A Time For Honesty

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by LobsterBisque, Jan 24, 2020.

  1. LobsterBisque

    LobsterBisque Fapstronaut

    I'm so tired of being lonely. After high school I cut off almost all of my friends because they were physically and sexually abusive. That was 2 years ago. Now I'm still at home living with my parents. My father is verbally abusive and I feel trapped here. All I do is go to church and go home. I haven't had a boyfriend in years. A lot of the guys I know are emotionally unavailable, not my type, or taken already. One of the last guys I liked just got engaged to a friend of mine. That kinda made me feel bad lol. I'm not from the best neighborhood and sometimes I'm scared to go outside because of random men on the street trying to cat call me. So I stay at home and cry a lot. I attempted suicide recently but sadly that's nothing new. And most of my real friendships are online and with people in different states. I'm in my room alone most of the time to avoid contact with my dad. Then I turn to PMO. I just relapsed and I feel so tired of myself. I want to love someone and to truly be loved but I feel like I'm living life in a glass box watching everyone have fun. It sucks and I'm so tired. I have a little brother who travels a lot of his friends and is away from home a lot. So yeah.. Pretty lonely here and I'm so tired of PMO.
  2. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    It looks like you are having hard times.I m in similar situation like yours i don't have a friends,i don't have a girlfriend,my daddy is little problematic,year ago i was in bad depression.Nothing will last forever.I m comfortable with myself to be lonely,i cut all fake friends from my life,thats why i m alone,my mother is only friend that i need.
    If you want to find friends and fun take action! :)
    In time when you was in school or from past jobs try to remember someone and text to them,that i have done and i guess what?I found two normal friends.I wish you best luck.
    LobsterBisque likes this.
  3. LobsterBisque

    LobsterBisque Fapstronaut

    Ah wow. Thank you so much!!! It's so hard but I'll be okay
    Kligor likes this.
  4. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    It seems like loneliness and a sense of disconnection from others is becoming more and more common among people our age (I assume you are a few years younger than me based on what you wrote, and I am 23), and its very disheartening to see. I cant relate to everything you wrote but can relate to some of it, particularly cutting out friends. My friends weren't/arent abusive, but they do exhibit toxic traits that has made me slowly come to realise my relationships with them arent at all healthy and its probably a good idea to cut them out. Just last year I stopped talking to a friend who I have known for five years and lived with at university. In recent months its been me and two others who just play videogames online, except five weeks ago one of them vanished off the face of the earth and I made the decision to not contact them more than I already have, because they have a history of pulling stunts like this and I'm sick of it. That leaves one irl friend who is often too busy to do anything with and a smattering of online friends who often just ignore the things I message them to say. Its gotten to a point where I have seriously considered deleting almost my social media and just going radio silent, the only reason I dont do that is it would be seriously unfair on the people I do speak to who arent a part of my extreme dislike of social media.

    Wow, I'm sorry for going off on a rambling tangent about my own life, I have an issue with being concise! I wish I could offer you advice but honestly I dont have any, if I did I wouldn't be in a similar situation to you. All I can say is I'm rooting for you in the same way I am for everyone here I speak to.