Relapsing aids in recovery?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by boyrose, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. boyrose

    boyrose Fapstronaut

    It seems the general rule of days that most people shoot for (to reboot) is 90 days. The reboot may take longer than that or it may be sooner for some people. But for us mortals, who are not yet able to do 90 consecutive days in a row; if we relapse about every 10 days, which comes to 3 times per month, we are still getting benefits of a reboot right?

    If relapsing is happening then it’s not as powerful of a reboot as someone who flat-out goes 90 consecutive days with no pmo.

    But the question is: are we still getting at least some benefits of a reboot if we unintentionally relapse every now and then. As the example above, if we relapse every 10 days (that means 9 clean days - and if one keeps on repeating that over and over; which means a lot less porn and masterbation) is the brain and body still benefiting?

    Kind of like working a muscle in the weight room, I must think that only masterbating 3 times per month (while not perfect) is still beneficial towards recovery. Relapsing is not good or ideal, but as long as we are working towards perfection of being done with PMO forever, then the brain is still getting at least some healing benefits right?

    Thoughts anyone?

  2. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    I would say so. But you have to be careful. I know myself it never is just "1 relapse after 10 days". If I relapse once I end up binging. I think lots of others are the same. Either way if you feel you are making progress you probably are. Keep going!
  3. Exactly once you get that week in it get easier(but still never underestimate enemy that has been defeating you for so long).
    Just keep going is really good advice, it doesn't matter if you relapse, but rather if you always keep going, eventually it's going to get easier.
    TimeToQuitNow and boyrose like this.