I am at 47days streak

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Builder98, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. Builder98

    Builder98 Fapstronaut

    I am at 47days without relapse.in these days I found most difficult to pass weakend without PMO but I did
    More exercise in gym
    Being more conscious to avoid PMO
    Trying to have appointments with friends at dinner
    Watching comedy or action movies

    All it helped me and yesterday I tried to watch porn even for 5min but I did not have any attraction and quit that.even it gave me very boring and sad taste in that 5min rather than some attraction.
    Thanks NoFap panic application ,it helps a lot
    Stay strong my friends
  2. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Don't tease your addiction, my friend. Recovery for you won't be ultimately sustainable if you keep doing so. As safe as 47 days may feel, it is also a short time still. I just recently fell after 55 days, and days 48-55 were a big struggle for me, whereas the previous days were quite carefree and at ease. Don't assume that you've found a resting place. Be on guard still and alert, but not paranoid, of course. Enjoy life and protect your newly acquired (and fragile) freedom.
  3. Builder98

    Builder98 Fapstronaut

    Hi my friend,I am really grateful for your response and it will work as eye opener and red alert in upcoming days...u said right it is freedom and very much refreshing to soul
  4. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    I've gotta echo JoeMD's point here. When your willpower and reward system fight it out, the reward system tends to win. So you have to change your environment to remove as many triggers as possible. That includes making a commitment to view no PMO triggers whatsoever for the extend of your Reboot period.

    But congratulations on making it 47 days! You must be very proud of yourself!
    Builder98 likes this.
  5. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Yes. Keep it going!
    Builder98 likes this.
  6. Builder98

    Builder98 Fapstronaut

    Thanks friend for sparing time and writing ,your feedback and warn messages are helping me to be more alert than relaxing on achieving this streak and exposing myself to danger of PMO.
    Stay blessed and strong
  7. Builder98

    Builder98 Fapstronaut

    Now I am at 54days but I want to share my experience ,as said by my nofap friends Above that it is really more slippery phase of nofap because
    1-being some over confident expose to risk of pmo
    2-feeling bore sometime in late night is dangerous
    Need to be more clear in mind for feeling NOOO for PMO
    PMO is not any option to think
    To find out some intresting and exhausting activity till sleep in night on weakends
    I survived at 54days froM PMO but little creeping was there that will also be removed from my life
    This is a real battle that we only have to fight and win
  8. slowhands

    slowhands Fapstronaut

    I really quote every single word you wrote and much relate. I had to fight some terrible urges today after I exposed myself to some p-subs. But as u said, this must not be an option. We need just some time to completely reset our brains from the old junk. Hope u stay strong in your streak, bro!
    Builder98 likes this.
  9. Builder98

    Builder98 Fapstronaut

    Thanks u brother for encouraging ,courage is v important in this battle what we get from our friends
  10. Turin

    Turin Fapstronaut

    It's great to hear that. Keep going! :)

    I really liked your answer. It happened the same thing to me (but i fell off at day 31). We should really be always careful even when we feel safe. The first days were easy to me too, and the last 3 ones were really hard, until i relapsed. Maybe 31 isn't that high but i really felt safe. By the way, thank you so much for those wise words.