thank 1 again

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by jobbyj, Aug 29, 2017.

  1. hi all,

    its a bit strange to be grateful to be at day 1 again, i say this because i have been at day 1 many times...but i feel having now gotten into this forum, thought i could do it without, and having put together better steps - blockers with no password access, made myself accountable and have very solid reasons i need to stop this, i havent taken a spiral and feeling quite different than before when i lapsed.

    i have slapped myself, and shock myself a bit.....and feeling i need to just do it....and tighten up

    this forum, is helping me - the advise and comments and APs, thank you
    The_Drow and Third_Eye like this.
  2. MentalSamurai

    MentalSamurai Fapstronaut

    What's up dude, glad to hear you have a different outlook on relapsing. I relapsed yesterday after a 19 day streak and I feel neutral, at the end of the day we got this, day 1 turns into day 2 and further. No looking back.
  3. agreed, its all about to be pleased on the gains, and get back on it and not let the one relapse become 5 days of pmo

    good luck dude
    MentalSamurai likes this.
  4. MentalSamurai

    MentalSamurai Fapstronaut

    Thank you bro, I'd say if you can be active to get your mind off it because I've binged before and it feels right but it never is, good luck to you my dude!
  5. I have also been on day 1 many many times. I know it is hard when you realize you are at the beginning but don't hurt yourself, that is bad. I used to hurt myself after a relapse and now I realized it is bad because you lose hope and then you start thinking bad about yourself.
    First 3 days after a relapse can be very hard, but you must be SMART and THINK RATIONALLY. In this first 3 days masturbation and porn can be very appealing but you know that if you relapse you will feel like a shit afterwards. So is 5 sec of orgasm worth shitty-feeling afterwards?? No it isn't... This is what I mean about being smart. Think beforehand:)
    jobbyj likes this.
  6. ColdBrew

    ColdBrew Fapstronaut

    Tons of day 1s here. You have the right mindset to succeed.

    Failure helps us grow as a person. Its up to you to decide how you recover and move on after each failure. You're not going to sit around and feel sorry for yourself. You are going to use this moment to grow stronger. Learn from your mistakes. Remember what led you to this relapse and make sure to avoid this exact situation again.
    jobbyj and MentalSamurai like this.