Science(BioChemical) aspect of Semen Retention

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Ajar, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    The endgame of all biology is reproduction. Even if the body is not building it as energy in some esoteric belief systems it still does require biosynthesis. In terms of biosynthesis it's not like fats, or protein, we are talking about a microorganism-like cell. It has a flagella for crying out loud. Not only that, it doesn't require simple building blocks, it requires trace metals, which are always in low concentrations in the body, yet the body decides to use these minerals in semen production. This is definitely an energy intensive process. This is cellular biosynthesis at a higher level. To be honest these minerals are also used in each and every cell in the body in order to supply energy production, for example, Kinases use Mg2+ a common trace mineral, Iron("hemo"globin), Zinc, etc. Its funny as alot of the trace minerals are actually used in sperm production. What's even more interesting is that the trace minerals are the ones that are used primarily in synthesis and degradation of digestive products and metabolites. B-12, vitamin c(oxidative scavenger), phosphorus(what makes adenosine triphosphate ATP- primary energy currency of body). Also how can we forget DNA, which uses Amino acids, Nitrogen, Phosphates, Ribose, which are really not light in terms of energy of production. You can literally find these facts in almost any book on biomedical nutrition. Let's also add that certain hormones must be synthesized, most commonly from cholesterol, which comes from vitamin d.Which also require a crap ton of energy, including photon capture(yes we are slightly photosynthetic).

    That being said, sex is good once in a while considering the amount of energy, and time the body puts into making this stuff, also considering in biology reproductive success "IS THE ONLY FACTOR SHOWING TRUE EVOLUTIONARY SUCCESS".

    Bu the way, I saw some people posting on Kinetic energy. In terms of biology. that literally ends up as heat. I dont even think that has any tangible bearing on biological process besides maintaining endothermic homeostasis in terms of body heat, also maintaining enzyme functionality through homeostasis regulation.

    I had posted this on another post, but I would like to see other views on this. Bring out all your journals and whatnot, lets go
  2. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Guys, think about what are the effects of neurotransmitters. They relay a chemical signal. What plays the biggest role in terms of energy relay? The nervous system. The nervous system uses electrical and chemical signals in order to receive information from sensory input as well as reply to external stimuli. My wonder has always been, how to conceptualize an orgasm.

    Our brain releases crazy amounts of neurotransmitters, and/or electrical impulses on any given day. The main component for muscle contraction is Ca2+. Which leaks from the sarcolasmic reticulum due to signals sent by the nervous system. So in terms of just using skeletal muscle(walk, run, lifting), Ca2+ is being released per contraction, and majority reabsorbed when the contractile signal is in its resting refractory phase.

    So we know that Ca2+ is released per individual nerve impulses per your mental impulse, and this causes muscular contraction.

    But now, imagine your aroused, that's constant Ca2+ influx for contraction of certain muscles for the entire duration of the erection. Can you even imagine the amount of chemical action going into this process? All of your baseline metabolic processes go into PNS(flight or fight system). I will go into PNS when I get time, just know that's the state is taxing as hell in terms of neurochemistry, biochemistry, and even muscle physiology. Your temperature goes up, pupil dilates, glucagon dumps sugar into your blood, airways open, digestive processes slow down. The system goes from energy in abundance to NEED ENERGY NOW mode. So just now that being aroused ain't no simple game.

    Next it is important to understand that these nervous pathways serving this function are constantly undergoing stimulation, even with one event the synaptic connections become alot stronger. Now just imagine thousands every minute. Imagine what happens when you edge.

    The good news is, just as we've strengthened those pathways, we can also weaken them, by controlling our minds. First of all it's pretty easy, because regardless we spend 80-90% of our day not activating the sexual pathways. If you can control your thoughts, this endeavour will become alot easier. See if you're more involved in a certain nervous pathway(looking at female bootie, looking at porn, etc), that pathway becomes more sensitive to stimuli, due to receptor upregulation. Therefore becomes easier to stimulate, or to activate that nervous path. At this point it won't take much thought or sensory input to get that mental process going. Which as we all know, is not good. Hence the nofap term "trigger".

    In contrast to that, say you control your thoughts, actions etc. over time, believe it or not the receptors will down regulate(lower receptor levels). When the receptors are less, it takes more neurotransmitter to activate that certain thought pattern or nervous pathway. This naturally has to happen over some time. So I presume baseline is maybe 1 year. And just to lower the urges based on this site, probably 40 days to just release alot of toxic thoughts. By day 80, you should be miles better than where you were, depending on how well you keep shooting down those dirty thoughts. You can still look at bootie, but dont let it sit in your thoughts because it's just not beneficial.

    None of our actions are wrong, instead see them as just obstacles that hold you back from reaching your full potential. We describe God, for those who believe, as ever loving. So I personally believe he himself/her self will never hurt you. It's our own actions that close us down. Chemical addiction whether to coffee, sugar, pornography, that's the real anchor in the deep ocean that we call "me". These things create dark emotions in us, they stop us from laughing. They give us a short burst of happiness only to take it back with interest. Release yourselves. If you have a dependency on chemical things like alcohol, cocaine, they literally by their very own chemical nature are the cause of all your pain and sadness. When the mind and body are happy, even day to day problems become a laugh.

