From fighter to addict. Support please

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by kyle.92, May 16, 2015.

  1. kyle.92

    kyle.92 Fapstronaut

    The title says it all.
    Introduction: born and raised in UK. Started watching this horrible filth since the age of 15. People may assume that because i have not been watching it long, it may not have affected me as bad but believe me it has. Very intelligent during school days, energetic, athletic. Started boxing at age 14 and fell in love with it.
    Porn addiction: i started masturbating at a you g age but started watching porn late due to not having facilities ie computer or phone at the time. I became really addicted around age 17 and quit sports including boxing and quit my job due to being depressed

    Symptoms: unable to concentrate, mood swings, anger, brainfog, paranoia, bags under eyes, back pain and all other symptoms which others have listed. After typing in symptoms i have experienced on the web it lead me to all the stuff on the internet about pornography addiction which i thought was normal to watch and i realised i was an addict and deep down i knew i was an addict and couldnt believe it. I have tried many times to give up but keep relapsing after 7-10 days and tbh with you im sick of this fuckin dirty addiction ive got. Im on here for some aupport on how to beat this because ot ia taking over my life. I have lost my girlfriend, job, my confidence, motivation and gained weight and i know its all down to watching this filth without realising its effects. Like mentioned above i have relapses many times and thought why not join one of those sites where people talk about this problem and show support.
  2. The biggest thing I can tell you is ask yourself when you get the urge is what is it really going to do to help me? Make me feel relieved for 10 seconds then feel miserable after? Take stuff out of your eniroment that will make you relapse. Pick boxing back up man! Train do something stay out of the house just train and study or whatever watch fights on YouTube of classics. Most importantly believe in yourself and embrace this. It isn't an over night battle my friend. It's not a week battle. Patience man! Have the mind set that you don't need it. Use the law of attraction too. Hope i helped.
  3. riis11

    riis11 Fapstronaut

    Kyle.92. You were a boxer. You know what it is like to be a competitor. Imagine being in the boxing ring with your addition. It is there in front of you laughing in your face. It is saying "you can't beat me because I'm going to pull every dirty trick out of the book to get you to relapse." That's what this addiction will do to you if you try to quit. It will convince you that just one peek at porn or just one fap won't hurt. It will convince you that everybody does it so why deprive yourself. This addiction lies to you and is your worst enemy, so do what you did when you were a boxer. Finesse your way around your opponent. Put up a great defense and watch for a hook or a cross from your opponent. The one good thing about this opponent is that you never have to hit it to win. All you need to do is prevent it from hitting you and you win. You can do it. It is going to take more than one round and you may lose some rounds but keep fighting because you can do it. You can win. Stay Strong.
  4. kyle.92

    kyle.92 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your support guys jakev and ris. RESPECT FOR REPLYING. And you guys are absolutely right about what you mentioned. 10 minutes of pleasure and then feeling guilty And miserable. And ris what you mentioned about it affecting boxing ability and orher aspects. And what you mentioned about the addiction in my fce talking to me manipulating me, if it was a person id smash hos fuckin jaw to bits. But thankyou so much. I have to do this now. Enough is enough and i also hope your journeys towards nofap are going well.
  5. kyle.92

    kyle.92 Fapstronaut

    And jakev my man what you said about boxing thats what i have started again. Training to be a warrior not a faggot. I love boxing and was doing well but this addiction ruined so much in my life
  6. No problem if you need anything hit me up bro.
  7. kyle.92

    kyle.92 Fapstronaut

    Thankyou brother. How is your journey going so far?