Post published by RockTheHill

Lapsed again after 10 days today. I think coming off of my lenten disciplines has bred a general laxity, so I'm going to take them up again, the idea being that if I am constantly orienting toward God, I can better do the right thing when temptation hits. I am fortunate to work near a chapel with daily confession, so I can start truly clean in 12 hours.
Saskia Simone likes this.
Freedom_from_PMO more_vert
Maybe you should go to a mass more than once a week?
RockTheHill more_vert
I would like to, but work wouldn't allow that with any regularity. I'll probably do it today, but couldn't say when ik next get the chance.
Cuauhtli more_vert
I can relate to it. I was clean for over a month but once I reached that point I put my guard down and allowed myself to fap. So I started again. For me is good to have a goal, like make it to Pentecost, but I realized that my greater goal is not to fap anymore at all.
Deleted Account and miXhal like this.
RockTheHill more_vert
Alright, got confession and Mass in. Im going to keep this thread active like I did on my 64 day streak. Back to basics.
Deleted Account likes this.
Kale Yardstick more_vert
Kale Yardstick
In the readings from this Sunday, the apostles didn’t know what to do after Jesus was crucified, so they went back to their old ways. That meant fishing. And Jesus shows up on the bank of the sea and reminds them that they have bigger things to do. For us, the Lenten season gives
Kale Yardstick more_vert
Kale Yardstick
Us discipline, but too often after Easter we go back to our old ways. The point of Lent is to make permanent changes, not seasonal practices, so that we can embrace the love Jesus Christ calls us to in his preaching and in his death and resurrection. Glad you are committed to getting back on track. To Pentecost, and beyond!
RockTheHill more_vert
Day 2, still not bad, and some small fasting is definitely helping.
RockTheHill more_vert
I'm almost at a week and things are getting difficult again. I find the second week is the worst for temptation, so please pray for me. I'm very busy these next two days, which should help.
Cuauhtli more_vert
Be assured of my prayers for a strong will against vices
RockTheHill likes this.
RockTheHill more_vert
Lapsed again. I'm confessing before mass tomorrow. Ugh. Anyone have tips for when you can't sleep?
RockTheHill more_vert
So far so good on day 3. I've got company for dinner, and that always helps.