7 Reasons Why

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by RiverBlue, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. RiverBlue

    RiverBlue Fapstronaut

    I am coming back to NoFap after years away. Life has not gotten better during those years, but my addiction to fap has gotten worse. I read an article on controlling impulsivity that suggested making a list of the negative consequences of impulsive actions and referring to it whenever an impulsive urge comes over. I am trying this. I thought I would post it here, because I don't want it at home where someone could find it.

    1. Getting caught! Never do it when anyone is in the house. Duh! But remember I could still be discovered by carelessness. It has happened before -- college roommates found my porn stash. Ex-girlfriend caught me at my computer with my dick out. One of the reasons she broke up with me.

    2. Terrible productivity.
    a. If at night, terrible productivity the next day. Up too late at night. Grogginess. Will not get anything done.
    i. DON’T KID YOURSELF. I won’t get enough sleep even if I “try” to quit early. I will be at it until dawn.
    b. During the day, will end up getting nothing else done all day.
    i. DON’T KID YOURSELF. You will never get back to work.

    3. Bad mood. Temper is short when I don’t get enough sleep. I will feel like a bad person/failure. I will act defensively all day.

    4. Hate yourself. I feel like a terrible person. I will blame myself for not being able to control myself.

    5. Perverse. Masturbating to porn the way I do is not normal or healthy. My taste in porn has become perverted. I am ashamed of it. I should be ashamed.
    a. Reading and chatting about underage is never appropriate. Staying just this side of legal by not looking at real childporn is not enough. Fantasy. Roleplay. Cartoon sex. Just 18 porn stars. Whatever. It still feeds a sick preoccupation.
    i. And do I really know the guys I chat with aren't just fantasizing like I am? Am I feeding their perverted interests in a way that could or does lead to harm to kids in the real world?
    b. Creating fake porn profiles using real peoples' images without their knowledge is an invasion of their privacy. Even if I'm using published model photos. Even if the photos are not actually pornographic. I am harming them, even if they never know it.
    c. I would be unable to explain what I am looking at to anyone who found out. Porn of young women, okay, maybe. But young men, trans, bondage, force, piss, humiliation, etc. My list is so long. I don't get turned on by anything "normal" at this point.
    d. And it’s repetitive. Played out. Nothing novel about it. Different chats, images, videos, but in the end basically all the same. It's actually boring.

    6. Relationship. This hurts my relationship with wife. I never feel like sex with her. I am distant in general.

    7. Better ways to spend time. I have work, of course. Time wasted cuts into my earning ability. But even leaving aside the things that need to be done and are falling behind, I have plenty of things I enjoy doing. Even if these other things also waste time, I would still feel so much better about doing them instead.
  2. LakeMichigan

    LakeMichigan Fapstronaut

    Welcome back @RiverBlue I have made such a list myself and I read it from time to time. I encourage you to visit this site often and probably start your own journal. It will help you with accountability! I wish you good luck!
    RiverBlue, palindromo and NICEDUDE like this.
  3. RiverBlue

    RiverBlue Fapstronaut

    Lent is suddenly upon us, so I'm setting it as a goal. I know this goes against my usual thinking that a long goal -- 40 days -- is setting to high a bar. It's setting me up for failure. But tying it to this religious season, and it's theme of penance and restraint makes sense. I've done it once before, a long time ago, with success. So I know it's not impossible.

    Plus, I have a goal of improving my relationship in bed. I know that porn/masturbation is having an impact on my enthusiasm to have sex with my wife.

    So, for a few good reasons, I am aiming for Easter. (On 7 days without porn already.)
    palindromo likes this.
  4. ArdV

    ArdV Fapstronaut

    Hi RiverBlue, great list and hopefully it helps in getting your goals set in a clear way!
    RiverBlue and palindromo like this.
  5. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    Please, start studying carefully what's happening in your mind > https://oceanrecoverycentre.com/2016/07/the-ultimate-guide-to-overcoming-internet-porn-addiction/

    First time without porn will be stressful , but if you resist , in some months you will feel reborn.

    If the first times a person relapse easly, it's okay.
    The streaks becomes even longer , day by day.
    Don't porn anymore, it's better to struggle and at the last to relapse than to look at porn.
    No more instagram pictures of models. No more erotic imagines , erotic stories or erotic asmr.

    We should improve in all area of our life, just being dissatisfied or stressed makes us relapse.

    An effective weapon to overcome urges and thoughts : mindfulness.
    The brain will try to win you and to get some triggers for the seek of dopamine. Resist
  6. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Does your wife know of your addiction?
  7. RiverBlue

    RiverBlue Fapstronaut

  8. I_quit1981

    I_quit1981 Fapstronaut

    If I where you I would talk to her about it. She is there to support you
  9. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    I know you don't want to tell her and may think you can keep this all separate, but I can guarantee she knows something is amiss even if she doesn't know specifically about the porn. And that secret is inhibiting you from getting healthy and living a porn-free life. I'm only part of the way through this process so I'm no expert. But I can't tell you how much better I am since she's known, that I've accepted that I have an addiction and I don't have to carry on a separate part of my life. I've not fully disclosed everything yet but working up to that. I would encourage you to work with a therapist to process this stuff and how you would go about sharing with her. She'll be devastated and it will get tough for a while, but I see it as the only path to healing from this addiction.
  10. RiverBlue

    RiverBlue Fapstronaut

    @Robindale I really appreciate this advice. I have been considering how to go about this. I don't disagree at all that it would be worthwhile.
  11. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Best wishes and may it go well. Again suggest that you share with some support for both of you. I imagine she will be devastated but the two of you working thru this will lead to a wonderful and healthy relationship on the other side of all this. That’s what I’m praying for and we’re heading in that direction.