The battle with porn addiction is a battle with your urges

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Quezatolah, Nov 26, 2021.

  1. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    If you become stronger than your urge, you win and you are free.

    However don't confuse this for only porn addiction, you have to overcome all your urges.

    I made this mistake of being laser focused on kicking the urge related to porn addiction while letting the urge to go on reddit or the urge to stay up late at night have free reign.

    Eventually allowing the urge to blossom in other areas had a spill over effect and I became so unstable I relapsed.

    Last night is when I realized this truth, I had continually failed to be in bed by 10pm, but last night I overcame the urge to keep looking at my phone, overcame the urge to not make my bed and brush my teeth.

    I was aware and concious of this urge which allowed me to do what I wanted to do.

    The urges you must overcome is more than just porn addiction, it could be anything, whatever you like to indulge in during your free time.

    Today marks day 1 of my new streak, last one was 84 days, and I'm stronger than ever, I won't be sucker punched this time by urges not related to porn addiction, they're all connected, different arms of the same body, different branches of the same tree.

    Be alert and kick its ass whenever it rears its ugly head, you got this.
    Jack55, wicket, im_done and 1 other person like this.
  2. goodtimesahead

    goodtimesahead Fapstronaut

    Its so true what you say. These urges are strong.
    Check messages, emails, stock prices, eat sugar treats, coffee, just urges all the time

    I need to be in bed by 10pm. And then there are no urges. If I stay up, then I get urges because of that new routine.
    Now that I'm fully aware of this, I'm gonna be ready
    wicket likes this.
  3. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Más de 80 días .... limpio .... vaya éxitos ....que bueno q te cientas fuerte esos son grandes beneficios
    Quezatolah and wicket like this.
  4. wicket

    wicket Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the heads up I believe what you say is true for me too
  5. Jack55

    Jack55 Fapstronaut

    Yes! I'm kicking caffeine, next will be sugar. The urge to do nothing but look at whatever on the internet is the strongest of all. I need to implement a consistent schedule of meditating, mewing, hygiene practices, doing the dishes or cleaning my room, going on walks, and working out.
    Tomorrow is day 1 semen retention for me.
    19Rd and Quezatolah like this.
  6. Bawa

    Bawa Fapstronaut

  7. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    @Bawa I fed my mind too much dopamine especially fear mongering which got me stressed to the point I was throwing up, and couldn't sleep, then in my physically weakened state the urge was able to swoop in and I wasn't able to put up much of a fight at that point.
  8. goodtimesahead

    goodtimesahead Fapstronaut

    I believe sugar is a huge problem. doesnt help with cravings. control sugar craving will help to develop control in other areas. i'm sure that it will help
    Jack55 likes this.