Loneliness and helplessness

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by seagulls6878, Apr 17, 2019.

  1. HecTormoku

    HecTormoku Fapstronaut

    There is more joy than PMO, escorts or any other addiction can offer. I'm 26, and as you for a long time I had suicidal toughts. I wanted to reset my life by any means necessary because I expected things to get better to itselves, but they didn't. Everything just got worse. And I kept thinking there was something broken in me, something so twisted that I felt genuine hatred towards everyone, specially me. So yeah, I did give up on everything I recognised I'm the problem, but also that means I'm the solution.
    You may not be religious, I respect that, there is no worse way to meet God than having controling people on your sorroundings, I hated my parents for a long time until I understood they tried their best to rise me, and their vision didn't necessarely meant that all religion is like that. I found strenght in faith because I recognised this problem is bigger than me, but also really small for God.
    It is valid to think faith is all about a placebo effect or something else, but as a human we can't deny the importance to see the bigger picture in all of this. Is like that quote from a show called bojack horseman: “It takes time to realise how truly misserable we are, and it takes even longer to realise that it doesn't have to be this way. Only after you give up, you can begin to be happy".
    I send you my best wishes on this path, brother
    BlueBalls, seagulls6878 and CH3RRY like this.
  2. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Its been years of this bro.... I already pmo’d twice today. I quit drinking I quit drugs , why is this so hard
  3. HecTormoku

    HecTormoku Fapstronaut

    Because it isn't about PMO, it is about those feelings we've been avoiding for many years. There's a phrase in my country: “lo que se resiste persiste" what resists persists, and those feelings won't be clear until you stay away from everything that led you to PMO. We called it brain fog because it is hard to see anything when we're in it.
    Just remeber there aren't bad feelings, they're just symptoms of a theme on your life you haven't face yet.
    Everyday you have two choices:
    1) keep moving foward
    2) Death
    There is no middle choice rather than spending time trying to somehow flow with a slow death because that is the bs your brain feels more comfortable. But believe me when I say the same thing they tell in this site: recovery is always possible.
    You may not feeling this now, but please understand that you're never alone.
  4. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    I’m lonely man and I have pied. But the addiction has made my self esteem low and the desire to find a mate is gone.
  5. frogs2345

    frogs2345 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Is sex necessary for living? Do you need to procreate to survive? Looking for a mate is secondary to caring for yourself. Forget about your self esteem. If you don't like it, ignore it. You have gotten through 27 years worth of days with no problem, what makes any other day different? Don't listen to your inner voice telling you that you will fail; listen to your reasoning. If you think you can't beat this, you never will. So what your ding-dong doesn't work? At least you are alive and have food to eat. You are breathing and your heart is beating. If blood is rushing through your veins, then change can rush through your life. You have so much more strength than you realize right now. A mountain always looks tall from the bottom, but from the summit, you wonder what you were worried about at the bottom.
    HecTormoku and seagulls6878 like this.
  6. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    I keep teetering between fuck it and I wanna change. But yes once you’ve made it to the top your gonna look down and wonder why you stayed there. I know all good things take time. I sound kinda like eoore these days the character from whinnie Pooh.
  7. Fightyourlowerself

    Fightyourlowerself Fapstronaut

    Seagulla6878 - have you getting one?