How to SPEED-UP (and GET THE BEST OUT OF) the RE-WIRING process, according to Science

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NeuroPlasticDray, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. NeuroPlasticDray

    NeuroPlasticDray Fapstronaut

    SPEED-UP (and GET THE BEST OUT OF) the RE-WIRING process, according to Science

    People don't change.

    This is a B.S. statement. People CAN change.

    I'm sure many of you have heard "You only have a certain number of brain cells, once you kill them, you can't get them back." That's what I grew up hearing at least.

    Thank God for education, or else I would still be believing that.

    It's called Neurogenesis, which literally translates to "birth of neurons". This is a lifelong process, otherwise, all of our neurons would die, and we'd be vegetables by age 30. Neurogenesis is the process behind the concept of Neuroplasticity, which promotes changes in the brain in order to adapt to the environment/ new situations, and to grow.

    This is why re-wiring works. Your brain has grown with porn, and has adapted to it as a source of pleasure/stimulation. Once PMO is out of the picture long enough, your brain will eventually have to rewire and make new neuronal connections to get its stimulation else-wear, preferably from real women :p

    Many of you fapstronauts already know this, but I had to summarize it to set up my next point: There are certain things one can do that would be benefit/ speed-up the re-wiring (Neurogenesis) process. Here are some things that help, and harm, the process. Please take the time to read this guys, it will make all the difference in the world, and has helped me tremendously.


    +++ NO PMO- Duh. When those new neurons are growing, and new connections are being made, it will be done without PMO.

    +++ EXERCISE (Cardio/ aerobic)- This is perhaps the most important way one can catalyze the re-wiring process. It has long been known how beneficial exercise is to the human brain; the benefits are infinite. Everyone here knows how good one feels after a workout, as the brain is producing more dopamine, serotonin, and other feel-good neurotransmitters. That's just in the short term. In the long term, chronic exercise transforms the brain like nothing else, and speeds up new neuronal growth much more than baseline. We must definitely make regular exercise an integral part of the re-wiring process. Also, improved blood flow to the extremities certainly helps things as well :cool:. (1)

    +++ REGULAR SLEEP- Impairment of sleep has been shown to negatively affect affect brain function and neurogenesis. This is probably another "duh" moment for many of you. (2)

    +++ GREEN TEA (EGCG)- EGCG, or epigallocatechin-3-gallate, is a compound found extensively in green tea. It has been shown to promote neurogenesis both by protecting neurons as an anti-oxidant (oxidative stress can kill neurons), and by stimulating the growth of new neurons. I can personally attest to this one; I feel a lot more sharp since I read this study, and started drinking a cup every day. I would recommend a cup of REAL Green Tea daily (steeped in boiling water from a baggie, none of that sugary, store-bought crap) to help out the re-wiring process. (3)

    +++ FASTING- I first learned about the benefits of fasting at university when I was studying Nutrition Science. Fasting is a long lost human trait (our ancestors didn't have food daily, but I won't get started on diet/ nutrition in this thread lol). The benefits of occasionally not eating are innumerable. Every single week, for one day, I eat absolutely nothing for 36 hours (Satruday night to Sunday morning). Nothing except water."You're crazy Dray! How am I supposed to live without my morning donuts???" Put that donut down buddy, and reap the benefits. Fasting puts the body in a protective state. Cells adapt and live longer. This especially applies to neurons, as the brain keeps them alive as long as possible, because it's in a "Oh shit, I need to find food!" state, and it will need all the possible brain power to find it (this is the evolutionary theory at least). I cannot even begin to tell you guys how clear and crisp my state of mind is when I fast. I actually look forward to it. Besides the mental benefits, fasting has a ton of other benefits, especially related to weight, blood sugar, insulin sensitivity, etc. (4)

    +++ LEARNING/READING/CONCENTRATING: Next to exercise, this is probably the other major contributor to new brain cell growth. I'm not going to cite a study for this because it's another "duh" moment. Concentrating and putting your brain to work will force it to grow and adapt. Read instead of watching TV. Do some Sudokus instead of twiddling your thumbs. Study hard in school. Learn to play an instrument. Play Chess. All of these things will increase neurogenesis, and maximize the re-wiring process.


    --- CAFFEINE: Sorry guys, but it's true. Too much coffee and caffeine, or any other stimulants, negatively impact neurogenesis (5)

    --- ALCOHOL: Too much alcohol will also block brain cell growth. (6)

    --- BEING SEDENTARY: A sedentary lifestyle or being a lazy bum. Why grow new brain cells when all you do is sit on your ass all day? That doesn't take any mental effort.

    Thanks for reading. I hope this helps some of you as much as it has helped me.







    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  2. Snigeb

    Snigeb Fapstronaut

    Good tips... I just caved today after 10 days.
    Coolyorky likes this.
  3. Man of Honor

    Man of Honor Fapstronaut

  4. Thank you! Well, most of the tips don't really surprise me ;-) But the GREEN TEA topic is really interesting.
    There's also cancer prevention reported to green tea, so it might be good idea to switch from coffee to green tea.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. I would like to add that also green tea contains caffeine. It's probably other ingredient which has positive effect on neurogenesis.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. IWantABetterLife22

    IWantABetterLife22 NoFap Moderator

    Thank you for providing sources!
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  7. NeedIntimacy245

    NeedIntimacy245 Fapstronaut

    Good tips, your definitely correct on the caffeine because it winds up the body (extra stress) which you do not need when your recovering.

