It's all worth it. 30 days in.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Ghost., Dec 7, 2014.

  1. Ghost.

    Ghost. Fapstronaut

    *** This may be a long post. You've been warned ***

    A'right so it's been 34 days now and I wanna do a quick review. I never would have believed the scale on which no PMO can literally upgrade you as a person. So here's my experience so far:

    Analyzing the past month made me realize that it was probably one of the best I've ever had. I was always skeptic to the so called "superpowers". The term alone seemed exaggerated. Much to my surprise however, I've actually come to learn it's quite the opposite of exaggerated.

    How I was when PMOing on a daily basis:
    - Full of anxiety
    - Fake confident
    - Lacking life force
    - Always in my head
    - Always living in the future / past.
    - Turning down friends invites to places
    - Hugging couch during weekends
    - Proceeding to not answer my phone and avoid people
    - Constantly seeking validation from others.
    - Much more invested in others' opinions of my rather than my opinion of myself.
    - Afraid of being disliked

    How I am 30+ days in
    - Anxiety is virtually none existent
    - Look everyone in the eye when talking / shaking hands or passing them on the street
    - Confident as never before (srsly this is amazing)
    - Always happy to meet & be around people
    - Always living in the moment.
    - Stopped dwelling in the past.
    - Have been going out every weekend. No exception.
    - Always answer my phone pretty much regardless of what I'm doing
    - Started polarizing. Aka showing my true personality to people regardless if I just met them or not. Most will love me, some will hate me, and that's fine.
    - More invested in my opinion of myself, less invested in the opinions of others.

    It's amazing. It really is. I went to the club last night for the first time since I started this streak and it was like never before. I was irradiating confidence, and I was feeling it too. Cute girl at the bar giving me free drinks because "I'm different", girls randomly comming up to my unbuttoning my shirt, asking to take selfies and dance with me, guys looking at me with respect..

    Here's the best part though. I got rejected. A lot. And it was fun. Not just fun, mad fun. I was never in my life so unfazed by rejections. Some girls were actually pulling me back as I was turning and walking away to offer me explanations. As if I asked for them, hahah.

    Also I met a cute girl that was really cool. Had so much stupid fun it's insane. I didn't even speak to her for the first hour, communicating through eye contact, smiles, dancing and fake sign language because the music was so loud.

    Finally, I went home alone and that's what I'm probably most happy about. I could've easily brought back one of the 4-5 different girls that were all over me. Instead, I chose to spend my time with the girl I mentioned above because we were having genuine fun and I was genuinely interested in her. As a person, not just a potential lay. Got a kiss from her at the end and an invite to meet up today. I would have never chosen this before. Ever.

    - op feels amazing
    - op went clubbing for the first time on streak
    - op had girls all over him because oozing confidence
    - op enjoys life like never before
    - op discovered the fun of rejections and was unfazed by them
    - op chose to spend time with quality girl he met rather than take home some horny sloot
    - op is very happy about the above
    - op got kiss from quality girl at the end
    - op is meeting quality girl today

    Do this. Stop PMO and start your reboot process. It's so worth it.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2014
  2. Is this hard mode..? sounds awesome.
  3. Ghost.

    Ghost. Fapstronaut

    Yes it is.
  4. Claus

    Claus Fapstronaut

    Good job man! Im hoping to reap the benefits of quitting as well and have seen similar results after stopping. Keep it up
  5. Ur the man! Im going to prepare for my PMO free life right now! I found the most Epic 200 dollar silk party shirt and the awesomest pink leather shoes with spikes and the coolest black pants I have ever seeeeeen!! I ordered it all! Its gonna be a legendary NEW YEAR :D