Dont get fully hard

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by canadianboy23, May 14, 2020.

  1. canadianboy23

    canadianboy23 Fapstronaut

    My morning woods are only about 50% hard, and even when my gf is with me, I can only get 30-50% hard endless I start M'ing or she gives me hand/head. My hands are also usually cold, so I wonder if I have low blood circulation. Any advice?
  2. Stupidbeginner

    Stupidbeginner Fapstronaut

    Im in the same boate, Im in my day 40 I will see if this nofap journey will cure my PIED if not I will cconsider that I have physical problem. But Here some advice that I personnaly going to do :
    1- at least 120 days of nofap
    2- sextherapy
    3 - kegel
    4 - physical exercice
    5- stop smoking
    6 - good diet
    7 - meditation to chase the chame of being inable to have aproproate erections.
    8- andrologue and hormones test and if necessary penile doppler to see if there is problems in veine.
    canadianboy23 likes this.
  3. MikeLombardi69

    MikeLombardi69 Fapstronaut

    try reverse kegeling, chances are your pelvic floor is too tight
    canadianboy23 likes this.
  4. canadianboy23

    canadianboy23 Fapstronaut

    what your saying is a tight pelvic floor is causing me to not get strong erections on its own? Just clarifying because I am not too familiar with how it works. Ive read that kegels help erection quality and reverse kegels help to last longer
    Last edited: May 15, 2020
  5. MikeLombardi69

    MikeLombardi69 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I went to a urologist who actually is interested in the pelvic floor and she put her head in her hands when I told her I kegel. She said the vast majority of people with pelvic floor problems have a tight pelvic floor and are just making the problems worse. Looking back, when id masturbate I would kegel to try to ejaculate faster (before I knew what kegeling was) which has given me a tight pelvic floor. Stretches and warm baths are improving it