Why is good so weak compared to evil in real life?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Hero76, Sep 20, 2021.

  1. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    Great conversation going on here, some very thoughtful answers!
    I don't agree with your thesis, because I don't think that weak is the right word here.
    Being bullied a lot in school, having had selfish money-driven employers and lacking self-esteem for the bigger part of my life, I totally feel you and get why you would want to make that point. Destroying ones sandcastle for amusement is way easier than building your own.
    But all of those things made me who I am, a guy whos on a constant journey towards the light.
    And that brought me some powerful moments of pure joy alone by myself and with other beautiful and kind human beings, I doubt any bully or selfish and ignorant mofo will ever have. I pity them.
    Plus you'd be suprised how many people are good at heart if you get to know the person behind that mask we all carry.

    Keep on fighting for the good things, it is worth it :emoji_fist:
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  2. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    One word: Samsara
    skyrimfanpaul likes this.
  3. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Foĺlow some christian websites, it is explained there.
  4. skyrimfanpaul

    skyrimfanpaul Fapstronaut

    It's a big topic for debate / discussion. I read about living life like a warrior once, from the Toltec way of living as written by Theun Mares. he says we are part of something much greater. this planet is kinda like a training ground, we have to do our best. and treat people how we want to be treated. I know i don't want to be the person who shits on others to have the life that is full of material riches at the expense of losing my heart. There are psychopaths and sociopaths ; they are petty tyrants. and there are empaths; they feel how others are feelings. then there are people who are gonna go one way or the other but havent fully committed to one way or the other.

    Most people at least can sympathise and reason that treating people badly is unfair and wrong, even if it is just because they know they wouldnt want to betreated that way themself. just my two cents.
  5. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Just sharing The bible information, research further to verify yourself, why is there evil and suffering ? God created free will meaning man angels demons satan can choose to do good or evil, we see that some chooses to do evil some choose to do good, to love or to hate. Why free will ? Without it there can be no real love, God gave freewill, this is ultimate freedom. God told Adam and Eve that if they ate the forbidden fruit there would be suffering in the world, they chose to eat thus we have suffering and evil. All suffering injustice will be dealt with in heaven and hell, so this is not the only life, there is life after death. Only faith in Jesus can lead you to heaven, for we humans are all sinners, we break the rules,even people who claim that they are good enough for heaven break the rules, Jesus is the way the truth and the life, the only way to heaven.
  6. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Sometimes I think God gives us humans and angels and demons too much freedom, but like I said all evil and injustice will be dealt with in judgement day, no one can escape that day. Some evil are dealt with here for example think of evil people being shot dead.
  7. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    You have atheist who claim there is no God, no higher power, if this is the case, injustice and evil will not be dealt with, some will get away with this.
  8. skyrimfanpaul

    skyrimfanpaul Fapstronaut

    can't imagine the universe just being a big accident. everything had to be created by someone right.
  9. like2throw

    like2throw Fapstronaut

    You're making a HUGE generalisation that good people are pushovers and evil people are assertive. Untrue. I have met tons of good people who can stand their ground and likewise evil people who are gutless and certainly cant trample on anything
    skyrimfanpaul likes this.
  10. CastratedLegend1

    CastratedLegend1 Fapstronaut

    Humans aren't evil, the ideals are evil
  11. wicket

    wicket Fapstronaut

    All I know is evil wants me gone it has nothing to benefit me with like The Dark Side would rather have me cease to exist as experience tells me I only trust in The Force even if I am no Jedi warrior
  12. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Despite evil in the world we still see good in the world.
  13. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

  14. im_done

    im_done Fapstronaut

    I stopped striving to be a "good person". The only people I consciously look out for my family, few friends, and myself. When people say good, they really mean "giving me resources when convienient".
  15. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    It's because being "Good" isnt as rewarded as being "Evil", it's unfortunate fact that in matters of politics for instance, you get ahead more by selling out, than by sticking to your principles.

