Amazing discoveries from books i read!!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by THE TIGER, Aug 12, 2019.


    THE TIGER Fapstronaut

    We've come across four topics so far which cover the four phases of our addiction if you haven't read them, here's the link:

    So you skipped the link huh? Well if you did, you will most times when reading this be like, "what the hell is he talking about?".
    I want to explain more today on the first phase, the desensitization phase as i call it. Why? Because iam a genius!, no, iam joking... Because i just thought that it needed more explanation.
    I tried to explain how it works last time, and I'm not gonna do that here too (it's time consuming and yes!, boring), let's hear some new crazy stuff.

    Well the desensitization phase has two killer guys i recently knew about, and these are made to get you into the addiction and stay there until you're addicted and can no longer get out.
    The first guy is called "Incentive motivation" and the second is called "Escalation", they both work together side by side to make sure you're always addicted to pmo. Incentive motivation is the one that makes you want to watch any p, or makes you always want to mo, and Escalation, is the one who makes you wanna find harder, suprising crazy p, got it? (If no, well then tough luck, iam moving on). Ok lets get in depth with this and you will understand.

    So what the hell is incentive motivation? You can check it out on the net, but I'll give you a simple explanation of this.
    Once you have done something, it motivates you to do it the next and next and next and next time, and each next motivates you to the other next which will then add to the motivation to the other next. (Quite confusing, but read it a few more times and you'll get it).

    To give a stupid simple example, once you start putting salt in already cooked food, it gets you to want to do it next time, and of course, iam talking of the moment you feel good about putting salt in food. We can also take an example sugar in tea, once a certain amount of sugar in tea satisfies you, you get motivated to put that same amount every time you have tea. Maybe once you put one teaspoon of sugar only, but the day you put two is the day from there you will be motivated to put two teaspoons and stay there, not going back because it has become your normality.

    Now back to our own crazy pmo addiction. Wow! there is the same situation.
    The day you damn greedy little human watch your first p, is the day that you have stepped up on the incentive motivation step, and from then you are motivated to pmo or mo or just p, depending on the hell whatever you did. The motivation is internal, you just feel an autosuggestion to pmo (me after knowing this: "Damn! Internal?!"). This is when curiosity jumps into your life and helps you take your first steps in the addiction world (or hell to be precise), at that time, you're not addicted... Your just ummm... motivated and curious.

    Its not actually proven but some say that before the first session of sex, we don't have that much desire or internal motivation to sex. I think that that is equally true to our addiction, its only after the first session of p or mo, is when the desire to do it bumps in the high gear (and stays there).
    incentive motivation is not really a guy as i said earlier, he is a damn hell of a MONSTER!!!, along with his freaky accomplice CURIOSITY.

    Incentive motivation maybe good to other areas of life, but to our addiction it's really bad, because even though you may have found the first pmo session disgusting! its going to motivate you to do it again and again with each session motivating the next until it becomes your normality (you: " hell no! This is too scary for me to read!, me: "hang on man, iam not finished yet").

    But generally incentive motivation only keeps you wandering around watching any p you get or just moing with no freakin reason at all. I believe if we only depended on incentive motivation to keep us searching for p, it would have been easier to quit, the problem we have is that there is a second damn monster which later on comes by...ESCALATION, and he is the reason why we bond so strongly to pmo, in our next post we will get to see the escalation monster and how he works with the others to make sure you're addicted for life and live sadly ever after.

    Thank you for reading, iam the tiger and would love to hear your comments here.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
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    THE TIGER Fapstronaut


    So the incentive motivation button in your head has been turned on, and your motivated to pmo, you can press the button off, to kill the incentive motivation monster or you can leave it on and continue the journey to the dark world of pmo addiction, lets assume you left it on, now lets move on.

    Too much of wandering in the crazy pmo world gets you desensitized. You no longer feel that damn pleasure of pmo anymore, you start wandering what happened, (you are like "Damn!! why has all the p become normal?? I quit this dumb sh*t".) and before you quit, you decide without even knowing why, to find harder, super exciting p clips and suddenly, your in this new world again. You don't know, but you have been hijacked by the escalation monster and all he wants is you to take a step higher, higher than what incentive motivation could get you to.

    This becomes your second incentive motivation era, you are always motivated to escalate, (" i don't know why but shocking clips seem good to me"), or simply to find harder, exciting , super shocking clips. This is like going from two teaspoons of sugar in tea, to five! Then to six, then seven, and on and on.

    Escalation becomes automatic, you climb up the escalation ladder and never wanna go back down ("i never wanna watch the damn low quality p again"), this is because, every step you climb will start being normal and you're gonna want to climb higher.
    Escalating to new genres of p is verry exciting before being desensitized of it and moving up to another ("last year the pics were verry arousing, right now not even videos turn me on, iam waiting for VR type p now!").

    Lets go back to the sugar example, after escalating much to sugar (if you could), you will reach a state where you can't take more, your body is limited to tasting only certain amounts of sugar, take more and you get sick, but also reducing the amount of sugar taken is not satisfying either, so either you stop completely or keep living the torture of drinking tea with unimaginable amounts of sugar. This is a perfect match to our addiction, you will escalate to the point of finding p not much satisfying because there are no new genres, and the choice you remain with is either quitting completely...or living the nightmare of trying to escalate more.

    Escalation makes us bond harder to p. This is because, the more shocking the clips are, the more unsatisfying the last-ones are and the more you escalate, the more you will want to escalate next time. No matter what, we will reach a max escalation point which i call, THE PEAK, by then no p will be that shocking, some of us have reached the peak, but they are still relapsing daily ("i don't find p that arousing anymore, anyway I'll just watch because i feel to!"). This is because the Incentive motivation monster is still there, and to us, its just a feeling of wanting any p or just to stay moing.

    By all this, we see that the pmo world is not a place of high, low, high, low, but a place of high, desensitized, escalate, higher, desensitized, escalate, higher..... The Peak. Just like climbing a ladder.
    being high is the reward of climbing the escalation ladder, but remember my wise words..."THE DAMN ESCALATION LADDER IS SHORT!!!" By kind me.

    I'll end there to shorten the post up.

    The next post will be of a stupid, crazy thing i did after knowing all this and it got me from daily relapses to once in a while... It may be verry controversial to many of us but it worked for me. So stay tuned to the next post. And please, iam not advising a method to stop pmo, iam just trying to make a place for awareness.
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    THE TIGER Fapstronaut

    Iam a college graduate and love writting (you: so what! Get to the point!!), okay, as part of changing my life as an addict, i decided to practice literature and so i have come to love reading and explaining stuff in my own words by writting. I'd love to hear your compliments on my work (like this one above).
    I also love creativity and humor, i think it's easier to read humorous than serious literature. So i try to write serious topics, but in an unformal (cool) way.
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    THE TIGER Fapstronaut
