I need things to do

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by CThatch94, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. CThatch94

    CThatch94 Fapstronaut

    Longer story short.

    My whole life has been night shift.

    I work nights. I wake up at 3 PM and go to bed at 7 AM.

    I want to find other hobbies besides PMOing (obviously) Video games, and Martial arts.

    I am sick of living in this box playing on a computer. The only time I really get out besides work is Martial arts. You would think Martial arts would help but for me it really hasn't. Been doing taekwondo 18 years have a 3rd degree "black belt" and still don't feel like I have earned it. I have been doing Jui jitsu and MMA for a couple years now and honestly I don't even know why I keep doing it. I just get beat up over and over and over again. coming home with bruises and feeling sore. You would think Fighters and Martial artist wouldn't have problems making friends and getting into relationships. Well I have problems with it. You just end up getting made fun of all the time for having black eyes and bruises all over your face.

    I make so many excuses and I just end up being lazy. Even with my martial arts lately over the last 6 months I have been lazy because I am sick of it.

    Basically I am just sick of my life (not suicidal)

    I don't really know much else. I know how to get my @$$ beat over and over again and I know how to be a keyboard warrior.

    I have tried this weekend going to bed at 3 AM waking up at 11AM But I just sat in my box wasting my life away again.

    Honestly living in my room is my biggest #1 problem I have.

    Anyone have any advice or just something new for me to do and how to get started in it?
  2. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yeah you need a drastic change in your daily life. I know when you're bored and lonely and whatnot, it's easy for the day to drag till the late hours until you finally go to sleep. This is problem number one you need to solve. 2nd problem is the lack of activities. I know it's not fun at all to wake up early when you don't really have anything to do, it feels empty af. Try to work up some kind of a schedule. Start the planning from the time you go to bed. Plan that time so you get enough sleep to wake up naturally at the time you want to wake up at. Like if you need 8 hours of sleep, and want to wake up at 10 AM, you need to go to bed before 2 AM. It's before, since you have to consider how long it will take you to fall asleep. So ultimately you need to go to sleep at a time that will allow you to be asleep at 2 AM. That would be probably around 1:30 AM.

    Then you wake up at 10 AM, a little later or a little earlier, but around that time. Now you have the whole day of time for anything you want to do. And remember this is a good, positive thing. It might come off as an empty day full of nothingness, but that's only if you make it like that. I'm sure you have goals and dreams you want to achieve, so why not work towards them? All the time you have now can be spent on improvement, which will benefit you in the future. Personally, my days are based on working towards my goals. My mind is in the future and the goals there, and the current days are my way to get there. What do you want your future to look like? And what are the things you need to do to get there?
    CThatch94 likes this.
  3. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Stop it! There are so many things you can do which would get you out of your place and would be very good exercise. None of them would mean getting beaten up and looking worse for wear! Transfer the strengths martial arts have given you in a completely different activity. Find the joy in participating again. :) For what it is worth, badminton was the one for me.
    I enjoyed singles, like 1 vs 1. But I found that doubles was much better. It requires not only reading the game and your opposition, but also your playing partner. Positioning on the court is everything, yet each point is organic and requires split second reflexes at times. If that sounds boring to you, fine, haha. :D But there will be things out there that will test you, entertain you and give you something to look forward to. Make something good happen Thatch.
    CThatch94 likes this.
  4. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    I have great success with dancing classes, and a website called "meetup". You can just join, state your interests and then find something that you like in your area, and you can also try out new things.
    I am currently joined in around 8 groups. From pets to languages to fitness and learning how to talk on stage without insecurity. The bigger the city you live in, the more meetups you will have.
    I would also suggest meeting friends just to go for a walk. I do that with a couple of friends who have dogs once per week or every two weeks.
    Facebook groups probably work as well, i just hate using any social media.
  5. CThatch94

    CThatch94 Fapstronaut

    I would like my future to be with people who will encourage me to things to better myself in life. I really do want to be in a relationship with someone not so much for the s** but the actual relation part. (i know i have to get out and talk to people for this to ever happen)

    Idk I have always been this Martial arts fanatic I want to be in good shape which i am but I could be in better shape. (I know I could go a gym and just work out and eat healthier)

    I would like to be independent and living on my own. (I could pack up and move on but for me I know that would financially stupid, I am lucky my parents even allow me to live with them for cheap rent)

    I want to not decline people when they ask me out to do stuff. (I could just say ya sure and go)

    Like I said I did change my sleep schedule this week to wake up early so there is a + I guess.

    Little back story about how I became this way I think:
    I also didn't really mention I got made fun of all my school years. Middle school I had 0 friends and got made fun of for taekwondo and for being a slow reader so I went to video games. High school I made some friends but the online gaming got me hooked and I ended up declining my "friends" when they asked me to hang out. I actually even turned down 1 girl who sent me basically a love letter. I wasn't even interested in her at the time but now I look back and I wish I would have at least given her a chance. I also had another girl who I really liked as a friend asked me to hang out with her friends and I ended up declining and telling her I was busy and she literally said to me "You're busy playing call of duty?" and I didn't talk to her since. I had some other issues with people happen and it just ended up making me into this hermit.

    I hate computers so much. They have ruined my teenage and younger adult life and it embarrasses me to even start a relationship with others. Yet I don't know how to get opff the computer. My parents just yesterday asked me if I wanted to go out to eat and I said no i am good and just sat on the computer wasting my time away.

    I just thought of this as I was typing this backstory of mine. If I do ever fix my life and go on a good path maybe I could wright a book on loneliness. I can defiantly say you don't need to be Ugly or fat to be lonely I know that from experience. (I can do this by fixing my life)
  6. CThatch94

    CThatch94 Fapstronaut

    I think the big reason I haven't stopped is my parents, mostly my mom. When I used to skip my taekwondo classes a lot she would bring up something like "I have put a lot of money into your taekwondo I don't want you to give up on become a 4th degree master" I feel what is the point of being a "Master" at something when I feel like I didn't even earn my black belt to begin with. As a "Black belt" I used to get my @$$ beat by jui jitsu white belts. Still do every now and then. What kind of Black belt am I? Why would I want to be called a "Master"? Would only make me look more like a fool.

    I have thought of just going to planet fitness and just doing some cardio and light weight stuff. I also thought maybe I could meet some people there but I just ended up not going and sitting here on the computer.