Help me to stop thinking about novelty

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Olmer, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Olmer

    Olmer Fapstronaut

    I am a 24 yo boy. I have a girlfriend whom I love. Our sexual life has had several problems in the past year - this was not cause of porn. But I started to consume porn... And now I think it does harm to my mind and my spirit and it stops me when I want to normalize our sexual life. Cause of these things I stopped watching porn 30 days ago. I know that everything is bad for me that is virtual (erotica related). My problem is that I am longing for novelty which could be easily acquired by watching porn...

    I love asian girls. I would like to watch some porn featuring them or just watch some pictures... I do not do it but I am afraid I will fail in some weeks... Please help me how to get rid of this feeling. It is getting really hard.
  2. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    I hate to break it to you but you won't be getting rid of the feeling of longing, at least in the beginning of this process. "Getting rid" of any feeling is not how you beat it. You have to learn to ride the discomfort it makes your feel and strengthen your willpower to CHOOSE not to give in the feeling of desire. I so have a few suggestions. Try to occupy your mind with something else whenever you get caught in the trap. Doing other things beside what your habit wants you to do will help break the habit. And also, be kind to yourself if you do fail. We ALL fail here. It's part of the process and its okay to fail. Just get back up and try again. Usually in time you'll find yourself doing better and better. If you can learn to co-exist with your urges and longings instead of fighting them, you will have a much easier time succeeding in your goals. That goes for ALL emotions, too.
    Arley, zeral and heartpower like this.
  3. SkyDoge

    SkyDoge Fapstronaut

    You do not love asian girls. You are addicted to asian porn. There is a big difference. In real life asian women are not that great, not any better or worse than the next one. They are individual people with feelings.

    Understand that the novelty craving is unique to porn and the way it messes with your brain.

    If you love your girlfriend you will not cheat on her. And many women consider your watching porn, or even fantasizing about other women while masturbating, as cheating.
  4. Olmer

    Olmer Fapstronaut

    Please leave out this cheating approach. Okay, let me confess. I have been watching porn for 10 years (I was 14). I always considered it as a good, cool thing. Some months ago everything changed. I realized that I wanted always more and more extreme genres. I started believing that I am a criminal and had anxiety and vomited every day and was unable to sleep. I did not tell it anyone. But a therapist helped. I stopped thinking of being a criminal but I read some internet articles and realized that I may have cheated on my gf... A thing I did not want. So another form of self destructing anxiety came. Now I think that the only thing that made me such an ill person is porn. So I do not watch porn. I do not want sex with other women - I am just addicted to seeing naked body parts with one click because it bakes my brain. Please do not judge me and do not say I am just defending myself. We have had some serious sexual problems with my gf and she stopped visiting the doctor so I thought it is Ok to leave it on her and go for PMOs. This was the worst idea I have ever had...
    zeral likes this.
  5. heartpower

    heartpower Fapstronaut

    Don't try to get rid of the feeling. When you do that, you are turning it into a problem. You are saying no to a part of reality. Instead say yes. Say yes I do feel this way, and accept it. Then remember that all urges pass. Urges do not last forever. They feel intense, and important, and we feel inclined to act on them, but we don't have to. We don't need to either. Find outlets in your life which are rewarding and enriching. Take your life to the next level. Start thinking of ways you can be novel in romancing your girlfriend, via things like a nice dinner or a thoughtful gift. We don't get rid of those feelings, we use alchemy to turn them into gold.
    zeral and cryptifly like this.
  6. heartpower

    heartpower Fapstronaut

    @Olmer It's nobody's business how your relationship is run but you and your significant other's. The point is that you're here and you obviously brought it up because you think it is affecting things. So the best we can do is give you advice on how to stop, and encourage you to keep going. We are not relationship therapists.
  7. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    Take it easy on him. I think @Olmer was just trying to make a point that was beneficial for the reader by using his own experiences. He wasn't trying to get us to fix his relationship problem.
  8. heartpower

    heartpower Fapstronaut

    @cryptifly I was actually defending him, perhaps I should have worded it differently and it was taken out of context.
  9. heartpower

    heartpower Fapstronaut

    @cryptifly I didn't want him to feel like anybody was trying to be hard on him and see he was cheating.
  10. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    Didn't seem like it when I read it, but I'm not infallible. What made me respond was when you said "We're not relationship therapists." That was unnecessarily harsh, in my opinion. Especially when he never asked for help, he was just sharing.
  11. Olmer

    Olmer Fapstronaut

    About our relationship: we are trying to get back our sex life that was once ok. The spiritual part is not problematic, I think.

