When will corona end and normal life for the world continue

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RavenGT, Aug 4, 2021.

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  1. vikingsarehere

    vikingsarehere Fapstronaut

    The reason you find my post outlandish is specifically because of the censorship, without censorship the truth would have been out long time ago, and they know it. This has been a media pandemic, without propaganda no one would have known that there is a pandemic to start with, they need constant symbols to remind you that it exists (masks, social distancing, non stop repetition.)

    And yes any posts hinting at the truth will be deleted, no the mods themselves are not a "conscious" part of the conspiracy, like others they have just been brainwashed. Unfortunately though by the time more people figure this out they would have moved into further hoaxes (the same way they moved away from terrorism when it started to age, they will probably move to climate "change" or resource scarcity, or economic collapse and people will forget about the previous big lies, but the lies will have to keep bigger with time to be more convincing like inflation) But what matters is to know the group of people behind it.

    This movie scene is quite interesting:

    Feel free to PM with any questions, Please note that I will always reply, within couple of days, If I didn't reply it means that my account was deleted or blocked, If I do not intend to reply I will say so in my messages.
  2. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    So this pandemic will never ends? Omg
  3. I feel like it's gonna take a decade or so till it's completely gone.
    CarP likes this.
  4. Until 2025 but only if the Human Herd (with Sleepy Spirit) will undergo the experimental genic teraphy that does not have the sars-cov2 genoma.
  5. Getting you hooked on porn was only the first step.

    Locking you up inside for months was no accident.
    Gina3111 likes this.
  6. This post contains information the science, medical, and political communities consider misinformation about the COVID-19 virus. The medical community and leaders around the world consider that COVID-19 is a real virus that poses a real threat to people, and they recommend you should take proper precautions to avoid contracting it or becoming a vector of infection for others. You should follow the guidelines and orders of your government, local leaders and national medical experts regarding COVID-19, including guidance on vaccines. Failure to do so may expose you to legal action by your authorities or place the health of yourself and others at risk.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  7. becomingreat

    becomingreat Fapstronaut

    If you have seen movies picturing the future societies, you see that people are living in small cubic rooms, having lots of technology around them. People are mostly lonely, getting their dopamine hits not by social interaction but by putting their VR on and having fun.

    Step by step they are manipulating us into that. Even before covid, social media and all the technology had made many lonely and depressed. Covid was only an accelerator to isolation.

    People who were able to create covid in their labs, sure have a lot of money and power and they'll use this money and power to keep this situation going, whether with or without corona.

    It makes no sense to think in near future life becomes like before covid. Some people have invested a lot of money to make societies as weak and miserable as possible. Why should they let it stop?
    Kishi, Rents77 and Gina3111 like this.
  8. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    It will end when people who see through the bullshit put their foot down and the brainwashed masses wake the fuck up.
    Gina3111 likes this.
  9. index-2.png

    This before they start ti produce sexbot
    Gina3111 likes this.
  10. Rents77

    Rents77 Fapstronaut

    For personal reasons, I'm actually hoping for another lockdown in the autumn, as it will go along nicely with some plans I have on my own.
    (No, I'm not George Soros... *insert evil laugh here*)
    CarP likes this.
  11. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    You're hoping for more people to commit suicide and ruin their mental health for your convenience? I know it didn't cross your mind but think about what you're saying.
    Rents77 likes this.
  12. Rents77

    Rents77 Fapstronaut

    @Quezatolah - that escalated quickly!

    No, I would never wish that upon anyone, but I've actually planned a change in my life which will be aided by another lockdown (which seems incoming at this point, as people are already talking about it).

    I don't want to look at it as wishing what you said on people, but more like... I'm looking at the silver lining of it? o_O
    FirefromAbove and CarP like this.
  13. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    There's a lot of bad shit going on in the world, some shit that we can't do anything about.

    To keep sane and healthy you gotta look at the silver lining and reject Nihilism, cause Nihilism is stupid.
    Rents77 and CarP like this.
  14. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Yes, you don't want to look at it that way but whatever you would get from a lockdown would come at a major price for someone else because it's a whole countries situation you're talking about.

    I repeat, next time think about what you're saying.
  15. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    I'm anti nihilism, nihilism doesn't have moral principles which is the point I'm trying to bring home with my comment.
  16. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    I wasn't referring to you specifically.

    I'm more of implying you have to adapt to everything to which life throws at you, and survive.

    The lockdown was a big shock to me as I'm sure it was to you. I still remember waking up to the call that we were to leave campus, no directions give, no guidance, just a "get the fuck off campus, sum mfer got the coof"

    I work in a Nursing home and had to see pain and suffering on a mass level, that I hope to never witness again, but all through it I learned to adapt.

    I do hope there isn't another lockdown.
    Rents77 and Quezatolah like this.
  17. Never... This is only the beginning.
    becomingreat likes this.
  18. upload_2021-8-11_17-14-59.gif
    FirefromAbove likes this.
  19. Holy cow this sounds terrific and scary at the same time.
    Actually I'm... scared
    PermRB likes this.
  20. We all have to deal with it. Society is going to shit and 99% of people do not realize we are being manipulated into it.
    Gina3111 and becomingreat like this.
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