27 days HELL YEAH

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Aurora Chaser, Apr 20, 2019.

  1. Aurora Chaser

    Aurora Chaser Fapstronaut

    I’m currently on 27 days since my new life. Not a big number but I’m just in a mood to share my joy. After 27 days of NoFap, I’ve turned myself from being a shy and quiet person to a person that’s confident and talkative. NoFap is a magical thing that brings you unlimited confidence,happiness and motivation. It makes you look at girls into their eyes, and makes you wanna get out and do something great in a warm, sunny day. It’s really hard to explain how amazing NoFap is with just words, but all I can say is my depression is gone, and I’m too high that I would sing in my shower every night. My mum is happy and shocked at the same time seeing me become a way happier person. She thought I damaged my brain but yo mum, this is your son turning into a normal person and enjoying his new life.

    I’m proud of myself, and you all here should be proud of yourselves too! It’s never easy to quit an addiction. Whenever you feel down, lonely or whatever reason that made the urges came, remember why you started, and remember there are always people, US, in the forum that support you. You’re never lonely. Gang we got this let’s kill our addictions together!
  2. Keep it up my man! Respect!
    Aurora Chaser likes this.
  3. kittyintheworld

    kittyintheworld Fapstronaut

    congrates man reading this made me so happy
    Aurora Chaser likes this.
  4. Aurora Chaser

    Aurora Chaser Fapstronaut

    Thanks!!! Your compliment means everything to me!
    kittyintheworld likes this.
  5. 'Yo Mum'! I like it. Doing well mate.
  6. HugoBoss

    HugoBoss Fapstronaut

    Haha great job bro!
    Aurora Chaser likes this.
  7. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    Nice! Great job!

    I am also at 27 days. Though, my addiction has been very severe so I am just at the beginning stage of healing.
  8. Aurora Chaser

    Aurora Chaser Fapstronaut

    Same my man!!! I was a really serious addict and my addiction was so bad that I keep relapsing in my previous streaks. But this time I feel like I’ve got this one and bro keep it up too! Never look back! Let’s hit that many more days together!
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  9. She doesn't need to know all the details. But she will be pleased for sure!
    Aurora Chaser and X32 like this.
  10. vanilla gorilla52

    vanilla gorilla52 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations for your streak. Yes Nofap is the real thing. That makes us again to real humans und men. After a relapse I have started a new streak. I wish you the best.
    Aurora Chaser likes this.
  11. Aurora Chaser

    Aurora Chaser Fapstronaut

    Wish you all the best too buddy!!! It’s never too late to stop completely. We’re in the same boat and let’s fight together!
    vanilla gorilla52 likes this.