    I hope I will be able to handle these urges. But I think longing for porn -which is also an urge- is not normal. The funny part is that I realized these things after 10 years - after growing up in porn.
  12. SkyDoge

    SkyDoge Fapstronaut

    I don't know what this sexual problem is you keep saying your gf has. But you have a sexual problem that might be causing her problem.

    When you're addicted to porn for that many years, as I was, you can't have sex with a woman correctly because you're still thinking about porn during sex instead of figuring out what your partner likes and paying attention to her body language. If she is thinking about your porn viewing she might feel unattractive BECAUSE of that. So yeah you might be completely wrong to say it's her responsibility to start seeing a therapist. No dude it's your responsibility to quit porn and then the relationship will improve.
    zeral likes this.
  13. Olmer

    Olmer Fapstronaut

    Thank you, now I feel even worse.

    First of all, she doesn't know anything about my porn watching habit, and I don't think of porn when I am with her. By the way, I never objectify her and don't want her to act like a porn star.

    Secondly, she had a disease which (after one year) is now cured. As I have already said I visited a psychologist and don't watch porn. I just wanted to get some help how to cope with my feelings. Thank you for proving I am guilty without reading and knowing anything about us. I hope this not common on this forum.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2015
  14. SkyDoge

    SkyDoge Fapstronaut

    Olmer I apologize. I misunderstood the situation
  15. heartpower

    heartpower Fapstronaut

    I was simply stating that what happens within his relationship is the business of himself and his significant other, and not to worry about what anybody else here says. I was under the impression that he was offended by SkyDoge calling it cheating. There may be some relationships where a certain amount of pornography and such is acceptable, and maybe even used to spice up a sex life. I was only prompting him to trust the correct guidance for the issue at hand. I'm sorry if this offended you in some way.
  16. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    It's all good, bro, I wasn't offended. I fear I may have been projecting a little of my own stuff onto you when I responded. The words you used came across as rough and a little attacking and for some reason I felt the need to defend him. Water under the bridge.
  17. Olmer

    Olmer Fapstronaut

    I haven't watched porn for more than 40 days. I don't even think of "I d like to watch it "... The thing about Asian women stopped (I still think they are exotic looking and cool but don't think of them as kinky sex toys anymore)
    The current problem is a bit different. Some days pictures come up in my head about real, living women and I do sexual stuff with them... I try thinking of other things but sometimes there are wet dreams and thoughts I just can't stop. I have a gf whom I really really love from my heart. Will these thoughts stop? What can I do?
  18. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    No, the thoughts don't ever stop, that's not how your brain works. You'll always find yourself thinking about something you don't want to. The key, in my opinion, is not to STOP thinking but to train yourself to one, coexist with the thought without taking action on the urge it brings up and two, just let it slide on by while something else replaces it. The second one is harder, for sure, but I think practicing to keep your mind centered on the present moment and on what the sensations in your body are instead of what your head wants you to do is important.
  19. Olmer

    Olmer Fapstronaut

    "that's not how your brain works"
    I have read some articles but I haven't read about this yet. Please explain this.

    "The key, in my opinion, is not to STOP thinking but to train yourself to one, coexist with the thought without taking action on the urge it brings up and two, just let it slide on by while something else replaces it."
    These pictures are erotic (not bizarre or brutal, or not even kinky). I want to masturbate when I see them in my head - but they come up at about once a day. In most cases, I can stand masturbating but in some other cases I do it... (at home of course, and not PMO, just a normal masturbation, not too short or too long) Do you think it would be better if I could stand masturbation in all cases (I do it 1-2/week).
    The other thing I thought of may sound a bit weird - please tell me what you think about it. So I have these thoughts of women... and I convert them to thoughts about my gf in the same situation. Please note that these 'pictures' are never violent, weird, extreme, bizarre, objectifying or anything... just sexy.
  20. cryptifly

    cryptifly Fapstronaut

    I don't have any evidence or science to back this up but basically this means that the thoughts your brain produces cannot be controlled, as in, turned on or off at will. It just doesn't work like that. Thought will keep happening as well as feelings... that's part of being human. It's up to you to make the right choices that are beneficial for your recovery.

    What do you mean by "normal masturbation"? What is the difference in your mind between this and PMO?
    If I'm reading you correctly you're worried about the thoughts that are in your head, correct? If this is true, I don't think there's anything to worry about. Thoughts are thoughts and unless you act on the thoughts that are in your head, they're harmless. It almost seems that you're worried that you're cheating on your gf because of these thoughts and that isn't true. It's very normal to have weird or kinky thoughts about any number of women. There's nothing wrong with the thinking part. If, however, you're taking these thoughts and acting on them with different women behind your gf's back, THAT'S a problem. Tell her your fantasies. Maybe she'll even agree to act out some of the images you have. That's very healthy for loving relationship.