Post published by live life trying

setback yesterday during Noon. Watched Sissy stuff, hypno vids. Then PMO'd. Don't know why exactly.
So yes, this is a setback/relapse/reset: whatever you ma call it!

And also no this isn't: maybe it's progress: I thought about it, didn't feel that bad about it. And I also didn't act on the impuse (as in: go away from the computer and act on that urge of self destruction).. I thought more like: Ok, this isn't the end of the world: you had weak moment. Yes you are quit down, with low self esteem. Later that evening I broke that moment and met a girl who looks nice on Tinder, actually talked to her, kept it quit short, and proposed to meet. She agreed and I got her number and she got mine.

Short story short? Maybe this is progress...?
Foxhole more_vert
Hi. How you feel about it? Is it a progress? Or is it just justifying of "war crimes"? Sometimes i ask myself "would my grandma approve this? But i guess it still may be great progress. As long as you keep trying. Good luck
live life trying likes this.
live life trying more_vert
live life trying
@Foxhole I don’t know really how I feel about it. I like your comment though, and the analogies you make. We know porn, or dissy porn is a fantasy, and it triggers lust.