Why Kids-Anime have too much sexual scenes ?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Mr.Tony, Jun 17, 2021.

  1. I've been watching the very first Dragon Ball in German, It has a lot of sexual content, I had to hide it with my hand or turn my face.

    I feel sorry for kids who turn into perverts warching this...

    (( I watch anime only to train my listening skill in some languages, I like Video games and Anime and it seem productive to learn this way. ))
  2. Don't say how badly anime affected me when I was a kid. Really not healthy content for the children.
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  3. Yeah it's weird. I was watching this anime where this total perv got reincarnated into a fantasy world and spent his childhood look up 8 year old girls' skirts, stealing their underwear and all other kinds of disgusting stuff. I had to stop watching it. It was way too much. I couldn't believe that this kind of thing is allowed to air. Sexualizing children is not okay. Teaching kids to be sex-obsessed perverts is not ok.
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  4. I think the Japan culture has something to do with that, plus i've heard that many Japanese Young Men refused to have offsprings, and also the major population is based on Elder people and not the young ones, so I guess they made such Anime for people to make love and have kids. I might be wrong, But i'm totally against this whole mess.
  5. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

    This is gonna be another unpopular statement, but the number of good anime movies/ series can collectively be counted on one hand. Dragon Ball isn’t one of them. Even the less perverted anime are low quality, sensational, and poorly manufactured art.

    For every Seinfeld, there’s a million empty and far trashier slice-of-life unintelligent American sitcoms. For every Miyazaki film/ Akira, there’s a dumpster of anime.

    I rarely dip into it (again, I’ll go see a Studio Ghibli film or Akira if it’s playing) but it is a sludge genre and even the non-pervy anime films seem to wreck people’s ability to socialize healthily.
    Melkhiresa likes this.