Mindset change - Mindfulness

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by HappyCookie, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. HappyCookie

    HappyCookie Fapstronaut

    Why I feel more confident than ever on quitting porn.
    I tried couple of times to stop, always ended up relapsing.
    What changed is not my willpower, nor installing better apps to block p, nor starting exercising...
    What changed is my mindset on it, the way I looked at my addiction, and how it was impacting my life.

    It started not long ago, this feeling popped everytime I was smoking weed, I felt like it was the only moment I was truly in my body, truly awake, but that didn't make sense right? How can I feel more awake on weed, and braindead/autopilot the rest of the time?

    So I tried to understand the origin of that feeling, looked up articles and found out it was probably related to my habbits, how I treated my brain. So I tried removing one by one my addictions, started with gaming, took a long time, but I overcame it. (fuck yeah!)

    Life got better, the numbness got better, but it wasn't enough, I still had that feeling almost every time I smoked a joint.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like that, when I abuse porn (which has been constantly for 10y+), I never feel like I'm "there", I'm constantly on autopilot, and there are few moments where I feel awake, present in my body, aware of what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, of course you go back to porn, because you want to feel something, feel alive... and I've been on this endless shitty cycle for way too long.

    Well I'm 28y/o, I've lived most of my life on this disgusting numbness and I refuse to waste any more time living like this.
    I'm on day 7 of my new streak, focusing on mindfulness, and so far I feel less and less on autopilot, I feel more in control and it feels like the cloudiness in my brain is slowly fading away.
    Everytime I get the craving, it's much easier to fight it off than before. Because it became inacceptable for me to go back to being a zombie, life is just too short and I already wasted so much of it.

    Be strong guys, we're so much more than just zombies.
  2. HE^MAN

    HE^MAN Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Its good to know that you found the origin and now overcoming addictions.