Post published by Onigiri

Considering celibacy for life

Hi I'm 27 years old and I'm considering celibacy for life.
My reasons are to free myself from sexual desire and being more into the teachings of Buddha and for develop my skills and learn new ones in high levels.
On the other hand, sometimes I'm full of doubts like What if I knew someone and this person become my significant other? How would I feel if I break celibacy?

I'm only 36 days without PMO and sometimes my mind wants to PMO or get lost in the lust.

In the past I thought about becoming a buddhist monk but celibacy scared me because is a commitment and I wanted to be sure I could handle it. Now, I'm realising that celibacy could happen, I'm not considering becoming a buddhist monk but being celibacy yes.

What are your reasons for being celibate? Do you notice some changes in your life for better? any advice for being celibate?

Thank you.
Professor Abraham likes this.
Jerky more_vert
I have chosen celibacy since my sexual desires have always been selfish and i have never been able to form an honest relationship whenever sex was involved
Professor Abraham and Onigiri like this.
GeeJ more_vert
Well, I follow religious teachings.
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GeeJ more_vert
I do not desire to be married so singleness is the next option, I always thought. I still have urges to be in relationships sometimes. I guess you will have a lot more time. You will save time from socialising to achieve partner and marriage. No kids. No time being spent with your partner. More time to do whatever you choose. Which would have been self-advancement and etc. But would you be truly content in spending your time in acquiring numerous amounts of skills and attaining higher levels. Advice make sure you really want to be celibate and are able to be.
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