannot look into the mirror, look yourself in the eye and explain that you want to achieve from this process and WHY. You will not succeed. Like I mentioned your body literally thinks it needs this, if you do not wholeheartedly, and honestly, want this you will give in to your urges. Explore yourself, explore your relationships and explore why you want this (at this point refer to point 1). People talk about rock bottom, rock bottom is wherever you set it, if you want to rid yourself, honestly, its on you to do it.
    You will feel shit, but you will also feel awesome.
    Any addiction takes time, energy and want to quit. Your body will do whatever it can to fill those cravings, it will pull you down to the lowest lows. The most important thing you can take from this is this message:
    The lows are progress
    That's right, remember when you used to watch P, because you didn't want to feel sad, or you M'd because it took less effort than getting angry at someone, or you O'd just because you were bored and too lazy to find something else to do? The Lows are literally you starting to feel again. The lows are more memorable but the highs come and they get better and better. When was the last time you felt, like just felt something? If you want to feel again you need to accept the entire gamete of emotions, from bitter hate through glorious love. So feel shit because it means soon you will feel happy.

    Urges will pass
    All urges pass, fact, if you want to get through an urge, you will. Urges is your mind finding something comfortable. your brain is literally asking your body "Oh I'm bored, at home alone, on my computer, how do I normally feel better?" the only way for you to respond is "I don't know, but this is how we feel better now; its..."
    its...Making changes
    You will need a way to fight urges, if you think fighting your brain forever is a strategy you are walking a tight rope, most likely you will fall. If you replace bad behaviors with good ones you immediately give yourself a one of those giant sticks, add an accountability partner (preferably a real life one) you add a safety net.
    A final reminder: You are addicted to dopamine. Not P, not M, not O, you are addicted to the release of dopamine, and other hormones in your brain. Replace bad dopamine releases with good ones. Workout, you feel better, have more energy, and guess what, get a healthy dose of dopamine. Catch up with friends, you get out of your comfort zone and guess what, get a healthy dose of dopamine. learn something, language, instrument, yoga, meditation... You receive dopamine every time you feel a success; so go and earn some successes.

    Stay strong, you have taken a hard first step, remember every second you push through this is a second closer you are to ridding your life of P and M and O.
  2. FishingInfo

    FishingInfo Fapstronaut

    Good stuff, I've failed multiple times because I didn't have a clear mindset on why I should stop PMO.

    Once you hit that rock bottom, that feeling of disgust and realized how many opportunities P had taken away from you, that's when you know it's time. Don't get discouraged when you relapsed. You will feel like shit, but hopefully you will reach that pit and realize that you have an addiction.

    And I just wanna praise those who go or are currently on a long streak for their first attempt.

    Good luck on your journey
    Sirkingington likes this.
  3. TheFutureMe

    TheFutureMe Fapstronaut

    That's one of the most accurate (while short) description of the whole journey of fighting PMO you can find around : the thoughs and considerations that build the underlying fabric of long-term recovery. I hope many will be able to understand what it truly means, but I fear that, just as with any experience, this is the result of much work that can seldom be passed to another. What you who reads this for the first time should do, is keep what @Sirkingington mentions and keep it somewhere at the back of your head until your own journey allows you to understand it fully, and make an easier leap towards the next steps.

    And if there's one basic takeaway that you should live by from this day to your last, whether doing nofap or not, it's this :
    Honesty. There's no recovery without it.

    Best of luck to all of you :)
    Sirkingington likes this.
  4. Ghanaguy

    Ghanaguy Fapstronaut