    However, I disagree on the following
    1. exercise doesn't work for me it actually triggers me :confused:I prefer yoga and static stretching to improve bloodflow
    2. Fasting- what about intermitten fasting having periods each day of feeding and fasting
    more info: and
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  8. NeuroPlasticDray

    NeuroPlasticDray Fapstronaut

    Actually, too much caffeine has a negative effect on neurogenesis (check out the harmful part of my post), but green tea has so little (about 20ish mg per mug, vs 150-200mg for coffee), that it is insignificant. Too much caffeine would cancel out EGCG's effects.

    No problem! It's a habit that was drilled into me lol.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Heelhook

    Heelhook Fapstronaut

    nice nice keep them coming !
  10. NeuroPlasticDray

    NeuroPlasticDray Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys...

    So who's gonna join me and do a 24 hour fast this week and see how amazing you feel the next day?
    discovery and GettingAGrip like this.
  11. HispanicMON

    HispanicMON Fapstronaut

    wow, that was awesome.

    YOU even cited your work

  12. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Hehe, I'll join you... would like to know the complete rule set though. Water ok? Let's pick a day.
  13. NeuroPlasticDray

    NeuroPlasticDray Fapstronaut

    Need, any kind of fasting is better than none at all. Thanks for that link, that guy did a good job of touching on all the benefits... Seems he is more centered about the physical benefits. In terms of neurogenesis, the longer you go without food, the more the neurogenesis.

    Sweet, let's do it! I usually do Sundays (I can stay home and be lazy), but I have fam visiting and I must eat. I'm gonna do it Friday this week. Starting from..... Well.... Now lol. I will go until tomorrow night at this time.

    Yep no calorie fluids are allowed... Water, tea, etc.
    GettingAGrip likes this.
  14. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Ok awesome dude good luck! Unfortunately I'm not going to be joining you this friday, I'm playing in a tournament with my buddy and fasting will not help with competition. I'm thinking about sometime this week though... I usually don't get hungry during school hours or the morning. If you're up for another fasting session, you'll be more than welcome to join me. Good luck!
  15. Mystical•Citra

    Mystical•Citra Fapstronaut

    Awesome thread Beauty!
    I am going to start fasting one day a weak again now also, ive done it only a few times and noticed the benefits as far as clarity and that stuff! Good to know about the green tea, I've been doing matte teas occasionally but I think they are higher in caffeine than green tea. I like green tea anyways so, Thanks for the info!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Mystical•Citra

    Mystical•Citra Fapstronaut

    Ive also read in a lot of yoga books lately that fruit is great for neurogenesis too, but fruit is only to be eaten alone and 20 minutes before a meal or it ferments in your stomach and creates free radicals.
    Another tip is no honey heated above 104 degrees F, or it is toxic to your body and brain.

    So remember that when having your tea!
    Let it cool a bit first

    Heating honey- beware!

    Apis_mellifera_flyingAny good Ayurvedic cook book will mention that according to Ayurvedic dietary principles, honey should never be heated to above 40°C (104°F) such as by adding to hot drinks or baking. The typical explanation given is that honey digest slowly when cooked and the molecules become like glue, adhering to mucous membranes and clogging the body’s channels, producing toxins or ‘ama’. Charaka, the ancient sage of Ayurveda, wrote over 500 years ago that “nothing is so troublesome as ama caused by the improper intake of honey.” Indeed ‘ama‘, or undigested matter in the body, is considered to be the root cause of most ill health by Ayurveda. Many incompatible food combinations produce toxins, but heated honey is one of the most difficult forms to cleanse. Other explanations are that heating honey destroys the enzymes, or that it affects the minute amounts of wax found in the honey.
  17. jmark

    jmark Banned

    I like that the original poster mentioned fasting. The benefits of fasting cannot be overstated. Try a three-day fast and see the profound change with you. . .if not spiritually, at least physiologically, which is in itself amazing!
    discovery likes this.
  18. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    This is a brilliant post.
    I am known to always worry about rewiring.
    I'm gonna book mark this.
    One of the most positive posts I've ever read. Instills great hope in me
  19. Great articlke and comments! Actually there are a lot of things listed which we all know by common sense - like healthy food, sleep, exercising, concentration, yoga, fasting, meditation - but often these are neglected, although everybody knows by instinct that these are good.

    I want to emphasize that especially EXERCISING awakes your "body intelligence" (instincts) - meaning that you "instinctively know" what is good for you and what not.
  20. sanky186

    sanky186 Fapstronaut

    Fantastic.. i am planning to use all of the above to beat fap. Recently those leaked pics from the icloud. endned up downloading and seeing them. would that be a reset.. did not masturbate thou..