Im not terribly addicted, good luck to everyone who is :3

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Casey_Y, May 21, 2021.

  1. Casey_Y

    Casey_Y New Fapstronaut

    Ok, if im being completley honnest I am just a little uncomftorable reading about people with their dick problems and shit, although I cant say I didnt expect it. I thought id say hi because I came here mostly so I can find people to talk too and stay off the path to sexual degeneracy.

    Real chads look at cat videos all day, not pornography.

    Now have a cat image.
  2. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

  3. Davikch

    Davikch Fapstronaut

    Ironic name for alpha male

    Or person that behaves like one
  4. Rents77

    Rents77 Fapstronaut

    Tbh, I'm content with all the depths and approaches on this site as everyone is on his own journey. It's one of the charms and allures, I guess, everyone does things differently and has his own battle.
    Jag45 likes this.
  5. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    What’s “not terribly addicted”?
  6. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Um..why are you here if you aren't terribly addicted? What would be your definition of terribly addicted? I'm curious. For me personally terribly addicted was when I was in my early 20s, working out daily and taking androgens. I jerked it 5-7 times a day for several years. This is what made me eventually spiral into over anxiousness and eventual depression. Nowadays I dont consider myself terribly addicted as I've built many months of sobriety at different points. The problem is that this pmo problem never resolved itself completely but I still come here even though I'm no longer terribly addicted
  7. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    A drunk is either on the wagon or off it. There ain’t no halfway except as in “house.”

    Drug addicts and alcoholics deal with the revelation that they will always be just that. That’s why they need to stay in “recovery.” If obsessive use of porn is an addiction, which is what I believe it is, the same applies. If it’s simply a bad use of time that can be modified, then you can measure it differently. So what’s “not seriously addicted?” Twice a month? Twice a day? Every hour, trimmed down from every 15 minutes?

    The question before the house is “Is porn obsession an addiction?” Addicts have special expertise. A couple among many: One, getting ahold of their drug no matter what. Two, lying to themselves.
  8. People who haven't fully acknowledged their addiction are usually even worse off, because they still have the VERY first step towards betterment in front of them: Realization.
    BlueBallsOG and CarP like this.