Should i give in to porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    well if youre not that into it stopping is definitely the right thing to do man. no point going further down the rabbit hole and getting yourself hooked.

    before i realised that it made me numb to real girls, i somewhat 'enjoyed PMO'. I didn't really enjoy it, it was actually kinda boring to me, i didnt spend that much time doing it but what guy doesnt like seeing hot girls eh?

    well i didnt beat myself up over it either, which meant i could consume it with no negative feedback.

    now i wish i never started. but i've quit now and am happy that I have made this decision at 21 y/o. i realised i needed change when one of my housemates in second year came into my room constantly in barely any clothes and was suggestive, but i couldnt care less and wanted to just play video games lol. my morning wood and libido for real life girls was basically 0, although i didnt have PIED, it was fucked. at that point i realise i needed change.

    the others may enjoy it now but it is an illusion. there is no enjoyment in it man. stop now.
    SoccerDad likes this.
  2. Just Rose

    Just Rose Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You're welcome :) I have self confidence issues too so I understand you. I'm a girl btw :)
    SoccerDad likes this.
  3. HaydenK95

    HaydenK95 Fapstronaut

    Porn is not a one way street. It affects everyone differently. It might not make them feel bad now, but I promise you that one day they will be hit with shame, guilt, and regret. It was that way with me. It all came down at once and it was hell! I use to think this way as well. Well if everyone else is doing it, it cant be that bad right? Wrong! Stay strong!
    SoccerDad likes this.
  4. I listen to the joe rogan podcasts sometimes and he definitely watches porn and accepts it so welcomely. He says it is helping single horny guys or something.
  5. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    You sign up in a site called NoFap, a site about fighting PMO addiction, and ask if you should PMO. What do you think people is going to answer?

    It is like going to an AA meeting and ask if you should stop getting drunk.
    SoccerDad likes this.
  6. Well i knew what the answer was going to be i was just looking for extra advice and answers to my questions.
  7. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I am not going to tell you those weird things about the "magic of semen retention", but I am going to tell you there are much better ways to use your time and energy compared to sit in front of a screen and touch yourself.
  8. Bro i’ve known that for years. Then why do i keep doing it. Why don’t i remember how bad i felt after doing it before doing it again?
  9. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Probably because you have no other activities/reasons, or not enough activities/reasons, to spend your time and energy.
  10. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    I get it, peer pressure right?

    When I was a teen, everyone was smoking. Only they weren't. Just the group I was spending time with. Great people, but they influenced my smoking habit at the time.

    My suggestion would be to find other groups to hang out with. Even if that's out of school in a sports club or some hobby.

    The people around you do influence you to a certain degree. You don't have to ditch your current friends, you can just find a few extra ones who are more interested in healthier habits.
    SoccerDad likes this.
  11. I do tennis right now i also go to guitar after school. I hang out with friends a lot. Maybe i’m just not motivated enough.
  12. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Motivation is a rare thing these days. My streak initiated by my lack of motivation towards everything, even M, so not being motivated is not always bad.
    SoccerDad likes this.
  13. QuietKarma

    QuietKarma Fapstronaut

    You're young, you can do and be anything you want. Want to be a musician, athlete? Make a million dollars? Ten million dollars? A billion?

    There's nothing you can't do if you set your mind to it - because you haven't wasted the one resource we adults no longer have: time. One thing is for sure, you won't achieve anything substantial if you follow the group. Then you will live the rest of your life with pain and regret. This is exactly where most of your 'friends' will end up. Go ahead, follow the group if you wish.

    Be original, think big, and be ambitious.
    SoccerDad likes this.
  14. HaydenK95

    HaydenK95 Fapstronaut

    hmm..I might have to listen to it as well.