Pressure in my Forehead

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Walakia, May 8, 2014.

  1. Walakia

    Walakia Fapstronaut

    Starting at the beginning of this year, I had succeeded in not O'ing at all for three and a half months. I did edge on average 4 times per month.

    This is going to get a little strange but I'm telling the truth. Or maybe everyone feels this and I'm just not aware but here it is:

    Over the course of these months, I started noticing that after I edged my eyes got droopy and my head just felt generally weird. I remembered that similar symptoms would occur when I used to fap. As more time went on I was fapping much less than normal and when I did fap this weird feeling in my head would be much stronger. I could then pinpoint the location of this weird feeling and tell you more of what it felt like:
    A pressure right in between and a little up from my eyes. Almost like there is a ball with nerves in this point in my forehead being slightly squeezed, not so it hurts but just enough to feel the pressure.

    I became very very sensitive to this pressure. Whenever I even get aroused the pressure comes instantaneously and strongly. It then stays for a few days. Whenever I edge, the pressure is stronger and it stays for at least two weeks.

    When I say it stays, I mean that it's constantly there. All of the time. It doesn't go away. Only seems to fade a bit occasionally just because my mind isn't focused on it.

    You may want to ask: What does this pressure mean? or not but I'm going to tell you anyways.
    This pressure is related to the amount of emotions I feel. When the pressure is strong I feel nothing. When the pressure is gone I feel everything. The difference is absolutely drastic. Life is completely different.

    During the time I wasn't fapping a lot, I developed the ability to feel auras. An aura is like a field of emotional energy surrounding every person. The feeling of this energy depends on their current mood and general personality. Well I was able to feel each person's aura very strongly and I could even tell you what color each one reminded me of. I can go more into detail if you would like.

    I mention this because when the pressure is strong, I can't feel the aura of anything. If I try to, the pressure increases a lot. It's like the whatever is being pressurized is trying to work harder but can't and therefore is incurring more pressure.

    Anyways recently I have O'd twice and edged more. The pressure is insanely strong. It almost hurts and the area it is covering is bigger. It is always there and life is dull. I expect it to take at least three weeks of not failing for this pressure to lighten up enough to start feeling again and that's being optimistic.

    Does anyone relate to anything I said? Feedback now.
    Last edited: May 8, 2014
  2. Trebor9

    Trebor9 Guest

    Something seemingly completely out of context here,
    but how much water do you drink?

    Fapping/edging increases bloodflow, also to your brain. If you don't drink enough water your blood might not be as fluid as it should be, creating pressure in tiny blood vessels, such as in your brain. So try to drink more water (like real water, no soda or whatever), at least 2 litres a day.

    If that does not help, I would not know.
  3. Walakia

    Walakia Fapstronaut

    Thanks. I will definitely try this.

    Does nobody else get at least a feeling in their eyes/head after they fap where it feels all droopy or brain fogged?
  4. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Sorry for bumping such an old topic, but yes i get this too.
  5. sherif1987

    sherif1987 Fapstronaut

    Yes. Pressure in the head. I also have pressure in the throat/chest region generally. It sucks
  6. Did the pressure/tension start after trying to abstain or before u tried nofap?

    I have a stupid amount of automatic tension (no resistance to it) that started after nofap, especially in the forehead, face and jaw and especially when resting
  7. I had the droopy eyes symptom for a couple of years with a hazy vision after effect after a relapse. That’s also when my sensitivity to sound and light came too.

    But around the one month mark on this current run I have had on and off the pressure in head feeling. Around the forehead, temples, centre of head and even behind the eyes. It’s a wavy vice like feeling, I’ve sorta got used to it as I have had it on and for for over 200+ days. I don’t know what it is but it feels like something is being healed or at work or something.

    Funnily enough, the pressure would appear if I accidentally see a triggering bit of matierial on the internet like a pop up or an Instagram picture but it has now died down now, like my head knows it won’t get what it wants because of the pain of more suffering.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2018
    im_broken and Anonymous86 like this.
  8. Hardmode-Monk

    Hardmode-Monk Fapstronaut

    I get pressure in my head too. It gets worse when I run.
  9. Westsidejimmy

    Westsidejimmy Fapstronaut


    Mine was horrible. Still have a bit but it is subsiding.
  10. From a medical standpoint, it sounds like a cranial blood flow problem. Like what someone suggested before, maintain hydration. I would also suggest going to a doctor and asking for an MRI or CT scan, just to be safe. That way, at least if there's something actually physically wrong with your head you can fix it. If nothing appears on the scan, then you'd just have to solve it some other way.
  11. Westsidejimmy

    Westsidejimmy Fapstronaut


    But the other way to solve it is NoFap. I went thru all of this. My CTA came back negative on everything. Not even enough atherosclerosis to warrant any concern.