I Keep Pushing People Away

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by simba121785, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. simba121785

    simba121785 Fapstronaut

    Its been a few years since I've had friends. A lot of them either moved away, got married or simply just ghosted. I'm not on social media because no one really posts on my page and its boring. I want to have friends but it's difficult because I'm overweight which hurts my confidence and I hate going outside my door.

    I am working on losing weight and various other activities that may help me become more interesting. I use to be the goofball and enjoy making people laugh. However, it got to a point where I couldn't tell if people were laughing with me or at me. It got to a point where I had eject myself from people entirely. I can make small talk and even smile when strangers engage me and they seem to be genuine. This usually happens most at work but, right now, part of my wants to be alone because I feel it will help stay focus on my goals.

    It just that the feelings of loneliness usually drive me to do toxic behavior and I don't know if I can still have some form of interaction with other people while still trying to lose weight.
    | Nico | likes this.
  2. angelpart

    angelpart Fapstronaut

    It's great that you're working on yourself. Perhaps you are misinterpreting people's reactions, I think most people don't really care that you are overweight. I would advise to keep working on your Goals, but also try to avoid isolation and keep interacting with people. If you have a close enough friend or a family member I would advise to be open with them and tell them about your current discomfort and desire to lose weight. I'm sure they'll be very supportive and that can help a lot. In any case, best of luck !
    | Nico | likes this.
  3. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    I reconnected with a girl about three weeks ago. Sent emails back and forth. She seemed totally fine. And then no reply for about one and half weeks. I send another short email. No reply. Send a text today. Nothing. WHAT THE FUCK? At least TELL me you’re not interested. Blatant ignoring drives me crazy.
    | Nico | likes this.
  4. simba121785

    simba121785 Fapstronaut

    @angelpart I was thinking something similar. Honestly, when I don't think about and just go for it, I can be the life of the party and make everyone laugh. I've been on dates before but it never led to a relationship. I believe that the majority of it is in my head. However, I've always been made fun of for my weight when growing so that is something I never really could get over so losing would probably benefit me psychologically as well as physically.

    @Fullyawake Sounds like she just playing games and you should start looking for a woman who actually values your time more, man.
    | Nico | and Fullyawake like this.