Comments on Profile Post by Earl Sweatshirt

  1. Empowered
    Don't worry mate, this is only natural ;)
    Feb 10, 2016
  2. Earl Sweatshirt
    Earl Sweatshirt
    That didn't answer my question but thanks for the info
    Feb 10, 2016
  3. Lazarus Shuttlesworth
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth
    No, it's not a relapse. Do wet dreams kill the benefits you've gained? They do if you think you do. A lot of people seem confused as to whether they count as relapsing, which they dont, seeing as you arent masturbating, edging or making any conscious action to orgasm. Once you accept that theyre just the body's way of getting rid of excess sperm, they shouldnt affect your superpowers.
    Feb 10, 2016
  4. Earl Sweatshirt
    Earl Sweatshirt
    Thank you so much. I feel better about the situation now.
    Feb 10, 2016
  5. Lazarus Shuttlesworth
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth
    Np, glad you feel better.
    Feb 10, 2016