constantly relapsing

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Apr 11, 2021.

  1. hey guys, I am new here. About two months ago I did a 8 weeks nofap journey and everything was fantastic. While I was doing that I didnt have any social media accounts on my phone but I downloaded instagram because I needed it for a work. After I downloaded instagram I started to do edging and it ended up relapsing :( I dont want to delete Instagram because I need to fix myself. I cant always run away from every triggers. Everytime I am saying myself I will never do that again but I am failing every time. I lost my confidence and good habits. I dont know how I should start again. I am disgusted with myself and I really dont want to fall into that mistake but I cant go further from 2 or 3 days anymore. please help me. Forgive me if there is any mistake on my words :)
    Indiahel and Takashiii like this.
  2. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    Hey, welcome to the forums.
    8 weeks is really impressive, was that your first attempt at quitting for good?

    One method you can use during your reboot is to do some of exercise every time you get triggered. When you see a picture, if it makes you want to PMO, you have to do 5-10 pushups, or 5-10 squats. Whatever, just be sure to do it every time! (Some days I've ended up doing 50 squats in half an hour when it's really bad.) Anyway, the exercise helps me take my mind off that picture.

    You have to get rid of your old habit, that is a very important step in recovering!
    Indiahel likes this.

  3. The 8 weeks quitting was not my first attempt. I have failed 2 or 3 times about 10 days of quitting but since I've relapsed after 8 weeks I really destroyed my mentality and went back to bad old days. I started again quitting for good today but I dont have enough confidence in me tbh. I hope this time I will win this fight. Thanks for ur advice I will give it a try when I need!
  4. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    Just remember that every day you don't fap is a win! The progress can be slow and you might not notice it right away. Good luck :)
  5. thank you so much :)
  6. Slimjimjones

    Slimjimjones Fapstronaut

    If you can, delete instagram for now and build long enough streaks where you are disgusted by P or you have the mental fortitude to say no to yourself. Idk if instagram filters exist but if they do, get em
  7. thank you for your advice :)
    Slimjimjones likes this.
  8. luckydog

    luckydog Fapstronaut

    Hi @iwannawinthisfight - you do not mention anything put into place that involves others.

    Do you have an accountability partner? Do you have a friend you can talk to? Did you sign up for one of NoFap's group sessions?

    Here's a list of tools I've put into place, and have developed several more since.

    Oh, and by the way, welcome aboard!
    iwannawinthisfight likes this.
  9. thanks for the list :) I have a friends to talk to about nofap but I did not sign up for one of group sessions. I will look at to groups for sure :)