How porn creates the "john" (video)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by December, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. December

    December Fapstronaut

    Good lecture here about pornography and the connection to prostitution and trafficking (which as we know often times includes sexual abuse and child exploitation) by Dr. Gail Dines at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, December 19th, 2012.

    ****I suggest listening, there are a few small triggers.****
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  2. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thanks for posting this December. I just watched the whole thing. Is an hour long but well worth watching. I could go on and on but it speaks for itself. The only comment I would make about feminism is that much as I totally agree with the entire premise of equality it is vital that it doesnt swing too far the other way which is common when people change and it us vital to keep to the miidle way by adopting a centred and balanced approach and the aim of feminism must surely be to achieve balance and not a female equivalent of a patriarchy. Im NOT saying this is what this presenter or femenism in general is advocating at all and I thought her lecture was brilliant but just to caution that women need to be mindful not to succumb to misandry (the female equivalent of mysogyny) however understandable that would be after the amount of shit females have taken from the patriarchy collectively for so long. And I only mention tbis because I have seen and spoke to women who hate men and which is every bit as out of balance as mysogyny and the issues they are rightfully attempting to correct and like I said surely the aim of all decent human beings is balance and harmony irrespective of gender etc (and again I am NOT criticising this lady or feminism, just adding some observations I have made) :)

    I would strongly urge everybody here to watch this video and come to their own conclusions. It is very informative (I couldnt stop watching it even though I really didnt have the time!)

    Thanks again :)
  3. GuyWhoWillStopPMOing

    GuyWhoWillStopPMOing Fapstronaut

    I watched it too, and I totally agree with jiltedjohn's post. The word "feminism" itself causes segregation.
    I think that a more productive term would be "equal treatment between genders", it would not let anyone extrapolate the term and go to misandry or mysogyny.
    Whenever I hear the words "masculinism" or "feminism", the first thing that comes to my mind is that the people who takes those words for themselves are trying to "get the upper hand" and dominate the others.
    Anyway, the video is awesome. Except for the word "feminism", I see only good things in the lecture she gave.
  4. aron

    aron Fapstronaut

    It was a gripping presentation and I do agree with her, although I don't have an opinion whether feminism is actually the best answer against porn. But at least it's a start, she is suggesting a solution, and its good that she opened the talk that the society needs a response to the porn. And as Osho once said, the society moves like a pendulum, from one extreme to another. I think we reached the maximum of sexual freedom and now the premises are being created for a conservatory response.

    But her points on the availability of porn to children, the desensitization that it causes, the tendency to create harder forms of porn and people's taste actually changing in accordance to what they see, all of these are valid points to be made.

    Thanks again for posting it, it was an eye opener.
  5. Thackeray

    Thackeray Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing this. Wasn't sure what I'd make of it as she's a feminist, but it was as the last user wrote, quite eye-opening. I definitely felt moments of 'clarity' when watching it, as a lot of what she said rang true with me. Thanks again.
  6. December

    December Fapstronaut

    I'm not a feminist in any sense of the word and I don't want to get involved with it. Gail Dines mentions the word a maybe once or twice but after that, the presentation is VERY good, so hopefully that won't deter anyone from listening to the presentation.
  7. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yes it really is a brilliant presentation and I would also 100% recommend it as it is brilliantly researched/presented and not for one minute did I intend my (not anti-feminist) comments to detract from that in any way whatsoever and like aron rightly stated society etc does have a tendancy to swing to extremes (which is why buddhist/taoism/zen etc always advocate the middle way) and I have had first had experience of both mysogyny and (the very little mentioned) misandry and just wanted to gently caution about that but I absolutely totally agree this is a fantastic video and I honeslty cant recommend it enough (and I believe she has a book that would be well worth checking out) :)
  8. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

  9. GuyWhoWillStopPMOing

    GuyWhoWillStopPMOing Fapstronaut

    I endorse jiltedjohn's words again, the video is GREAT. I have nothing against feminism, unless it gets misunderstood by someone and ends up leading to some kind of misandry.
    Men and women may be different, but they will always be equivalent.
  10. December

    December Fapstronaut

    Yes! I intend on buying the book soon.
    Gail also has a page on facebook (stop porn culture) and she has quite a few other lectures that I want to watch as well. In anyway, I think these types of resources are much needed and powerful for those struggling with this porn thing....people don't realize how closely this is tied to sex crimes, trafficking and child exploitation. Maybe I'll compile a list for everyone here sometime.
  11. Devil-May-Fap

    Devil-May-Fap Fapstronaut

    Thank you december this post was a real eye opener i enjoyed the speech and it really does make you think. Its also inspired my new signiture :D
  12. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    LOVE that signature!! ;)
  13. Devil-May-Fap

    Devil-May-Fap Fapstronaut

    thanks jiltedjohn as soon as i heard gail say those words it rang true with me and i just thought it was a brilliant analogy. I see you are only 11 days from your goal congratulations man thats a great achievement how are you feeling about the whole nofap experience? If you dont mind me asking
  14. wyocal

    wyocal Guest

    Thanks for sharing this, very profound.
  15. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Felling good cheers! PMO is definitely OFF the menu for me so not even looking at the counter to be honest but I guess 90 days will be an achievement. Will keep you posted;) All the best to you mate. Keep going:)
  16. Treason

    Treason Fapstronaut

    My personal issue with this type of lecture is the gynocentric, feminist approach to the subject. Yes, absolutely, everything she is saying is true to a large extent, but it discounts the many other attitudes and practices within pornography outside the mainstream ... for instance, gay porn, real amateur porn and the fact that many women do actually enjoy watching it too. Also, using music videos as an example aren't really accurate as I grew up in an era where artists such as Madonna were cavorting around barely dressed ... and that was many years before the Internet. However, where I would once use those grey areas to defend porn, I now see them as a wider implication that needs to be addressed ...

    I'm not anti-porn, anti-sex or anti women's rights, I just think that the feminist approach of blaming the myth of the patriarchal society fails to look at the bigger picture.
  17. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yes I made some similar points earlier in the thread but the video is a valuable contribution etc. I'm like you I think, I dont want to be 'anti' anything more 'pro' the good things in life etc but sometimes we have to cast the light of awareness on the things that operate in the shadows in order to expose and move beyond their 'sneaky' self serving influence (in all areas of our lives). I remember somebody buying me a book called 'is it just me or is everything shit' which was really funny and accurate in its observations if a little too negative? So I just happened to buy a book I noticed that was called 'yes it is just you, everythings not shit' (seriously!!) which was equally good in its own way but a little bit sickly and even naive in parts so I guess its the middle way all the way for me! My point? I guess ive seen a lot of videos exposing both porn and its effects etc and theres usually something I dont 100% personally agree with (religious motivations etc etc) and I guess we just have to take what we can out of them. (Cant fault Louis Theroux though!;))