Post published by Mr. Elsaesser

Hi everyone. After nearly half a year of staying away from porn and fapping, at some point this summer I failed. There was regret, I went to confession, and eventually put it behind me, but I keep making the same stupid decisions every time I get tempted. I feel like utter garbage. Just this morning I was fapping and talking to people that any sane Catholic would avoid like the plague. Afterwards with some regret I went downstairs to eat only to find out my grandmother passed away. I have had so many blessings in life, but I squander it. She had to live through ww2 Germany as a kid, experienced her family split apart, as well as her marriage. When she was aging in a nursing home she would tell people that she is getting tired of it all. I need to change myself.
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Mr. Elsaesser
To clarify, I also am learning to hate the internet and social media more and more. What an utter waste of time, I always tell myself I am beyond this or that depraved thing, but I slip into sin anyway.