Sex scenes in movies/TV Shows

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Rohieth, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. Rohieth

    Rohieth Fapstronaut


    This issue has me troubled for a while now.

    I love movies. It's my favorite hobby/time pass. One of things that keeps me from watching movies are nude/sex scenes in movies. Because.. well, you all know why.

    My question is: how do you guys/girls handle this? Because I don't want to skip a good movie, just because it has a sex scene in it.

    I hope that you guys/girls understand, and can give me some advice. Because I have looked on the internet and there is apparently no one with the same problem as me.

    Please help.
    Navier, Strijder and Darren hutto like this.
  2. Darren hutto

    Darren hutto Fapstronaut

    Yeah man when I stop willpower pmo I love movies too the n I relapse I hate it
    Strijder likes this.
  3. Strijder

    Strijder Fapstronaut

    I think you can watch “normal” movies however it’s hard not to do something with it. Your mind will be all over the place like “wooh sex” continued with a dopamine rush. I still watch movies but it’s always harder to fall asleep after a light sexual scene.

    I think seeing this scenes in movies may delay recovery a bit but in the end you need to be able to handle these things too.
    Rohieth and Darren hutto like this.
  4. Strijder

    Strijder Fapstronaut

    That part is pure about being in control.
    koolpal and Darren hutto like this.
  5. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    I'm lucky I guess because I don't associate a sex/nude scene in a movie with PMO... probably because non of the other PMO factors are present e.g. dark room, genitals exposed, lubricant etc.

    That said I tend to fast forward the scene all the same!
    Rohieth likes this.
  6. Rohieth

    Rohieth Fapstronaut


    Yes, it's very difficult. Because when you've seen it and nothing happens afterwards. You think "hey, I can watch these movies without relapsing". Then, you watch another one and you're back were you started.

    Maybe it depends on how long you are doing NoFap??
  7. Rohieth

    Rohieth Fapstronaut

    I also don't associate it with PMO persé, but it's still a trigger. And I just wonder how people on NoFap experience this, because it's not straight up porn.
  8. Scofield13

    Scofield13 Fapstronaut

    Same problem too, at the beginning my advice is not to watch movies with too many sexual scenes (like american pie) and you're good
  9. Gratefulforchange

    Gratefulforchange Fapstronaut

    Everybody has this problem to some degree. I have it, you have it, and the guy just getting here today is gonna have it. What to do, what to do?
    For me, I realize that it is a fact that I will have triggers in daily life. Whether sex in movies, sexy commercial on tv, or a coworker that has the short skirt I have triggers in life. It is all about what energy I give those triggers. Do I really start soaking up the lustful feeling that may arise? Or do I thank the universe for my freedom and move on? To become free I must choose to move on every time. When I entertain lust/thinking about the sex scene it gains power over me. The longer I think about it, the worse off I will be.
    I tend to look away, change the channel for a minute or just hit the panic button if I Need to. I have to get that first thought replaced with a healthy thought. But remember, it’s about energy. We have all felt lust “gaining energy “ within us when we see that sex scene. I do my very best to let it go right away. Try an affirmation! Repeat as long as needed “I love my new life! I am happy, healthy and free”.
    Keep reaching out. You will love the changes you experience
    Strijder, koolpal and JohnJGill720 like this.
  10. koolpal

    koolpal Fapstronaut

    • I'd focus on the story, and see how the sex scene fits in it.
    • Look around the background in the scene, and look for hidden clues there.
    • Relax, calm down, and try not to fantasize taking an active part of the sex scene.
    Hope that helps.