Quit smoking

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Unvers, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Unvers

    Unvers Fapstronaut

    Hi all, I smoke few cigarettes per day, usually 2 or 3 but I am thinking about quitting, I use the nicotine as an antidepressant and smoke only when I feel depressed, I learned that nicotine is bad for anxiety because can exacerbate the symptoms but for depression the thing is much less clear and many say that smoking help they with their depression but my suspect is that depression is triggered istself by nicotine abstinence but I am not very convinced of this because I remember I had this moments of depression also when I was a nonsmoker, I am now thinking about quitting simultaneously a period of nofap because orgasm is for me a depressive thing and cause me to smoke more to compensate, the challenge is particularly hard also because my nofap would be a PMO nofap so the hardest mode, what is your relationship with nicotine smoke?
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2017
  2. @Unvers
    Awesome idea. Go for it. You can do it. :emoji_metal:
    Unvers likes this.
  3. Using a highly addictive substance that is full of bad chemicals and shortens your lifespan greatly and cause multiple chronic conditions is probably not the best way to treat depression.

    Much as I hate pharmaceutical cos. you'd be better off taking Chantix or whatever that smoking cessation drug is. I believe it's also prescribed for depression/anxiety.
    Unvers and AM141 like this.
  4. Unvers

    Unvers Fapstronaut

    I have the nicotine gum but my goal is to became indipendent of the substance indipendently if smoked or chewed, I am curious to discover if these moments of depression would be present even without nicotine dependency, if they are here also if I don't smoke I will consider if restart smoking, it will be a nofap of smoking with a date of start and finish.

    It is true that smoking is bad but also depression is bad for health, I read that aside the risk of suicide there is a twofold risk of cardiovascular diseases, at least with smoke you feel better even if you poison yourself.
  5. It does not help expression. It simply provides a way to not deal with stress just like PMO does.

    I smoke a pack a day from 16 to 30. Was depressed several times even while smoking.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    Smoking doesn't actually help with depression. Just like porn doesn't help with depression.

    When you're depressed your brain is getting very little dopamine. So you try to self medicate, you do activities that will give your brain dopamine so that you feel better. Like watching porn, binge eating food, smoking cigerettes. They make you feel better temporarily but they don't solve the underlying problem.

    Continuing to do activities like watching porn, binge eating and smoking will make you feel better whilst you're doing them but they actually just make the problem worse. You're giving your brain dopamine and then when you try to stop you just feel even worse than when you started. Because now you have nothing to give you that dopamine. The only way back to getting better is to stop the self medicating and to face your problems head on. In time things will get better.
    Unvers likes this.
  7. Unvers

    Unvers Fapstronaut

    Ok, you convinced me, I will try nofap e nonicotine simultaneously.
    Deleted Account and AM141 like this.
  8. Nomenyeux

    Nomenyeux Fapstronaut

    Tobacco smone makes me horny. That's why I save it for the bar. I'll end up spooging myself before I hit the sheets.
  9. This_Is_Hard:)

    This_Is_Hard:) New Fapstronaut

    I have smoked for 14 years, last six was over a pack a day. I smoke more when I am alone or in a bad mood but usually chain smoke when I am depressed. I recently decided to quite smoking again to coincide with the start of NoFap and have been pretty successful so far. I usually try to quit smoking a few times a year and this is the first time I have gone cold turkey. For the first three days I had the worst depression I think I have ever had but it was manageable and went away. While I have failed the Nofap I am still going strong with not smoking.i did not go about the first few days in the best way possible as I isolated myself during a long weekend and binged Netflix. This would normally lead me to relapsing when I go back to work on Monday but this time it was a cake walk. Not sure if it was the NoFap that help but what ever it is I'll take it. 2-3 cigarettes a day is probably just as hard to quit as a pack so I wish you all the best and hope you quit before you catch up to me.
    Unvers likes this.
  10. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    Listen to music instead, or get
    Do a hobby, to get a kick. At least then you aren't harming your body
  11. Letstryit

    Letstryit New Fapstronaut

    Never chain your addictions if you must do two bad habits don’t join them bro your brain will be damaged by time and you well chain smoke to masturbate I’m 31 yrs old I were a chain smoker for the past 15 yrs I used to smoke about 3 packs per day with 20 cigs per pack used although to drugs some alcohol with Pmo every time I get drunk or stoned I watCh porn although I couldn’t masturbate without a cigarette for now I give up drugs smoking alcohol for 6+ months and Porn for 22 days and I still crave for alcohol and porn :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Debra Hall

    Debra Hall Fapstronaut

    Smoking is very bad habit and it also causes many uncured diseases.
  13. Supermarron

    Supermarron Fapstronaut

    Smoking tobacco just smokes your lungs