Im weak, never worked in my life, undergraduate and worse worst.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ANameThatStartsWithK, May 16, 2019.

  1. ANameThatStartsWithK

    ANameThatStartsWithK Fapstronaut

    I am really afraid please help me and how does one try to make a decent routine which includes working, reading and walking/running?
    Will I find a job ?
    What will I say during an interview ?
    Will a small call center hire me ?
    I wish to read two books a months
    i wish to be atleast 60 kgs in weight
    Please provide suggestions
    Im sharing a few pictures of me and my parents house where I live.
    Last edited: May 16, 2019
    Peter97 and Deleted Account like this.
  2. selfimprovement8008

    selfimprovement8008 Fapstronaut

    the thingh is I was like you and still having a tough time in school at 23 going back and as for working I work at a retail store at that has helped my confidence regarding jobs. I got the job by going to the store a couple of times and befriending the manager so he vouched for me even though i had no experience as for training i learned on the job and I didnt take it easy the first day i dived in full force
  3. romlel

    romlel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Don't doubt yourself so much!
    First, start with rebooting your mind and body. Start living a healthy lifestyle : find yourself a practice such as qigong/yoga/meditation you can keep doing daily, it will improve your confidence, enrgy level and reduce stress. When you feel better inside it will be reflected outside. i don't have practical advices for finding a job but you will surely find somes on the internet.
    Listen your body and love yourself man ;)
  4. Wow man. I feel bad for you, I hope you can get better, i mean i know life gets hard sometimes. But some of your questions like "will i this or that" only you can know if you can. And it all depends on what are you willing to do to change your current state. What are your options? Stop pmo asap and apply for a job. I mean, can you tell a little bit about yourself? Where are you from? Whats is your story with porn and why didn't you work yet and why are you very skinny? It can help us to give a better answer. Hang in there man.
  5. Apply for call centers brother, you'll get your chance.
  6. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    Why are you posting these pictures? Are those pictures of someone else that you're trying to mess with in some way?

    If that's not the case I'm sorry, but I have seen many examples of people messing with others by impersonating them online, so I'm suspicious.
  7. I don't think so, its indian thing
    ANameThatStartsWithK likes this.
  8. ANameThatStartsWithK

    ANameThatStartsWithK Fapstronaut

    Oh .. People dont post their pictures here ? I posted my pictures because im scared and needed help .. Im deleting them .. Those are my pictures honestly ..
  9. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    Okay, you're free to post pictures of yourself. Sorry, something just made me feel suspicious. Good luck with everything :)

    One tip, if going for all these things at once feels overwhelming, break things down, gradually incorporate new habits.
    ANameThatStartsWithK likes this.
  10. ANameThatStartsWithK

    ANameThatStartsWithK Fapstronaut

    I dont know the the reason why I am that weight and I am thinking it might be aneroxia. i dropped out of college twice and while I was in college I never attended even a single class. I was smoking cheap 1$ drugs everyday throughout the day and just developed the bad habit of not eating .. And because of these I didnt work as well ..
    Delhiguy might get this. Delhiboy I am so ashamed of it honestly, not using my mind and being so cheap. This just continued for years 7 years in all extent, no job doing this on my parents funds .. I even moved to a beach city called Goa for a year and half was smoking up there whenever i had money even did opium there for a month straight( All day every day) that'd cost around 25$ half a gram so thats why I never developed any normal habits and company.
    Last edited: May 16, 2019
  11. ANameThatStartsWithK

    ANameThatStartsWithK Fapstronaut

    I will write my complete story. At the moment I just have a phone so I am unable to but in a few days I will.
  12. ANameThatStartsWithK

    ANameThatStartsWithK Fapstronaut

    i was just going through my earlier posts , they are too stupid. I really dont know what to make of them ... My introduction post had a bit of my story but man thats just plain dumb things i wrote there ..
  13. ANameThatStartsWithK

    ANameThatStartsWithK Fapstronaut

    I have no experience bro 11 years since I passed school , i dropped out of colleges twice no attendence. Im in Ignou 2nd year B.A atm.
  14. Avinaash Sharma

    Avinaash Sharma Fapstronaut

    Don't know why these 12 haven't commented on my thread
  15. ANameThatStartsWithK

    ANameThatStartsWithK Fapstronaut

    Many people with comment please dont worry .. If people can comment on my posts people will definitely comment on yours ... Best of luck ..
    People here are unbelievably kind.
  16. Brother one of the biggest reason for being underweight is smoking too much. Just cut this bad habit, i too smoked for good 3 years but stopped as i realised its really putting pressure on body, stamina went down, digestion was not good, abnormal blood pressure, severe mood swings. So i stopped smoking, same thing with weed, i stopped weed too completely.
    If you don't have experience then try to get some petty job like working in some shop or showroom, zomato/swiggy delivery boy these are good starter things.
  17. nickreb90

    nickreb90 Fapstronaut

    Stop with the self-pity already. If you are young you have time to do almost anything you want in your life. We all have struggles and aren't perfect either.

    My suggestions would be to find a few good habits to instill in your life so you have a foundation to build upon. Our habits do indeed shape us, so if you start slow and build up you can be a different person in a few months. But start.

    1) Start working out for 30min per day, so you build confidence in your looks
    The workout routine I follow:

    2)Start NOFAP if not already, so you stop feeling ashamed or low about yourself

    3)Start reading books for 30min per day to understand yourself and the world a little better.

    My post with recommendations

    Only by taking action will you feel better about yourself. But, don't think even for a second that everyone else has it easy. It's hard for everyone but once you start changing yourself you will not want to look back.

    ANameThatStartsWithK likes this.
  18. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Most important is that you REALLY want to do it! But keep in mind: it is no easy task - especially reaching the weight you want. Making some gym and change your diet. There are many tips and hints of how to do it - and sport clubs and fitness center can help you - but most important is that you really want to do it and to hang in there! Reading book should you take as habit for covering the fap-habit.

    For the case of getting a job: do you know in which direction you want to go? What is your wish you want to do as profession in the future? Do you have to get a university-entrance-diploma or maybe just a secondary school level I certificate for reaching your dreamjob? Is studying on an university or college of higher education necessary - or just an education?
    If yes than go this way, but it isn't an easy way. You have to be strong for this way and never give up, no matter how hard it is!
    I can tell you that I'm one of these persons who came from undergraduate level to a high level. Seriously, I had 11 years ago a bad graduation and an education without good perspectives for the job market. After work and times of unemployments I decided for the way reaching more - and now I'm studying on a university. It is a hard way and it becomes more and more difficult - and you have some obstacles in your life you have to solve - but every time I reached a goal, it was a success, which felt amazing - one success better than the other one before!
    So you can do it too, if you really want to do it! There is also some braveness you have to take on this way. But later you'll see that all effort was worth it!
    ANameThatStartsWithK likes this.
  19. Peter97

    Peter97 New Fapstronaut

    You're same as me
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Do not share personal pictures picture or information!
    And you start slowly with exercise, and build new positive habits. The same for reading etc: a little bit, every day.
    ANameThatStartsWithK likes this.