Porn free through habit building

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Resolved Oregonian, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    Firstly I will say that you cannot go porn free simply by developing healthy habits, or creating "avoidance behaviors". Porn addiction/ viewing creates a complicated matrix of deep rooted interpersonal issues.

    Healthy habit formation is just 1 daily step that we all need to take in order to go porn free. But keep in mind there are 7 or so others resident within a daily recovery plan.

    That being said; I think the number 1 best habit for staying porn free is a strong morning routine.

    I wake up every morning and practice the same 6 habits before I do anything else: meditation,visualization, affirmation, writing, reading, and exercise.

    I wake up at 6am each day, and spend 10 minutes each doing 4 of them, and then 20 minutes doing exercise, and 20 minutes writing: broken down into 10 journaling, and 10 freestyle writing(poetic). I build a platform for success every single day before I even shower, have coffee, make breakfast, etc.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
  2. django.the.chainbreaker

    django.the.chainbreaker Fapstronaut

    Thank you. Helpful. Motivating. Inspiring. And most of all it's the damn truth.
    Resolved Oregonian likes this.
  3. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the reply and encouragement. We all share the same struggle, and are fighting for a unified cause. Let's do this together!
  4. django.the.chainbreaker

    django.the.chainbreaker Fapstronaut

    Yes sir I clicked that link too the book looks good man. Looks like the coauthor was the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Never finished that one but I should probably finish this one. Was just about to buy a book on Amazon today this is getting added to the cart now!
  5. django.the.chainbreaker

    django.the.chainbreaker Fapstronaut

    My bad the foreword is! I'm no avid reader my friend...
    Resolved Oregonian likes this.
  6. sunni123

    sunni123 Fapstronaut

    To respond to your shoutbox question, and post my reply on what you are talking about.

    My current daily routine is as follows. I'll just lay it out
    Monday-wake up at 8, eat breakfast, work with a client for an hour, I'm done at 10:30 am. Between 10:30 and when I leave to go to training so 4:30, I have a lot of time on my hands. Training at 5:15-8:00. Get home at 9. Eat dinner which is currently more take out play some LoL then go to bed.. If I have a date planned with a colleague of mine we get coffee and lunch, if not I usually go to my favorite restaurant and relax for an hour and eat. There's about 3-4 hours of downtime that I don't know how to fill.

    Tuesday's and Wednesday's are the same. Wake up at 6:30, eat, training at 7:45-9:30. Maybe team breakfast after. Usually 2-3 hours from 10:30-1:30 pm I have clients. Between 1:30-4:45 is my down time. 5:30-8:30 training. Repeat the night routine.

    Thursday's, 6:30, eat, 7:30-9:30 clients; 10-12 transit and physical therapy. 12-1 transit home. Now no training on Thursday nights but I do have my SLAA meeting at 8:15. Between 1-7:30pm.. if I am not meeting with my teammates, or have something social interactive or have work, I go home. Get home at 10:30 pm from Slaa, eat and sleep.

    Friday's same as tues and Weds but shorter window between trainings, I have therapy at 11-12:40 training at 4-6:30, so transit I leave at 3. Then I work 7:30-11:30 pm.

    That's essentially my daily routine. As you can see I have a lot of down time that I am not using correctly, and frankly, I don't know what I should do to fill in my down time with things.
  7. django.the.chainbreaker

    django.the.chainbreaker Fapstronaut

    That's so great sunni :D
  8. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    It's a great book my friend, I am reading it now! I have been practicing the principles, and it had helped galvanize my new daily routine. I am empowered and confident to build a successful life!
  9. django.the.chainbreaker

    django.the.chainbreaker Fapstronaut

    Sounds like a done deal. Your post sold me before I clicked the link. I didn't click the link the first time I was in this thread. I would never have decided to get this book without a recommendation first. I suppose we come across things when we need them most often times in life. I just can't live in the past anymore and this is a ray of light in the cold, damp, dark tunnel I'm walking down right now.
    Resolved Oregonian likes this.
  10. Jojo man

    Jojo man Fapstronaut

    Try meditation. There's a lot of things you can. Go window shopping meet people, go to the zoo, go to the park to meet people, workout, I mean the list is endless
  11. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the response @sunni123 , and that sounds like a busy schedule. Can tou tell me if you have a daily porn recovery plan that you follow?
  12. gwpgnberubah

    gwpgnberubah Fapstronaut

    >visualization, affirmation,

    I wonder what kind of visualization and affirmation that you do? And does it have any effect in your life?
  13. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    @gwpgnberubah , thanks for the inquiry! And yes, they both have a profound effect on my life. My visualization technique focuses on imagining success, prosperity, and goodness in my life asit pertains to my present and future. For example; I am in the running for a promotion at work, so I visualize myself having gotten that position, and functioning with those duties. This exercises the law of attraction, and "attracts" the success to me. It also helps grow my character and mindset toward becoming the person I need to be in order to fulfill that position.

    With affirmation, I have a couple pages of positive affirmations I read over myself every morning. Character attributes, success statements, positive mind frames, things like that. Again, the dpoken affirmations work to create that success in my life.