I try to fail again and again

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by 8Maverick8, Feb 17, 2020.

  1. You are repeating same thing, I see no point in continuing this discussion further.
    You can believe anything you like, it is just sad that depressed people will spend years trying to quit pornography instead of dealing with chronic depression, but thats on you.
  2. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Pornography addiction causes chronic depression. Would it not make sense to stop using what makes you depressed? You are a huge troll Ronilla. I see through you. You are here to joke around and troll, because honestly you cant be this stupid.
  3. I think you just proved the point he made about “group think” and hive mind. Demonizing him because you don’t agree doesn’t help the cause my friend.

    for what it’s worth, it takes personal strength to disagree provided it’s done tactfully.

    There obviously are links between depression and chronic masturbation ; but some of this is still mostly empirical data not fully chronicled within the scientific repository — thus why nofap has a place. Internet porn addiction outpaces the study of the addiction itself.

    We can understand many elements of our neurotransmitters yet not fully quantify the missing links between the damage of porn vis a vis porn/masturbation-induced depression.

    False positives can also easily exist. I can feel better from not masturbating; but how can I prove it is limited to no masturbation? What if the absence of porn improves my attitude because my conscious is no longer heavy?

    This becomes a slippery slope quickly if we stop talking about the subject and start attacking the posters by calling them trolls.

    Hopefully we have the maturity and civility to address outliers or objections without unnecessary psychoanalysis into the poster. We are all some version of addict or ex-addict.

    Instead relate, participate and tolerate.
  4. In life, you ether want the truth or you do not.

    If you do not want the truth, you can not be convinced and you will suck at life. Mainly because truth represents is how things work and if you do not want to know - you are ineffective.

    People do not want to know the truth, because it often breaks their perception of how the world actually works and they have to change. People do not want to change their beliefs.

    But big advantage to willing to find the truth is you become incredibly successful, if you dig to find real causes for your failures - you then can fix them rapidly and enjoy benefits, in all areas of your life.
    If you keep believing something blindly, you do not discover true cases of your failures and your behavior does not change. And you will continue to fail in same way over and over, which seems to be the recurring theme in this community.
    People are perfectly aware of the expression - "doing same thing and expecting different result is definition of insanity" and yet they seem to do same thing over and over and over and they come here to inform all of us that for the 27th time they failed doing the same thing - great.

    It is not in my best interest for you to figure out that depression develops abuse, it is in your best interest.

    Go find a study that shows pornography use leads to depression.
    If pornography use led to depression we would expect people that start using it to get depressed and then we would have 90% completely depressed world population. And that is not the case.
    Pornography is a stimulant not depressant, you are emotionally and physically aroused and stimulated when consuming pornography.
    Depressed people seek stimulating experiences, sex and masturbation and pornography have stimulant properties.

    In vast majority of cases depression comes about because of lack of commitments and relationships in individuals life, people want to be free and not tied down but they do not know that doing so also means you do not build a motivation structure that helps them stay positive.
    When people have a partner, kids, family, friends relationships, they have projects, goals and remain honest.
    They have allot of commitments and allot to loose - so they are rewarded by good, stable mood and are highly motivated, to perform.
    The very commitments they take on in life provide the mechanism for being motivated and emotionally healthy.
    Just listen to what people always say about having kids - "they say I am so grateful, they give me joy, gave meaning and purpose to my life",
    Sounds kind of like good mood and motivation does it not, as kids arrive on the scene, life gains huge meaning and brain chemistry changes, kids provide huge boost to motivation and self esteem.
    Lack of close relationships, lack of commitments, lack of kids, constant lying and deception and general poor moral habits, all lead to what we see here - depression.

    I wish I represented a "troll", if trolls posted content like this - they would be very educated and respected bunch.

    I will end with this as I always do, pornography is bad only when it is abused, same goes for masturbation and sex, and as rule of thumb - depression causes abusive behaviors.
    Depressed people are impaired - they can not exercise will power, they are chemically incapable of self control, which is exactly why they abuse.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2020
    need4realchg likes this.
  5. It’s not impossible at all. In fact, many have done so and found a better and higher way to live. Scientific study has shown sex to be 400% more satisfying than the release achieved in masturbation, due to the balance in hormonal chemistry released in the brain during sex, compared to the IMBALANCE achieved from masturbation. It is not how the male reproductive system was meant to be used. Abstain and attain unto a higher lifestyle or drown in futility, shame and imbecility.
    Overforme likes this.
  6. It is impossible because, it is a natural behavior, and someone with commitment to stop today, may change views on that tomorrow. And life is very long, very long.
    because we do not have 100% honest people we can observe for 40 years to make sure it is possible, we use probabilities to asses how possible it is.
    Masturbation especially for someone who stopped for some period of time, carries no negative effects and also bring massive positive effects, activity is inherently highly motivated.
    So people that do not masturbate, tend to say that in general, they mean that they do not engage in the activity often, usually because they have active sex partner and masturbation is not something that even comes to mind.
    However in some cases they engage in the activity randomly or because their partner is not available.

