180 Day Warrior Challenge (Updated)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by djmotion, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    Need your current streak before I can add you.
  2. Seb123

    Seb123 Fapstronaut

    Maybe you could plan things outdoors for the weekends?
  3. Euphorios

    Euphorios Fapstronaut

    Check in day 14. :)
    AliveAgain likes this.
  4. AliveAgain

    AliveAgain Fapstronaut

    Sgt. Wood's been saluting every morning. No urges otherwise.
    Pretty "neutral" week. A girl at office has been acting in a manner that suggests she is pretty interested in me. Sadly, I do not find her attractive at all, so am just going to ignore her beyond basic politeness. Feeling pretty annoyed at this, though, as this has been the story of my life. The girls I am interested in never seem to reciprocate (being a biased observer, I am discounting what my mind interprets as "mixed signals") and the ones that do in a rather obvious way never interest me a bit. Anyway, I have felt little love/attraction this week. Walked past my crush casually today without any "butterflies".

    Today, a colleage casually expressed a (unsolicited) negative opinion on a subjective aspect of one of my projects and I nearly snapped at her. Before nofap, I would have ignored the remark or even agreed for the sake of politeness. I am somehow feeling more "aggressive" these days. My mind is kind of looking for some challenge that it can absolutely crush. Things such as public speaking kind of "turn me on" now. It is difficult to explain, but I somehow feel "superior" in a non-arseholish way, as if I am the only "alpha male" in the room. I have not yet resumed my workout regimen post-nofap (too hot and humid here currently), but have since developed a new hobby with a potential passive income (stock photography).
    Seb123, P.S. Daniel and Dr Doom like this.
  5. Dr Doom

    Dr Doom Fapstronaut

    Totally agreed.

    When I was on Fap I had this feeling of being inferior to everyone. I never crossed the limits, never took risks and always tried to escape from guests that came to our house. But now after 47 days of NoFap, I'm agressive as a bull when someone raids it's back and have this feeling that I can even tear apart mountains with a punch. I no longer evade guests.

    In fact, in all my glory years I never ever was as much harassed as I been in this past week but in all my years I never ever had found SUCH a GLORY!
    To clarify, since age 12 I had difficulties talking to my relatives (especially my uncle) and I never ever had served any guest like treating them well and offering them coffee or hanging out with them but this past week I was called up to my uncles house because he had a lot of guests and needed a hand, so now on 47 day without NoFap, I took the challenge, I took risk, I placed in jeopardy.

    On first day I made a total fool out of myself because I couldn't speak naturally to guests, my hands were shaking when I was giving coffee mugs to guests and was pretty much harassed. But the important thing is I DIDN'T QUIT, I'm pretty sure if I was stil fapping I'd have just cussed at my uncle and left his house but I insisted that I would get better and as days went on I found myself enjoying serving guests, my experience was improving and I met a whole a lot of new people. And most importantly I COULD TALK WITH MY UNLCE WITHOUY ANY PROBLEMS!!

    Huge thanks NoFap.
    Seb123, P.S. Daniel and AliveAgain like this.
  6. P.S. Daniel

    P.S. Daniel Fapstronaut

    Checking in! I think I am entering in the flatline. I feel kind of neutre. I mean at least in y free time. When I am around people I can interact and emphtise with them, I can express my joy and I can feel their. But when I am alone I feel kind of nothing, not sad, not good it is ok. I guess that is the begginig of the flatline or maybe that is how it is manifesting for me. Anyway it is 100 times better than the time I was fapping. I would never trade what I have now for that addiction. I said it, I do it. It becomes better in terms of selfesteem and productivity and also in interacting with girls. Wish you to feel the life at its fullest potential.

    RBYG_flag likes this.
  7. ketone

    ketone Fapstronaut

    One week done. I have loads more energy now!!! I'm doing a lot of workouts during the week, and I'm trying to keep a clean diet (relatively good but always suffers when I smoke weed haha). With more energy comes more urges haha.
  8. NZT 48

    NZT 48 Fapstronaut

    Well fuck me... Reset my counter becuase I relapsed as of 18:00 19/09/2017 UK time. All was going perfect until today, when at work during a meeting a woman was rubbing against me by accident for 30 minutes intermittently. I tried to ignore it for the most part, but I ended up having to ask her to move a bit - but this was too late. After the meeting I knew I would struggle to get to the end of the day. I always seem to relapse whenever I have encountered a trigger eariler in the day. So it is only on the days that I go outside in close proximity to others that I end up messing up. As somebody once said, "the world won't stop for you or your addiction." So any tips?
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  9. Tonymonk

    Tonymonk Fapstronaut

  10. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Checking in.
    Boy that was a wonderful day. Grateful to have my gf and spending time with her and being productive with my thesis work.
    But boy some past shit has hit me straight in the face but I'm enduring it. I'm better than just relapsing because of it! I will kick this shit into it's f*cking balls!
    Stay strong men and women!

    All the best!
  11. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    You will come back stronger!
    Regarding tips:
    • Involve in forum interactions at the evening, seems to help me right now. Or straight up avoid any computer work etc.
    • Get your head off of these things and start some exercise.
    • Endure the urge until it goes away (ca. 10 min in my cases)
    • Go and have a cold shower, or a walk, if you get these urges.
    • Get in the habit of writing down things you are grateful for.
    • Make a definit decision about your life. YOU. ARE. STRONG!
    All the best! I hope it helps! Keep your spirit up!
    NZT 48 likes this.
  12. RBYG_flag

    RBYG_flag Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I release my energy at the gym during the weekend, it helps staying away from PMO
    Baldur likes this.
  13. RBYG_flag

    RBYG_flag Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    That's good it's gonna keep you on the streak for a while until the urges comes back. I had that back then! Use this period constructively!
    P.S. Daniel likes this.
  14. RBYG_flag

    RBYG_flag Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I don't understand she was rubbing you for 30 minutes! She was doing it by purpose because she wanted you or she was just too close to you? Well just tell her that you need space to concentrate or some like that!
    NZT 48 likes this.
  15. NZT 48

    NZT 48 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I don't use porn to masturbate that was the problem. I use the situation/trigger from eariler in the day. I already do cold shower, exercise etc. Everything is fine, and I never get urges ever UNTIL I get a trigger in real life.
    Baldur likes this.
  16. NZT 48

    NZT 48 Fapstronaut

    Well it was an accident because everybody was seated closely together. There was a man on my other side brushing me but obviously this posed no problem. I'm one of those 'hair trigger' people which is a bit annoying, because people do 'normal' things that fuck me up later.
    RBYG_flag likes this.
  17. Seb123

    Seb123 Fapstronaut

    Agreed:the exercising part of a gym is good, but the figure-hugging workout outfits:not so good!
    RBYG_flag likes this.
  18. Seb123

    Seb123 Fapstronaut

    Finding myself more aggressive too, especially with bad drivers. In the past, I would have avoided confrontations, now I want to tell people how I feel. Trying to control this as I think it would get me into trouble!
    AliveAgain likes this.
  19. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    I would say that is pretty advanced already. Not getting urges until getting triggered in real life and not doing it to porn. What I would suggest you to do is the next time something like this happens start a conversation with the girl. Who knows, you two might end up dating, or at the least have a decent conversation and a bit of fun.
    That way you will also get your mind off the hook.
    All the best!
    P.S. Daniel and NZT 48 like this.
  20. thelearner

    thelearner Fapstronaut

    Sadly I relapsed this morning, and now my two weeks streak is gone. Nevertheless I will make this day a productive one, because I can't let the PMO win. Hope you guys stay strong!
    Baldur likes this.