Advice from a military noob

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by uitwaaien, Oct 26, 2022.

  1. uitwaaien

    uitwaaien Fapstronaut

    In the end of september I joined armed forces of my country. Here's some things I learned that are important for all of us guys here.

    • Order. Or as I love to say "Where is order is no disorder". Make your bed, be shaved or if you have a beard have it well put together. Take care of your hair, hygine. Nobody likes a dirty bastard. Man should be well put together and should not stink, should not walk around like an 12 year old with clothes hanging around and dirty.
    • Make your bed. Yes, I already said it I know. But hear me out - tight start gives you benefits throughout the day. The better your start bigger the chance is that your whole day is going to pass in a similar manner.
    • Morning routine. It's NECCESSARY! YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT! Wake up, wash your face, go for a run, do pushups, squats, burpees - MOVE! You'll be energized in the beginning of the day already and rest of the day you won't feel like shit.
    • Cold showers. Now, in military nobody tells you that you have to take cold showers but cold shower takes much less time away cause it's not comfortable. It wakes you up and consumes less time cause you don't want to stay there for too long.
    • Learn to respect others more. I know this sounds obvious, but the more respect you show towards others, the more you're accepted in society. Even if you don't want to be accepted and don't care about people - life is going to be far better if people respect you, believe me!
    • Learn to make more eye contact and talk more. Shouldn't really explain it, it explains itself. Communication in military is neccessary so it is in real life. Don't avoid it - face it.
    • Have a watch and use your smartphone less. Time is extremely valuable and you have to learn how to respect it. Phone takes away a lots of it so try to avoid staring in your phone. Sometimes it just begins with taking a look at the time and it ends with checking notifications and all that crap. Don't do it. Buy a cheap watch and keep your phone further away from yourself. Phone is meant for calls and messages, not tik tok or any social media use.
    • PUSH UPS!
    If you have some questions about more tips and things I learned there - ask! I recently left armed forces because of situation at home but soon will re-join.
  2. This is awesome. I love lists like this. Thank you.
    Onan the Barbarian likes this.
  3. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    Solid advice, thank you for sharing.
  4. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    in my case I actually enjoy cold showers more .haha! it gives me a rush and I a state of mild mania. with warm or hot showers I feel drowsy and want to finish quickly.
    uitwaaien likes this.
  5. jackcruiser800

    jackcruiser800 Fapstronaut

    Good to know I've been doing these things on my own from oast 1 month