    But the real issue is in regards to punishing "Evil", Political Evil isnt properly punished, but Political Good is, so as a result we get the corruption of the regulatory enforcement class (Cops, military) in regards to public duty, such as use of excessive violence in response to protest movements like Yellow Vests.

    Good proof of this, is people saying on Cam, that they'd go to Yellow Vests protests if they knew some crazy cop wouldnt just show up and tear up on of their eyes.

    Worse part? It's the erosion of the value of "Trust", when Evil get away with bad things, people lose Trust, in the system's ability to defend their rights and interests and such become more prone to be sold on Fake News solutions like Great Reset, that are Ofc sponsored by the same evil people who got away with previous transgressions.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

  17. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Evil is not something that exists in the same way that something good exists. Evil is a void in existence, a privation of something good, and absence in either the moral or physical order. In the physical order, one might be born blind or deformed in some way or get injured in some other way later on in life. We would say there is a physical disorder (an evil of sorts, but not meaning a moral evil here). Similarly, if one is defective in character, possessing various vices and even intentionally so, the evil is in the privation of goodness in the person - the evil itself does not exist, per se; it is a moral privation in the person. Also, one cannot technically choose evil for its own sake. When acting evil, one is really choosing a lesser good amid a more eminent good choice, which becomes a disordered (morally evil) choice. Hence, sex itself is a good and necessary thing (such as for married love and procreation of children) and the associated sexual pleasure is also a good thing (to ensure the maintenance of the species), but if one chooses just the lesser good of pleasure alone, as in using another person or raping a woman or a child, that is a deviant and serious privation of the good - it is evil.

    Also, it doesn't follow that only evil people are highly respected, educated, rich, etc.; good people are respected, educated, and can be rich, too. If evil people are respected for anything, it is for the partial good they possess (education, riches, etc.), but not for their evil in and of itself. Who respects a coward, for instance? Good is stronger? - well, compared to what? We have already posited that evil is not a thing that exists, so good and evil are not comparable as far as existence goes. Good itself is strong - yes, indeed. Evil has no comparison here existentially. Yes, evil has no boundaries, morals, emotions, or empathy in a sense, because evil is not a thing that exists - it's a privation or void in good things that exist. There are limits to good things in existence. An apple has boundaries and can only go so far for whatever purpose we might impose on it - usually to be eaten. Hence, a privation of evil likewise cannot be limitless, since it can only be a void in a limited good thing that already exists. Hence, evil in an apple (like a worm causing it to rot in one portion) never exceeds the entire apple's boundaries itself - at worst, it can only consume the whole apple, but not exceed it. Evil is not limitless. For argument sake, whether or not one believes in a devil, even Satan himself, as an example, is a creature with angelic limitations and far from being infinite, as God himself would be, for instance. So, even in this example, the evil being is never understood as unlimited power and is also infinitely inferior than the being of infinite goodness - God. Humankind is not absolutely evil - if it were, it would not exist. Humanity may be greatly depraved in morality - but not completely so - there are virtuous human beings, too. Again, nature is something that is good - nature itself cannot be total evil in and of itself. Again, too, human nature might be fallen, but it is not completely depraved to the point of being totally evil. Suffering does possess a kind of evil in it - it's a privation of some good quality in whatever good is suffering a deprivation of being. Blindness can be a cause for suffering, so can paralysis, or birth defect, or being a victim of violence, but the subject who suffers is not morally evil because of their suffering. Sometimes suffering can even forge character and transform people into heroes or people who are eminently great examples of humanity to others. Sometimes, sometimes not. Some folks can take their suffering into greater moral evil of despair or cursing or hatred, etc. There is free choice. Suffering can be destructive, but it doesn't have to be. Humanity has shown many instances where suffering has redemptive value in the end.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2021
  18. Just because the world isn’t perfect doesn’t make it predominantly evil.

    It’s dangerous to assume everyone is suffering strictly because they are oppressed.