Comments on Profile Post by Kvothe The Bloodless

  1. cactisplant
    Can you please explain to me what the flatline is?
    Aug 22, 2019
  2. Kvothe The Bloodless
    Kvothe The Bloodless
    It's a variable amount of time during the Reboot where the persons experiences a total loss of Libido. In other words, they lose interest in sex and PMO, and they lose feelings downstairs. It can be a scary time because not having any feelings downstairs, coupled with no sexual drive, is not a nice feeling. However, it is part of the process and feels like meditation for your libido, if that makes sense!
    Aug 22, 2019
  3. cactisplant
    Wow! I don’t fully understand it, cause it’s something I haven’t experienced. But I’m looking forward to this new experience!
    Congratulations on your progress tho Kvothe! Keep that going
    Aug 22, 2019
  4. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    My flatlines usually come with crippling sucks.
    Aug 22, 2019
  5. Kvothe The Bloodless
    Kvothe The Bloodless
    It will come, the amount of time it stays is variable though. Some people have months of a flatline, others only have days of a flatline. Don't be scared off by it though and when it comes, don't "just see if your D still works" lol That's how most guys feel when their D goes lifeless for weeks, and end up relapse
    Aug 22, 2019
  6. cactisplant
    Wow! Thank you so much for this. I finally understand he reason I broke my streak 7 years ago. 1 month of nofap and I felt like I broke something. An incident took place which made me think maybe semen wasn’t meant to be retained in the body. It all makes sense now. Thank you once again Kvothe. I can finally let go of that crippling fear I had developed over all those years!
    Aug 22, 2019
  7. Kvothe The Bloodless
    Kvothe The Bloodless
    No problem. Our brain is a master manipulator, never forget that. It can make us feel like PMO is the answer to physical and psychological pain. But it isn't, Ever. Stay strong!
    Aug 22, 2019
  8. cactisplant
    You’ve wiped out that one fear I had in me. I feel so good about this journey now. Thank you my friend. Thank you :D
    Aug 22, 2019