I want to fix my self and get girls now!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Joell Small, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. Joell Small

    Joell Small Fapstronaut

    I watched no porn or fapped for three days! Then I relapsed, still felt some energy but not a lot, then next day I relapsed felt empty, then I relapsed again a few minutes ago at night! What to do now? I feel weak and no energy! I feel less manly and I really want to pick up girls and do some productive work! How can I speed up this process? I am also taking magnesium and vitamin b6, vitamin b12, vitamin C(airborne), and vitamin d! How can I recover and fix my self! This time I really really want to not watch any porn or fap now! I want a real girl and I want to start becoming the important one! Please help me! What to do now?
  2. PainIsHilarious

    PainIsHilarious Fapstronaut

    First off change that attitude man. You ready are manly enough to get girls, just go out an do it. Yeah, you're going to get rejected at first, but hey, that's life. Second, start implementing the habits which will improve various aspects of your being. Simply not jacking off will not get you anywhere. Taking pills is a.good.first step, but are you doing other things to improve your health?

    Some habits you could try to add are working out, reading, meditation, etc.

    Just remember dude, it's all up to you to get girls, or any goak for that matter. You don't have to wait until you meet an invisible goal line. You are good enough now!
  3. There's a saying that can correlate to your case - "Don't waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden and butterflies will come."
    If you focus only and only on chasing women, in most of cases you'll struggle with your rebooting more than you think. Of course, i may be wrong, we're all different but i am only speaking from experience by other people.

    Basically you need to place a good foundation of reasons and facts why you must quit. Its about eliminating a bad habit, and generally improving yourself. Focus on your mental health, don't stress yourself over with women, because there will be days you'll feel great and there will be days you'll feel like piece of crap, and that might put you in huge depression cycle and might exhaust you.
    My advice would be for you to work on yourself (mending your garden) and i am definitely sure, women (butterflies) will come along !
    MrPrince, Hitto and TheBigBadWolf like this.
  4. TheBigBadWolf

    TheBigBadWolf Fapstronaut

    You have to just decide what you are gonna do. What type of person you are going to be. Are you going to be one who "tried his best" but consistently keeps relapsing and never improving his game with women. Or are you going to develop your confidence with women and stop this toxic cycle so you can be at your peak every single day. I have a brief "cheat sheet" that I used to develop my charisma and understanding with women in regards to romance, relationships, etc.

    1- Women want a man: I don't mean fixing the roof or replacing oil in a car necessarily. I mean are you comfortable in your skin? The fact that you are a man? You shouldn't be ashamed of being a man in fact you should embrace it. Masculine energy is all about Action and Challenge. In order to feel manlier you need to be able to take action when it comes to life challenges. The more you do this the better you will feel.

    2- Confidence is Key: If you are scared to look women in the eye and afraid of your own shadow then you need some inner confidence stat. Women aren't attracted to males who display weak, pussy-like behavior. If they likes pussies they would be lesbian and in that case you should move on from those girls. I don't mean be arrogant or run around stomping on other dudes like a brute. Confidence comes from inside, it's all about your mindset. If you believe you are a handsome, funny, cool guy then you will naturally start becoming congruent with that. If you believe that you are ugly, boring, and lame then you will reflect that as well.

    3- Go for girls "out of your league": Be honest with me, why go for a girl who is below a 5/10 on the looks scale to you? You should be going for girls above a 5 at least. There is an abundance of beautiful women out there and I guarantee you some of them like you. More of them will like you if you have the first 2 traits I mentioned earlier."She is to good for me wahhh wahhh!" Not only is no girl truly "out of your league" but girls are attracted to guys for different reasons primarily than guys are. Guys are attracted to women I would say due to, 70% looks: 30% personality. Girls are flipped from that. It doesn't mean don't try to look your best because looks do matter, they just are no where near as important as your self-confidence and persona.

    Those are things I kept reminding myself of everyday until I became who I wanted. I know you can do the same thing dude just force yourself to do it and keep working at it.

    Deleted Account and MrPrince like this.
  5. grantham99

    grantham99 Fapstronaut

    Women are not prizes for achievements. They are not objects that appear in abundance when you wish them to. They are human beings with their own goals, dreams, and lives.

    When you have taken control of your own life, when you have power over your own choices and respect the person you have become, people around you will notice. Some of these people will be women. And when you can talk to a woman with your head held high and an equal level of respect for yourself and for her, you might get what you seek.
    Hitto likes this.
  6. TheBigBadWolf

    TheBigBadWolf Fapstronaut

    Having an abundance mentality rather than a scarcity mindset is what I was promoting. Wanting to get better at meeting, seducing, and building relationships with women is not treating them like objects. In fact the more you learn about women's psychology the more you understand how important it is to listen and be supportive of their goals and dreams.

    "You might get what you seek?" That's not a good mentality to have when it comes to dating women.
  7. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    The answer is very simple yet much tougher to execute. Don't look at porn and don't fap.
    TheBigBadWolf likes this.
  8. grantham99

    grantham99 Fapstronaut

    In what way? He's seeking companionship, validation, connection. He will get that through respecting himself and others. Nothing controversial there.
    Hitto likes this.
  9. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    U only need will power bro
  10. TheBigBadWolf

    TheBigBadWolf Fapstronaut

    Again I am all aboard the polar express in regards to respecting yourself and others. I mean having a mindset of "maybe I can do this, maybe it will happen." is not the same as "I can do this, It will happen!" The latter leads to more successful results. "If you believe you can do something and have the courage to speak it, it will happen." -Conor McGregor

    grantham99 likes this.