    Masturbation is not low quality version of sex. It stands on its own two feet and is a way to explore individual sexuality.
    It is pretty well known that females learn allot about how to reach orgasm via masturbation, so they can share that knowledge with their partner and have more satisfying sex.
    Men also gain variety of skills from masturbation like awareness of sensations preceding ejaculation, and overall understanding of their body's repose to pleasure.
    Men need to learn what physical forces can be safely applied to the penis and at what angles, noone knows that, it has to be learned by trial and error.
    They need to explore range of experiences so they develop confidence in using their gear and that happens naturally during masturbation - but noone thinks about it.
    Somehow people spend long time learning to to use hands and stay balanced but we automatically know how to safely handle a penis?
    Ohh but we are not allowed to talk about good sides of masturbation, I forgot for a moment.

    People just do not realize how much they learned about their own sexual repose and pleasure from masturbation, they assume that they already knew everything and nature will guide them....
    Well I am sorry to point this out - you do not know how to see, hear, understand or move you have to learn and discover everything.
    You learn how to walk, learn to see, you learn how to speak and understand, learn how to grab things and hot o move them, how to interact with others, how to manage feelings, you learn by doing and exploring and it takes a long time to learn.
    And you learn about your sexuality with masturbation, so when you are with your partner you are more capable and most importantly safer from injury.

    There is no guide for how reproductive system is meant to be used, if you have some sort of manual I did not get when I was born, please send that to me.
    You decided masturbation is wrong way to use your reproductive system, and that is it - it is your belief, you should explore why you believe this.
    Biology has simple rule set, if you are doing something wrong - you will feel pain.
    Sharp pain means: stop what you are doing now and think.
    Long-term pain like depression means: change your behavior, rethink your values, set new goals.

    Very simple.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2020
  7. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut


    1. NEED, WANT, SEEK:
    NEED -> Realization you're in a world od shit and you need to change, because I are stuck in a loop, seeking behavior that always has negative consequences
    WANT -> You really need to find a strong reason why you want to change. You need to want it more than anything in the world
    SEEK -> be open to everything… learn, learn, learn. Join recovery group (forum or live)

    2. KEYS:
    1st DIET & EXERCISE -> far the most important key. Regular daily aerobic exercise outdoors helps with depression, anxiety and makes your body healthy
    2nd DEAL WITH THE PAIN FROM YOUR PAST -> Eckart Tolle: "Every Addiction starts with pain and ends with pain." Gabor Mate:" Not why the addiction, but why the pain."
    You need to resolve the underlying issue that is causing your discomfort/pain or you've done nothing and you will always be one step away from relapse.
    3rd PRACTICE GRATITUDE -> Your brain will rewire itself to positivity if you train it no matter how FU you are right now and you will again become the the person you deserve to be. The best version of yourself you can possibly be at a given moment.

    Don't limit yourself, seek improvement every day. To achieve all this you'll need to develop determination, self-discipline and consistency. It takes time, but hey Rome wasn't build in a day. Setting and achieving small goals eventually leads to big things.
  8. hi dude whats'up ? do you know that we Fapstronaut are minorities who are surrounded by a world full of Fapers ? this is what makes it harder especially when you know that this is the only website that fight against the big companies of Porn industries which has billions of dollars while this website struggle to get just 100k dollars ! so NoFap is very hard and only for fighters who never give up ultimately ! you relapsing and coming back is better than people who relapse and never try again to stop faping ! you are a fighter ! show us how long can you survive .
    do not let you problems and lusts beat you ! you are stronger than everything else . lastly do not count your relapses ! count your comebacks ! PEACE .
  9. I'm sure that you are right for some people, but you can't generalise that everyone gets the addiction because of depression. I've been lucky enough to have never had depression, and yet I was still addicted. Some people won't have depression, they get addicted, and then get depression as a result of the addiction or its side effects.

    However, if you say that an addiction happens for a reason, and that the reason (whatever it is) needs to be dealt with, yes, I agree. Research definitely supports that.

    Research also supports the hypothesis — not proven — that a lack of meaningful connection and purpose are behind all addictions.
  10. Depression is not noticeable to the individual until it is severe, we are very bad at assessing our own state.
    You can be depressed for years and think you are just lazy.
  11. That might be the case, but I have been professionally assessed by medical practitioners (to eliminate depression as a cause of another illness that I have). In any case, I am hardly a lazy person.