NoFap's Official No Stroke September 2014 Signups

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Administrator Account, Aug 30, 2014.

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  1. The-

    The- Fapstronaut

    Yep I'm in too.i want September to be my month of change and I want to tell myself I can stop again for 30 days. My longest streak was about 40 days
  2. maro

    maro Fapstronaut

    I am all in for a No PMO. September.
    I have been a PMO compulsive for more than 15 years. I tried the NO PMO challenge for August, and made it for 3weeks. (I stopped posting when I relapsed, so I did not change my tracker.)
    Breaking the cycle is not easy. But I am going to stand up, dust myself off, and face my inner bully, the one that has knocked me down so often. If you are religious, say a prayer for me. If you are not religious, send kind thoughts in my direction, and let me catch the next wave!
    We are connected. maro
  3. kaizensun

    kaizensun Fapstronaut

    Its not really about me wanting it anymore, I have to succeed in my life and porn and masturbation, orgasm are holding me way the fucking hell back, so I'm just gonna remove and forget about PMO all round and not lust over females either, I feel as if thats our real problem, Lust.
    I'll remove lust and become an independant person living my own successful life.
    End this now.
  4. spirit

    spirit New Fapstronaut

    I'm new here.
    Challenge accepted: no porn, no masturbation, for 90 days.
    I want to be a better man, not to lose energy, not to destroy my personality.
    I've been addicted to porn since I was 13. I have got big plans, and I don't want them being destroyed by this shit anymore. I hope taking this "official" challenge will help me at last.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014
  5. PsychicCharlie

    PsychicCharlie Fapstronaut

    Lets do this I'm not going to orgasm edge or anything like watching porn this is not "hard mode" this is BADASS mode.

    I want it to last 90 days but after that I want to never pmo again I hate it.

    My goals are to be the man I was supposed to be and not an unaware addict to internet and pornography like most teenagers most days, I want to show the world this addiction that is ruining lives but those people don't have the voice to speak up. I want to be able to talk out loud without the fear of being rejected.

    I have school in 2 days and I'm doing this to finally fight back and I want to make my grandma proud. Lets go, I ain't no pussy. Come on lads! I'm doing this for myself and the world around me, because porn is a major problem in our lives. We as humans deserve to SEE what we are doing to our bodies, we should be smart enough to see we are messing up our brains every single time we relapse. Porn is an addiction that slipped through the cracks push it away! I'm almost 14 I need to get rid of this.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014
  6. Yea... Im in, fuck I gotta do this!!!
  7. leemac93

    leemac93 Fapstronaut

    I'm down. I'm already at like 9 days again so if I do this whole month I will beat my personal best of 24 days by ALOT!
  8. Phoenix-free

    Phoenix-free Fapstronaut

    I'm 43 days clean and strong in hard mode. I haven't participated in one of these monthly challenges...mostly because I didn't understand last month how to "sign up" for it. So for the month of September, I'm going to continue my goal of no porn, no masturbation (not even edging...which I now think of as masturbating regardless of whether or not there's an orgasm), no orgasm. I'm giving up PMO for good, but my recovery is one day at a time. My counter currently shows 60 days. I need to see success on the horizon for my own motivational needs...having my counter on 90 days seems not doable. 17 more days doesn't seem so daunting (although when I began 17 days was way to far out first goal was 1 week).

    I'm leaving PMO behind because I have seen how it isolates me from the world...from satisfying relationships and activities. I'm much happier around people, and PMO is something I don't think I could ever do around people. There will come a time when I find the right woman and get married, that I will be able to express my sexual nature in a positive and healthy way...without PMO lurking in the shadows. I'm moving forward. I'm taking control of my life. I will live FREE!
  9. I am in again. Actually this will be the 4th abstinence and improvement period this year.
    Dear Universe, give me a September of freedom.
    I have several life goals and I am committed to reach them.
    My focus is on the things I really want to do
  10. Thrillhouse

    Thrillhouse New Fapstronaut

    My last fap was yesterday (31st), and I will attempt a NoFap period of 30 days or more.
    I'm doing this to test my willpower and to drive my desire for a real sexual relationship.
  11. goodfood

    goodfood New Fapstronaut

    First time doing this challenge. I want to get rid of PMO and be able to use that energy for something more positive and to improve myself. This September I want to be free.
  12. schnook

    schnook Fapstronaut

    In, on hard mode. No porn. No jacking. Actually, think quasi monk mode. No alcohol no sweets no caffeine. Should be good for weight loss, maybe 5 lbs in Sept.
  13. Sasuke Potter

    Sasuke Potter New Fapstronaut

    Count me in!

    I will take part in this NoFap September. I want to quit fapping!I will not masturbate, look at porn, nor edging! Don't worry, no girls like me!
  14. Erboinq

    Erboinq Fapstronaut

    July was a success.
    August was a success.
    September shall be a success as well.

    Full Hardmode. No M or P or O. I still don't feel like I'm back to being myself. There is still yet far to go. And I feel I need to stay strong now more than at any time so far on this journey.
  15. TurnAway

    TurnAway Fapstronaut

    Made it through August and it was awesome, looking forward to September!
  16. Anonymousbearcat31

    Anonymousbearcat31 Fapstronaut

    No stroke September, no sweat! I'm in to be at my current record of 26. A full month of no pmo before school bstarts again should help with focus a lot.
  17. aynrex

    aynrex New Fapstronaut

    Count me in to. I started the NoFap challenge a week ago. I really want to better my life and my relationship with my girlfriend. So no PMO in september.
  18. PepitoGrillo

    PepitoGrillo Fapstronaut

    I'm in!
    I just passed Abstain August and the 30-day mark, and I'm feeling wonderful :).
    My goal for this month is to deepen the knowledge about myself and the effects of compulsive fapping in the human brain. So, after discovering what NoFap can do in my life during this last month, I want to learn a bit more about the theoretical background of the addiction.
    I'll continue to pay attention to what my mind and emotions do to me when I feel the urges and thus, learn more about myself.

    As August, I'll avoid Masturbation (with or without Porn) but I'll allow occasional sex with my partner.

    Good luck, fapstronauts! :)
  19. milligant

    milligant Fapstronaut

    I'm in, I want to finish my goal of 150 days, Hard Mode (with a GF)
  20. StrugglingHand

    StrugglingHand Fapstronaut

    I'm in for Hard Mode.
    I'm 3 days into my first 30 day haul
    I'd like to gain more self control, and after nearly a week, with one non-PMO relapse, I am feeling like I've gained that a little already.
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