    On a fun note, pornstars all require injections. By the rules of physiology, it is literally impossible to keep "going at it" for so long without chemical intervention. The muscles go through cycles, it's just not possible. Remember back when you used to edge. Edging is going as close to the limit as possible, right? Well why is there a limit in the first place?

    I can also explain pre-mature Ejac. Essentially you have too much receptors on the sexual pathway. This can cause easier build up of Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential(EPSP). This build up can increase the frequency of action potential, build up or higher frequency of action potential causes Orgasm.

    When you have too much receptors, its just easier to reach orgasm, simple as that. So the less you engage your mind, thoughts and actions with sex, the better for you in terms of endurance. That's how I believe it is supposed to be naturally.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
  3. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Top notch information,
    LetsBeLovely87 likes this.
  4. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Respectfully, this is incorrect. This is actually the opposite of how addiction changes the brain.

    When dopamine levels are chronically elevated repeatedly over time--when you're flooding your brain with way more dopamine than normal--the brain responds by down-regulating receptors in an attempt to find balance. This is why, over time, addicts require a more potent dose of their "drug" to get the same feeling--they have fewer receptors working, so they need to shove more dopamine into the ones they have. And eventually, those ones start to close down, too, until the addict reaches a point where they're no longer using to feel "high", but just to feel normal. It's also why addicts end up feeling apathetic, like they have no joy in their lives. Their dopamine systems are so down-regulated that the things they used to love no longer bring any pleasure.

    Conversely, abstaining from addictive behaviors slowly incentivizes the brain to up-regulate D2 receptors so it can make use of the lower levels of dopamine that are being produced.

    It's been said that addiction is "a gradual narrowing of the things that bring you joy," and that recovery is "the gradual expansion of things that bring you joy." That's always felt accurate and a bit profound to me.
  5. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Top notch! Knowledge is power day 500+ is deserved!
  6. big_boi

    big_boi Fapstronaut

    *insert "thank you" meme
    SuperFan likes this.
  7. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Thats only one aspect of it. Yes, high dopa surge, downregulation etc. But why? Whats the point of downregulation? Its a self preservative mechanism. What commonly happens to addicts neural pathways? It changes with addiction, neuroplasticity. Now when you have more neurons, linked and firing for a particular pathway overall, of course you will see downregulation if dopamine. Because dopamine itself doesnt cause pleasure, it allows the system to rewire and become more habituated towards that action. In other words, it helps amplify the rewarding behavior by making that system more efficent and sensitive to triggers, but only to a point. The system has become more efficient in a certain pathway, of course you will see downregulation. But the living specimen overall has only a limited capacity for ROS neutralization. Hence this downregulation is a self presevative mechanism. If you think about it, it sounds like the system is trying to increase surface area to be able to handle that huge surge in neuroactivity. More space, more surface area with less competituon for receptor activity, but in a more controlled format. In more severe cases of drug abuse, the neural capacity to neutralize ROS is diminished, neurons start to just die. Even with drugs like cocaine, it is established to increase reward system efficiency. That also plays into what you are saying, when someone stops with the stimuli, the brain re-adjusts. This is because the extra-stimuli has not been present, the pathway reduces in connection. But a portion may remain for some time, such as the case when you dont drink coffee for some time, then when you drink it, it feels like a breath of fresh air.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2024
  8. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Actually you got me thinking. If higher level of dopamine, from TV, foods, sensory stimuli constantly bombard us at all times, wouldnt this be the basis of why people are depressed? Get bored? Use drugs? Love caffeine? They are always trying to get that same level of stimuli, or something equal. The neural pathway remains understimulated. Does a life filled with all our pleasures, reduce our happiness? Weve created such a huge void within ourselves if thats the case. Of course anti-depressants are only like 50% effective accross a population, so the chemical means are not a full and final. So dopamine overload doesnt create depression, but causes, what scientist call, an 'affinity' or predisposition, and that makes it easier to get depression. A relative example, is if your family has hypertension. Of course with proper diet and exercise you can stop it altogether. It doesnt mean you will get it, but it is 'easier' for you to get, if you proceed into that type of lifestyle. I wonder if people who avoid hyperstimuli are more happy?
  9. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  10. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Oh, 100%, without a doubt. But PMO is particularly addicting because the brain is heightened during sexual arousal in a more intense way than it is with other stimuli--which is why sex is used to sell pretty much everything.

    But yes--to a large extent, super-intense video games, action movies that cut to a new shot every half-second, the endless novelty of scrolling social media, processed candy and other sweets ... they all act on the dopamine system in the same fundamental way. PMO just does it to a more intense degree.

    Lots of people have suggested "dopamine fasts" to help re-set the brain. How much the fasts make a difference, I'm not sure.